women's rights

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Saudi Woman Wears Miniskirt on Snapchat; Brouhaha Erupts
Saudi Police Arrest
Woman in Miniskirt Video

Saudi Police Arrest Woman in Miniskirt Video

She ignited a debate on Twitter after her post

(Newser) - Police in Saudi Arabia have arrested a young woman who wore a miniskirt in public and who had posted the video online, sparking an outcry from people who say she flagrantly violated the kingdom's conservative Islamic dress code. Saudi Arabia's state-run TV reported Tuesday that police in the...

Irish Girl Sent to Psych Ward After Trying to Get an Abortion

She and her mom thought they were traveling to Dublin for the procedure

(Newser) - When a girl in Ireland went with her mother to try to get an abortion last year, she was instead detained against her will in a psychiatric clinic. CNN reports that the girl, who is a minor, had said her pregnancy was making her suicidal. But instead of being granted...

Website Debuts to Help US Women Carry Out DIY Abortions

SASS counselors will help Americans who've decided to end pregnancies with drugs

(Newser) - A Dutch organization that advises women on reproductive rights has now launched a website to help US women terminate pregnancies on their own. The Guardian reports on the "Self-Managed Abortion: Safe and Supported" portal, or SASS , set up by Women Help Women . Through it, 23 trained counselors will answer...

A Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card for Rapists May Be Eliminated

Jordan's Article 308 allows rapists to marry victims to avoid jail time

(Newser) - Jordan's Cabinet took the first steps to undo a loophole protecting rapists on Sunday by revoking Article 308, a law that allows the criminals to escape punishment by marrying their victims and staying in that marriage for at least three years. Activists are celebrating this victory, with one calling...

Teen's Texts With Dad About Hijab Go Viral

Young Muslim woman shuts down critic

(Newser) - An exchange between a Muslim teenager in Pennsylvania and her father in Saudi Arabia has gone viral after it opened up an intimate window into the hijab debate. The teen, Lamyaa, was debating politics in a chat group when she was told by one stranger: "B---- shut up. You...

What to Expect During &#39;Day Without a Woman&#39;
What to Expect During
'Day Without a Woman'

What to Expect During 'Day Without a Woman'

Some schools are closing for Wednesday's protest

(Newser) - International Women's Day is March 8, and coinciding with the occasion this year is another event that's prompting some schools to close for the day. BuzzFeed reports that hundreds of teachers in North Carolina and Virginia indicated they'd be absent for Wednesday's "Day Without a...

Officials Face Backlash After Women's March Insults

Some described marchers as 'fat women walking'

(Newser) - More than 3 million women joined women's marches around the country and around the world on Sunday—and more than one elected official appears to have forgotten that women vote. In several states, lawmakers and other official faced angry backlashes after insulting marchers. A roundup:
  • Judge Bailey Moseley, who

Women&#39;s Marches Against Trump Held Worldwide
Women's Marches
Against Trump
Held Worldwide

Women's Marches Against Trump Held Worldwide

DC numbers could surpass those for inauguration

(Newser) - Donald Trump was the target of women's marches worldwide on the first full day of his presidency. As the pre-march rally kicked off in Washington, DC, where numbers might exceed those that turned out of Trump's inauguration, marches were already underway or over in cities including London, Prague,...

Women&#39;s Marches Will Be Held on All 7 Continents
Women's Marches Will Be
Held on All 7 Continents

Women's Marches Will Be Held on All 7 Continents

'Sister marches' planned in Kenya, New Zealand

(Newser) - On his first full-day in office, President Trump will get the message that "women's rights are human rights"—or that's the hope of some 400,000 people expected to attend the Women's March in Washington on Saturday. Here's what to know about the event:...

