
17 Stories

Chinese Chess Champ Loses Crown Over Pooping Incident

Yan Chenglong, accused of cheating with anal beads, defecated in hotel tub

(Newser) - There's playing dirty, and then there's celebrating dirty, and allegations of both have gotten the newly crowned king of Chinese chess unceremoniously dethroned. As AFP reports, Yan Chenglong on Dec. 17 won the national title of "Xiangqi King," or king of Chinese chess, a hugely popular...

Keep an Eye Out for These Early Signs of Colon Cancer

Researchers pinpoint the signals to look for in disease seeing a rise among young adults

(Newser) - Colon cancer is on the rise among young adults, and the cases have been much more aggressive than they used to be. That's why scientists hope the public pays attention to info out of a new study from St. Louis' Washington University School of Medicine, which looked for early...

CDC Has Warning on Bacteria That Causes Diarrhea

More extensively drug-resistant Shigella infections are being reported

(Newser) - In 2015, 0% of Shigella infections reported to CDC were caused by extensively drug-resistant strains; in 2019, it was 0.4%. But last year, that figure jumped to 5%, an increase that triggered a Friday warning from the CDC. As CBS News reports, Shigella bacteria are the leading cause of...

NBC Slip 'N Slide Show in Limbo Over Diarrhea

Ultimate Slip 'N Slide has been halted indefinitely

(Newser) - The debut of a slip 'n slide themed NBC game show is in limbo thanks to a very tiny menace with a big impact. Per People , "explosive diarrhea" on the set of Ultimate Slip 'N Slide delayed the show's debut, which was originally slated to happen...

Flood of New Illness Reports Hit Chipotle

But hey, there's free guacamole Tuesday!

(Newser) - Food safety concerns are once again plaguing Chipotle: Consumer complaints filed on IWasPoisoned.com —a website that tracks possible food poisoning cases and helped reveal a 2015 E. coli outbreak at Chipotle locations—suggest close to 200 people have fallen ill after eating at a Ohio restaurant, per Business...

Opioid Addicts Getting High on Diarrhea Meds—Fatally
Opioid Addicts Getting High on Diarrhea Meds—Fatally
in case you missed it

Opioid Addicts Getting High on Diarrhea Meds—Fatally

'As dumb and dangerous as it sounds'

(Newser) - In yet another sign that the US is facing a mounting opioid epidemic, people are trying to get high, or at least temper their opiate withdrawals, off an anti-diarrhea drug commonly sold under the brand name Imodium, reports NPR . In the journal Annals of Emergency Medicine , researchers note an uptick...

The Grossest Details From Illness-Plagued Cruise

Royal Caribbean passenger stories are seriously nasty

(Newser) - The official illness tally from the Royal Caribbean cruise ship that returned to New Jersey yesterday, two days ahead of schedule : 630 passengers and 54 employees. That's a 20-year cruise ship record, according to CDC data, and passengers tell CNN the true number is probably much higher, since some...

Probiotics Effective Against Diarrhea: Study

'Friendly' bacteria help ease stomachs

(Newser) - Probiotics seem to shorten the duration of diarrhea, a new analysis suggests. Researchers looked at the results of 65 studies involving probiotics—bacteria often used as a supplement in yogurt or other products—and found that they shortened the duration of diarrhea by an average of 25 hours. Patients on...

Cholera Kills Over 100 in Haiti

 Cholera Kills 138 in Haiti 

Cholera Kills 138 in Haiti

Outbreak sickens more than 1K lightning fast

(Newser) - A fast-moving outbreak of what officials believe is cholera has killed at least 138 people in central Haiti within 48 hours, and infected more than a thousand others. The outbreak, the first since January's earthquake, has overwhelmed public health facilities, the BBC reports. The infection, spread through contaminated food and...

Image Rehab: Appendix Is Good for Something After All

Long-neglected organ is far from useless, researchers say

(Newser) - The human appendix has been assumed to be useless since Charles Darwin first suggested it was a vestigial organ—an evolutionary remnant from the time when our predecessors ate leaves and other now-indigestible foods. But new research suggests the organ had a much more vital function, LiveScience reports. It stored...

WHO Sounds Alarm on Homeopathy

(Newser) - The World Health Organization has issued a warning against homeopathic treatments for TB and other life-threatening illnesses, reports the BBC. The organization issued the alert after pressure from a group of young researchers who complained that homeopathy was being promoted in poor countries as a treatment for TB, infant diarrhea,...

Single Pill Can Halt Diarrhea's Deadly Reign

(Newser) - Diarrhea kills 1.6 million children under 5 every year—more than AIDS or malaria—and gets a fraction of the funding. But a deceptively simple new treatment may mark a breakthrough, Time reports. Zinc supplements appear to dramatically decrease diarrhea-related deaths—one afflicted village in Mali hasn’t had...

Beach Sand Is Bad For You: Study

Contact with sand can increase risk of diarrhea, gastrointestinal sickening

(Newser) - Bird droppings, road runoff, and raw sewage are just some of the contaminants present at your local beach—and the reason playing in the sand could be hazardous to your health, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports. A new study, which assessed the health of more than 27,000 beach-goers over...

Patch Protects Travelers From Pesky Stomach Bugs

E. coli takes fewer tourists hostage with new development

(Newser) - Tourists could soon have a new accessory to add to travel-sized toothpaste tubes and electrical adapters: an anti-diarrhea patch. A new US study shows that travelers wearing a “transcutaneous immunization” patch, loaded with E. coli toxins, reliably protected wearers against diarrhea and vomiting, the BBC reports. Those who did...

45K Dying Each Month in Congo
45K Dying Each Month in Congo

45K Dying Each Month in Congo

Civil war's over, but disease, malnutrition keep killing

(Newser) - The civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo officially ended in 2002, but it's still killing 45,000 people a month, a new study concludes.  Malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia, and malnutrition caused by 10 years of conflict—not to mention continuing armed skirmishes in the east—have left 5....

Sugar Free but Not Danger Free
Sugar Free but Not Danger Free

Sugar Free but Not Danger Free

Gum with sorbitol can cause severe weight loss, stomach pain

(Newser) - Those who chew too much sugar-free gum may face stomach pain, diarrhea and rapid weight loss, researchers warn. The culprit is sorbitol, an artificial sweetener widely used in sugar-free foods. The chemical's graver side effects kicks in for those who chew about 20 sticks of gum a day, the BBC...

Docs Skimp on Kids' Health Care: Study

Pediatricians provide standard preventive care less than half time

(Newser) - American children are not getting adequate preventive care during most visits to their pediatrician, a new study has found. Doctors skip basic screening tests, weight and measurement checks and some standard care for conditions such as asthma, according to the findings in the New England Journal of Medicine. Children in...

17 Stories
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