UN sanctions

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Iranian Official Balks at Start of 6-Nation Talks

Delegate promises 'no chance' of suspension of uranium enrichment

(Newser) - Tehran has ruled out freezing its uranium enrichment program, casting doubt over the value of talks between Iran and six world powers less than an hour after they started. The Geneva talks—with the US in attendance for the first time—had raised expectations of possible compromise on a formula...

So-Called 'New Powers' Are Acting Spineless
So-Called 'New Powers' Are Acting Spineless

So-Called 'New Powers' Are Acting Spineless

Time to show some leadership and stop coddling Mugabe

(Newser) - Critics of unchecked and amoral American power should be wary of prospective new world hegemons—especially China, Russia, and South Africa, Thomas Friedman warns in the New York Times. America's international popularity has plummeted under President Bush, but it's the more popular countries that have been acting unconscionably on the...

Bush Demands Action Against Zimbabwe

Calls election a 'sham,' orders sanctions; Rice vows UN resolution

(Newser) - Washington is seeking ways to punish Robert Mugabe for his violent "sham" of an election, President Bush said today. Bush has ordered Condoleezza Rice and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to work up sanctions against Zimbabwe, which ran a runoff ballot yesterday with Mugabe the sole candidate. Rice vowed to...

Low-Profile US-Iraq Pact Sparks Big Worries
Low-Profile US-Iraq Pact Sparks Big Worries

Low-Profile US-Iraq Pact Sparks Big Worries

Proposed agreement 'eerily resembles' disastrous 1930 Britain-Baghdad deal

(Newser) - The US is pressuring Iraq to sign off on a long-term security agreement that looks unfortunately similar to a disastrous 1930 pact between Iraq and Britain, and the new pact "could haunt Washington’s relations with Baghdad for years to come," historian and journalist Karl E. Meyer writes...

Iran Promises West 'Bloody Nose' Over Nuke Program

'The nation will slap you in the mouth,' Ahmadinejad warns

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad invoked some schoolyard rhetoric today, threatening the West with a "bloody nose" over ongoing criticism of Iran's uranium enrichment program, Reuters reports. "The Iranian nation will bloody the enemy's nose if they want to violate an iota of our rights" to nuclear technology, Ahmadinejad...

Iran's Latest Nuclear Moves Raise Hackles

France proposes tougher sanctions after 6K centrifuges added

(Newser) - Iran began installation today of 6,000 high-capacity centrifuges at its Natanz uranium-enrichment facility, Reuters reports. To the chagrin of Western powers, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad marked Iran’s “National Day of Nuclear Technology” with the announcement. The US said Iran’s move showed it was determined to disobey the...

'Mild' New Iran Sanctions Forged
'Mild' New Iran Sanctions Forged

'Mild' New Iran Sanctions Forged

Compromise reached on 3rd round to present united front to derail nukes

(Newser) - Six leading world powers have agreed on a draft United Nations resolution for a third round of sanctions against Iran that stop short of the punishing economic measures the US had advocated, the Los Angeles Times reports. The sanctions include some extension of travel and business bans—but in "...

Iran Sanctions Might Not be Working: GAO

With $20B in energy contracts, economic pressure easy to dodge

(Newser) - Sanctioning Iran may not have actually worked, the Government Accountability Office said yesterday, just as the US pushes for a fresh round of UN sanctions. Restrictions on state-owned banks are easy to circumvent, the report notes, and Iran has signed $20 billion in energy contracts since 2003. The “evidence...

Iran Plans 19 Nuke Plants
Iran Plans 19 Nuke Plants

Iran Plans 19 Nuke Plants

Rejects calls to drop uranium enrichment

(Newser) - Iran has dismissed calls to drop uranium enrichment and plans 19 new nuclear power plants, Reuters reports. "US officials have talked of negotiations" on the condition that Iran stop the enrichment, "but we do not accept any preconditions for talks," Iran's Foreign Minister said today. The UN...

Gulf Arabs Enjoy Iranian Thaw
Gulf Arabs Enjoy Iranian Thaw

Gulf Arabs Enjoy Iranian Thaw

Tehran gets trade partners; Arabs get peace of mind

(Newser) - Relations between the Sunni states in the Persian Gulf and the Shias in Iran were chilly before Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to power in 2005, and they became even frostier afterward. But  now the worm is beginning to turn—and former rivals are making nice. Burdened with UN sanctions and needing...

Iran Hardens Its Stance On Nukes
Iran Hardens
Its Stance
On Nukes

Iran Hardens Its Stance On Nukes

Talks with new rep 'a disaster'; more sanctions may follow

(Newser) - World powers began fleshing out possible out new sanctions against Iran today, a day after its new nuclear negotiator put up a defiant front. Representatives from the US, Russia, China, and other top nations met in Paris, but it will likely be weeks before any sanctions emerge. The meeting comes...

Iran Warns Against UN Sanctions
Iran Warns Against UN Sanctions

Iran Warns Against UN Sanctions

US, Europe allies call for penalties after inspectors' report

(Newser) - Iran warned today that UN sanctions might bring a halt to its cooperation with nuclear inspectors, Reuters reports. The warning comes a day after Britain, France, and Germany joined the US in calling for such sanctions because a report by international inspectors gave Tehran mixed marks on its openness. "...

Suu Kyi Rejects Conditions, Won't Meet Junta

Opposition leader rejects talk conditions

(Newser) - Aung San Suu Kyi will not meet with Burma's ruling junta, which insists that she soften her anti-regime position as a condition of scheduling talks. The opposition leader said in a statement today she will accept no conditions, the Guardian reports: “The success of a dialogue is based on...

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