sports doping

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Russia&#39;s Doping a &#39;State-Sanctioned Regime&#39;
 Russia's Doping a 
 'State-Sanctioned Regime' 

Russia's Doping a 'State-Sanctioned Regime'

Authors say country could be banned from next year's Rio Olympics

(Newser) - Russian athletes should be banned from the Rio Olympics and future track and field competitions, say authors of a scathing new report on the country's systematic doping program . The report, the result of a 10-month investigation from an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency, says top athletes, coaches,...

Whistleblower Exposes 'Dirty Secret' of Athletics

A third of winners had dodgy blood test results

(Newser) - A whistleblower has given the Sunday Times what the newspaper calls damning evidence of the "dirtiest secret" in sports: an astonishing amount of doping at the highest level of athletics (that's track and field). The leaker provided the Times and German broadcaster ARD with around 12,000 blood...

Athletes Find Drug Before It's Legally Available

And FG-4592 is surprisingly easy to get

(Newser) - It appears that cyclists have found an easy new way to get a performance-enhancing drug: just order it online from a chemical supply company. Two athletes were disciplined this month after testing positive for FG-4592—a drug that has yet to be approved for consumption, the New York Times reports....

Racewalking Revered in Russia, Riddled With Doping

Sport is taken very seriously in Russia, where racers are often booted

(Newser) - In Russia, Viktor Chegin is called "the father of all the victories," plans have been made to erect a "living memorial" to him, and he's been bestowed with the "Chevalier of the Order of Glory of Mordovia" honor. But Chegin isn't a war hero...

US Relay Team Stripped of Medals

Silver medals lost over Tyson Gay's doping case

(Newser) - The entire US men's sprint relay team was stripped of its silver medals from the 2012 London Olympics on Wednesday as a result of Tyson Gay's doping case . The International Olympic Committee notified the US Olympic Committee by letter that the 4x100 relay team has been disqualified and...

Report: Armstrong Trying to Roll Back Ban

But to get back into sports, he's got to play nice with anti-doping agency

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong, in possession of a mighty anti-Midas touch of late , would like to compete in high-level triathlons in his abundant spare time, it seems. But that pesky little lifetime ban from sports has forced him to turn to the arms of a longtime thorn in his side, reports the...

Report: Cycling Leaders Allowed Doping to Flourish

UCI needed a 'superstar,' let Armstrong dope, it says

(Newser) - Cycling officials let doping flourish and broke their own rules so Lance Armstrong could cheat his way to becoming the superstar the sport badly needed, according to a scathing report into its drug culture. The International Cycling Union was severely criticized for failing to act during the doping era dominated...

99% of Russian Athletes Are Doping: Report

Whistleblowers speak in German documentary, IAAF investigating

(Newser) - As if bribery allegations weren't enough, Russia has found itself in the center of a corruption and systematic doping scandal via a German documentary that claims up to 99% of Russian Olympic athletes are doping, the Guardian reports. Liliya Shobukhova, winner of the Chicago Marathon from 2009 to 2011,...

Sochi Olympics Has Its First Doping Case

Unidentified German athlete fails drug test

(Newser) - An unidentified German athlete has failed a drug test in the first announced doping case of the Sochi Olympics. The German Olympic Committee said today it had been notified by the IOC late yesterday that one of its athletes had tested positive on an "A'' sample. The backup...

A-Rod Loses Fight to Play Next Season

His suspension for doping is reduced, but it still covers all of 2014

(Newser) - A-Rod got a little relief from Major League Baseball, but only a little: His record 211-game suspension for doping has been reduced to a (still-record) 162 games. But the decision by arbitrator Fredric Horowitz still means that Rodriguez will have to sit out the entire 2014 season, without pay, including...

Steroids&#39; Benefits Could Ripple for Months, Years
Steroids' Benefits Could Ripple for Months, Years
Study Says

Steroids' Benefits Could Ripple for Months, Years

Current bans on athletes who test positive might not be enough

(Newser) - Steroids may give athletes a competitive edge way longer than previously thought—as long as their entire professional careers. A new study from Norway found that mice given steroids were able to regrow muscle mass more rapidly months after the drug was withdrawn. After three months "clean," the...

Armstrong, UK Times Settle Libel Suit

Ends 9-year legal battle over articles alleging doping

(Newser) - Britain's Sunday Times and Lance Armstrong have settled an almost decade-long legal battle over the disgraced cyclist's doping, the Times reports via a headline that proclaims Armstrong a "drug cheat." Terms of the deal are confidential, but the paper calls it a "mutually acceptable final...

Former NFL Players to Juice With HGH, for Science

League wants better handle on doping

(Newser) - In this case, the NFL will not only condone doping but actually supply the dope. A new plan calls for about 70 former players to take human growth hormone in a controlled study, reports USA Today . Another 30 or so will get a placebo, and researchers will keep a close...

A-Rod, MLB Working on Suspension Deal: Sources

He may now agree to settlement for lengthy suspension

(Newser) - Word from inside Major League Baseball is that Alex Rodriguez is facing a possible lifetime ban for his links to the Biogenesis performance-enhancing drug scandal , and the MLB has now begun negotiating a settlement with his legal team for a long suspension instead, ESPN and the New York Post report....

Source: A-Rod Could Be Looking at Lifetime Ban

Yankee seeking deal with MLB: report

(Newser) - After Ryan Braun received a suspension for his involvement in the Biogenesis clinic PED scandal , things are looking bleak for Yankee Alex Rodriguez. A-Rod's punishment could be far worse than Braun's, according to CBS New York : A baseball insider says he may face a lifetime ban. Indeed, sources...

Baseball MVP Braun Suspended for Doping

Will lose $3M sitting out rest of season

(Newser) - Former National League MVP Ryan Braun was suspended without pay for the rest of the season and the postseason today in the first penalty following Major League Baseball's investigation of a Florida clinic accused of distributing performance-enhancing drugs . Braun accepted the penalty. "I am not perfect. I realize...

Track and Field Might Be Doomed as a Sport
Track and Field Might Be Doomed as a Sport

Track and Field Might Be Doomed as a Sport

Critics: After more positive drugs tests, why should we trust anyone?

(Newser) - News that two of the world's top runners— American Tyson Gay and Jamaica's Asafa Powell—have tested positive for banned substances isn't just bad news for the sport. It might be fatal news for the sport, at least in the US, writes Philip Hersh at the Chicago ...

US Sprinter Tyson Gay Tests Positive for Drugs

Pulls out of world meet after banned substance turns up

(Newser) - American 100-meter record holder Tyson Gay tested positive for a banned substance and said he will pull out of the world championships next month in Moscow. Gay wouldn't reveal the substance in a phone conversation from Amsterdam today, but he said he was notified by the US Anti-Doping Agency...

Armstrong: 'Impossible' to Win Tour Without Doping

He says on eve of new race

(Newser) - With the 100th Tour de France set to begin, Lance Armstrong as good as called every previous winner a cheater. "It's impossible to win the Tour de France without doping because the tour is an endurance event where oxygen is decisive," he told France's La Monde,...

Miami Clinic Founder to Rat Out MLB Players: Sources

20 players could be suspended over ties

(Newser) - Around 20 MLB players—including stars Alex Rodriguez and Ryan Braun—could soon be suspended for their ties to the Miami clinic at the center of a long-brewing performance-enhancing drug scandal , inside sources tell ESPN's Outside the Lines . Clinic founder Tony Bosch is reported to have reached an agreement...

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