women's rights

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Rush Limbaugh Denies Sexism With Sexist Joke

He loves 'walking behind' the women's movement

(Newser) - Even when attempting to defend himself from accusations of sexism, Rush Limbaugh couldn't refrain from making a sexist joke. Rush talked to Fox and Friends host Gretchen Carlson about criticism he's faced since judging the Miss America pageant last week. He defended himself by saying he is "a huge...

Time to Drop-Kick the Dems, Ladies

Is the party prepared to get reelected without women?

(Newser) - House Democrats got their health care package through, but not before selling women down the river (again) by "restricting access to abortion in unprecedented ways," complains Kate Harding in Salon . The latest betrayal is just more evidence that it's time for women to dump the Dems, "who...

Pulitzer Winner Nan Robertson Dead at 83
Pulitzer Winner
Nan Robertson Dead at 83

Pulitzer Winner Nan Robertson Dead at 83

She wrote of her own battle with toxic shock syndrome

(Newser) - Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter Nan Robertson died yesterday at 83, apparently of heart disease. Robertson is best known for a vivid recounting of her battle with toxic shock syndrome in the Times Magazine, which netted her the Pulitzer in 1983, and The Girls in the Balcony, a book...

Strip Clubs, Lap Dances Part of Corporate Life in UK

Report finds widespread use of strip clubs for entertaining is 'threatening equality'

(Newser) - The sex industry has become a mainstream part of corporate culture in Britain and is damaging workplace equality, a report from a  women's group finds. Researchers found that many firms authorize the use of expense accounts for entertaining clients in lap dancing and strip clubs, and that most strip clubs...

Sudan Woman Tried for Pants Gets Fined, Not Flogged

Lubna Hussein plans appeal to country's constitutional court

(Newser) - The Sudanese woman arrested in July for wearing pants has been fined around $200 but will not receive the 40 lashes once threatened, CNN reports. Lubna Hussein, an erstwhile UN worker who resigned in order to waive immunity and challenge her prosecution, says she will not pay the fine and...

Insurgents Reverse Afghan Women's Political Gains

(Newser) - Afghan women streamed to the ballot boxes five years ago, and in some districts female turnout was even higher than male. But the flood of women voters that delighted aid groups dried up this year, reports the Washington Post, and many of the segregated female polling stations had few if...

Mali's President Bails on Women's Rights Law

Protests force him to send it back for review

(Newser) - Mali's president says he won't sign a controversial new law that gives more rights to women, the BBC reports. President Amadou Toumani Toure says he supports the so-called family law, which Muslim leaders have denounced as the devil's work, but is sending it back to parliament for review. "I...

Afghan Elections a Setback for Women

Low female turnout could mean leaders even less responsive to women

(Newser) - For women, Afghanistan's recent elections appear to have been more of a setback than a step forward. Early reports strongly suggest that voter turnout fell more sharply for women than for men in last week's polls. Election observers blame Taliban attacks, a dearth of female election workers, and the closure...

It's Time to Start Taking Hillary Seriously

She's still trivialized as she fights to empower women

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s trip to Congo was meant to help fulfill a promise to focus on women’s issues, but it seems to have turned on one woman's issues. Though “there could have been no more dramatic setting,” writes Judith Warner in the New York Times, “back...

Thank Women for Iran's Revolution
 Thank Women for 
 Iran's Revolution 

Thank Women for Iran's Revolution

(Newser) - Americans like to thank Barack Obama or George Bush or even Twitter for Iran’s revolution, but the real movers and shakers are Iran’s women, writes Anne Applebaum in the Washington Post. They’ve spent years organizing and campaigning for equal rights, and their presence in the streets “...

Obama the Messiah Twists History
Obama the Messiah
Twists History

Obama the Messiah Twists History

Hovering from on high, he finds fault with US: Krauthammer

(Newser) - "He's sort of God," a Newsweek writer said of Barack Obama on MSNBC recently, which for Charles Krauthammer is only a mild overstatement of how the president sees himself: "hovering above mere mortals, mere country, to gaze benignly upon the darkling plain beneath him." In his...

Turkey Loses Milestone Gender Case
Turkey Loses Milestone Gender Case

Turkey Loses Milestone Gender Case

Domestic violence ruling marks women's rights breakthrough

(Newser) - Europe’s human rights court has ruled against Turkey in a key gender-discrimination case, holding that the country was too lenient toward a man who attacked his wife and killed his mother-in-law. The case marks the first time the Court of Human Rights has labeled such a case gender discrimination,...

Obama Deftly Makes Pitch for Muslim Women's Rights

(Newser) - President Obama skillfully made the case for women's rights in the Muslim world during his Cairo speech today with the help of the hijab, or head scarf, writes Tracy Clark-Flory in Salon. "I reject the view of some in the West that a woman who chooses to cover her...

'Candid' Laura Bush Tells Her Story

Met with historians to discuss her little-known legacy

(Newser) - Shortly before the election last November, Laura Bush sought to shape her somewhat hazy legacy. The former first lady spoke to historians, reporters, and other DC insiders in a 3-hour “legacy lunch,” at which she was called “candid,” “funny,” and “open” as she...

Women Candidates Shut Out of Iran's Presidential Race

Council chucks out applications from all 42 female hopefuls

(Newser) - Iran's vetting board has once again rejected every female candidate from the nation's upcoming presidential election, Time reports. Women made up almost a tenth of the 475 hopefuls who signed on. The rejection is widely blamed on the Guardian Council's interpretation of a word in Iran's constitution which they have...

Saudi Crackdown Sends Female Gym Rats to Sidelines

Religious leaders say sports are unfeminine

(Newser) - Though obesity and diabetes are on the rise in Saudi Arabia, officials there are cracking down on women-only sports clubs because they lack licenses—which no government body will actually issue. Leaders say their opposition is based on Islam, but, Caryle Murphy writes for GlobalPost, it stems as much from...

Lavish Wives Deserve a Slap: Saudi Judge

His comments are met with protest at domestic violence conference

(Newser) - A Saudi judge says women who spend lavishly on items like designer abayas (black gowns) deserve to be slapped by their husbands, Arab News reports. His comments at a domestic violence conference invoked loud protests from women in the audience. The judge also lamented that "nobody puts even a...

This Mother's Day, She's Likely at Work

Women take on role of breadwinner as 4 of 5 lost jobs hit men

(Newser) - She's chef, cheerleader, and Florence Nightengale to scraped knees, but with the economy stinking like a previously enjoyed diaper, Mom is more and more often also a family's breadwinner, reports NPR. As male-dominated industries hemorrhage jobs, 14% of working moms are taking second jobs, a survey suggests. The recession has...

Afghanistan Changing 'Legalized Rape' Law

Afghan prez says he hadn't been aware law was on the books

(Newser) - Afghanistan will revise a law that critics say legalizes marital rape, President Hamid Karzai tells CNN. Karzai said he was unaware of the provision, part of a 270-page piece of legislation covering the country's 6 million Shiite Muslims. "Now I have instructed, in consultation with clergy of the country,...

Crowd Attacks Afghan Women Protesting New Marriage Laws

(Newser) - A group of some 1000 Afghans today swarmed a demonstration of 300 women in Kabul protesting a new conservative marriage law. The women were pelted with small stones as police struggled to keep the two groups apart. The law, passed last month, says a husband can demand sex from his...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>