
6 Stories

Fauci Baseball Card Smashes Sales Record

More than 51K were sold in 24 hours

(Newser) - Up for sale for 24 hours, Dr. Anthony Fauci's limited edition baseball card set "an all-time high print run record." Some 51,512 cards were sold for $9.99 each, according to Topps. The previous top-selling card featured Toronto Blue Jays third baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr.'...

Chelsea Clinton Quits NBC News

First Daughter says she's leaving for charity work, family

(Newser) - Chelsea Clinton is ditching her high-paid gig as a special correspondent for NBC News, People reports. The First Daughter says she'll continue her charity work with the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation as she and husband Marc Mezvinsky expect their first child. Clinton's upbeat NBC segments didn'...

Batboy With Down Syndrome Gets His Own Baseball Card

Topps grants the honor to Ted Kremer of Cincinnati

(Newser) - Ted Kremer served as a guest batboy for the Cincinnati Reds for only one day last year, but he still managed to earn himself a little piece of baseball history. Topps has featured the 30-year-old with Down Syndrome on an official MLB card, reports the Cincinnati Enquirer . It shows Kremer—...

Buzz Aldrin Sues Over Trading Card's Moon Image

He accuses Topps of unfairly profiting from his historic walk

(Newser) - Buzz Aldrin doesn't mess around with his image as a moon-walker. The second man to set foot up there is suing Topps over its "American Heroes" series of trading cards, which features an image of the big moment without permission, reports the Los Angeles Times . The astronaut's lawyers helpfully...

Topps Unveils Barack Obama Trading Cards

'Inaugural edition' set features 90 different photos of prez-elect

(Newser) - Barack Obama is not only about to ascend to the presidency, he's getting his very own trading cards, TMZ reports. Topps has 90 different "Inaugural Edition" cards with photos that document everything from his childhood in Hawaii to his acceptance speech in Chicago's Grant Park. They'll be sold in...

The Beef Stops Here, but Why?
The Beef Stops Here, but Why?

The Beef Stops Here, but Why?

Health agents ask why E. coli outbreak toppled Topps and led to huge recall

(Newser) - The latest E. coli outbreak, which toppled Topps Meat and led to millions of recalled burgers, has stumped health agents. Muckrakers blame feedlots and abattoirs, saying bad animal diets increase infections when the meat mingles with innards, but others aren't so worried: "The reality is if you cook the...

6 Stories
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