Women's Rights Advocates: Get Your IUDs Now, Before Trump

Amid fears of stripped reproductive rights, ObamaCare repeal, women look for long-term birth control

(Newser) - Donald Trump's statements on abortion caused no small outcry, and now some women worried about what reproductive health rights look like under a Trump administration are looking toward long-term contraception. The Washington Post reports there's been a recent uptick in various media—including Jezebel and Elle —and...

Couple Leaves Waitress 'Tip'— That Her Place Is in the Home

Woman in SC is single and 'humiliated'

(Newser) - A waitress in Greenville, SC, says she is "humiliated" and "heartbroken" by a handwritten "tip" she received, in lieu of a monetary tip, from a couple last week who scolded her for working outside the home, WIS-TV reports. After noting that she is a "good waitress"...

Women Seek Raises as Often as Men, but Get Rejected More

Sheryl Sandberg sees good news and bad news in new report

(Newser) - The most comprehensive review of women's roles in corporate America has a bleak bottom-line stat: Generally speaking, we remain about 100 years away from gender equality in the executive ranks, according to Women in the Workplace 2016 . It's "not just bad for women, it’s bad for...

Saudi Women Move to Dump Male Guardians

More than 14K women have signed petition so far

(Newser) - In Saudi Arabia, women are hamstrung from doing certain tasks many of us take for granted—including marrying and vacationing abroad—without permission from their male guardians. Now, more than 14,000 Saudi women are trying to change that with a petition to the government that they hope will put...

Egypt State TV to Female Hosts: Lose Weight or Lose Job

Women's rights groups are calling mandate sexist

(Newser) - Eight female TV hosts in Egypt have been suspended, and they've been given one month to win their jobs back—if they come back a few pounds lighter. Via the BBC , the Al-Yawm al-Sabi website reports the state-run Egyptian Radio and Television Union issued the slim-down mandate, though the...

Obama: It's Great Malia and Sasha Have a Feminist Dad

President makes plea for equal rights in 'Glamour' essay

(Newser) - President Obama wants you to know: He is a feminist and you should be, too. In an essay in Glamour magazine, Obama makes an impassioned appeal for women’s rights and calls on men to join the fight against sexism because “when everybody is equal, we are all more...

Actress's Apparent Tattoo Causes Uproar in Iran

Is it real? She's not saying

(Newser) - Iranian social media recently was consumed by two questions: Does Taraneh Alidoosti have a tattoo, and is she a feminist? To the latter, the 32-year-old "Natalie Portman of Iran" says via tweet , "Keep calm and YES I'm a feminist." But as for the tattoo, Alidoosti is...

Women Enter 1K-Year-Old Building for First Time

Mosque's wooden carvings, architecture have long enchanted its male worshippers

(Newser) - For the first time in its 1,000-year history, one of India's oldest mosques opened its doors to women. Thousands of Muslim women flocked to the religious site in Kerala on Sunday, reports the Times of India , making their way into the Thazhathangady Juma Masjid to view its historic...

For Minorities, 'Equal Pay Day' Is Months Away

August for some, November for others

(Newser) - Tuesday is Equal Pay Day, which represents how far into the year a woman must work to earn the same as a man in the previous year for a comparable job. Some related coverage:
  • On average, a woman makes 79 cents for every dollar a man makes, but Fast Company

Woman Sues Airline After Being Asked to Move Seats for Man

He said the Torah wouldn't allow him to sit next to a woman

(Newser) - An 81-year-old woman who escaped the Nazis in her youth is suing Israel's national airline after she was asked to switch seats because of her gender, the New York Times reports. "I’ve been around the world, and some guy can decide that I shouldn’t sit next...

Japan Supreme Court: Couple Must Use Same Surname

Women's rights activists say the rule is antiquated, discriminatory

(Newser) - Japan's Supreme Court issued a ruling Wednesday that maintains a longtime civil rule some say is unconstitutional and discriminatory: forcing married couples to officially choose one surname, the BBC reports. Presiding Justice Itsuro Terada said that the surname mandate wasn't discriminatory, since a couple could choose to use...

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