Jeb Bush

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Bushes' Brother Act Goes Out With a Whimper
Bushes' Brother Act Goes Out With a Whimper

Bushes' Brother Act Goes Out With a Whimper

Lifelong rivalry leaves both siblings at loose ends: Weisberg

(Newser) - In perhaps the final chapter of their peculiar sibling rivalry, Jeb Bush's political aspirations lie smoldering in the ashes of his brother's disastrous presidency, Jacob Weisberg writes in the LA Times. "Jeb's position as favorite son rankled his brother," the Slate editor writes, and "George's mistakes have...

Ex-Gov Romney Butters Up Ex-Gov Bush
Ex-Gov Romney Butters Up Ex-Gov Bush

Ex-Gov Romney Butters Up Ex-Gov Bush

Despite refusal to endorse, Jeb looms large on Fla. sidelines

(Newser) - The president’s brother is no longer in office and says he’s staying neutral in Tuesday’s Florida primary, but that hasn’t kept Mitt Romney from hiring Jeb Bush’s staff members, running on his issues—and calling the former governor “quite a guy.” “I...

Plan to Save Everglades Sinking
Plan to Save Everglades Sinking

Plan to Save Everglades Sinking

Lack of cash hobbles four decade long effort

(Newser) - An $8 billion effort to reverse generations of destruction of Florida's Everglades is faltering because federal financing has slowed to a trickle. Despite a much-heralded bipartisan agreement in 2000, the 40-year project to save the subtropical marsh is already far behind schedule, and thousands of acres of wildlife habitat continue...

Staff Acquitted in Boot Camp Youth Death

Jury deems guards not responsible in case that scrapped Fla. system

(Newser) - In a case that led to reforms in the state's controversial juvenile justice system, eight former Florida boot camp workers were acquitted of manslaughter today in the death of a 14-year-old boy. "You kill a dog, you go to jail. You kill a little black boy and nothing happens,...

H.W.: Country May Be Feeling "Bush Fatigue"

Only thing holding back Jeb, pop says

(Newser) - "Bush Fatigue" may finally be hitting the nation, patriarch George H.W. told Larry King last night. King asked whether Bush Père bought into Mitt Romney's theory of 2008: that Jeb will sit out to avoid Bush-lash. "There's something to that—there might be a little Bush...

Stories 141 - 145 | << Prev