
Stories 61 - 72 | << Prev 

Sprint, Clearwire Network Deal Shelved

Collapsed deal heavy blow to Clearwire

(Newser) - An ambitious agreement between Sprint Nextel and Clearwire to built a nationwide WiMax wireless network, reaching 100 million people by late next year, is on the rocks, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal. The transaction apparently collapsed under the weight of its complexities, aggravated by Clearwire's larger-than-expected third-quarter losses and...

Google to Unveil Open-Source Phone Software

'Android' will bring familiar Google apps onto handsets

(Newser) - Google is set to unveil Android, a mobile phone software platform based on open-source technology which could be a bellwether for an industry sea change, news.com reports. A press conference next week is expected to unveil the platform and give specifics on its collaborators, dubbed the "Open Handset...

Sprint Profits Dive 77% As Subscribers Defect

Network loses most customers since Nextel merger

(Newser) - Sprint Nextel subscribers jumped ship this quarter, taking the stumbling wireless giant’s profits with them. Profit fell 77% this quarter, Bloomberg reports, as 337,000 contract customers departed, the biggest exodus since the Nextel merger. The company said it would miss its 10% growth goal next year. “Their...

Sprint Joins Verizon in Google Phone Talks

Long-rumored gPhone may be unveiled shortly

(Newser) - Following up on earlier reports that Google was in intense talks with Verizon about building a phone based on Google software, the Wall Street Journal reports that Sprint Nextel is also talking to the search giant. Google is expected to reveal its gPhone in the next two weeks, and a...

Dial in Style This Fall
Dial in Style This Fall

Dial in Style This Fall

You don't have to own an iPhone to hang with the handset in-crowd—just check out these babies

(Newser) - Don't let iPhone users have all the fun—other manufacturers are coming out with slick little products that have some nice features of their own.  PC World finds the top five worthy of your attention:
  1. Sprint Touch: Touch screen features give it an iPhone like feel—only simpler.
  2. Samsung

Interim Sprint Chief Aims to Refocus Brand

Beleaguered No. 3 must 'do fewer things very well' to stem declines

(Newser) - Last week's abrupt departure of Sprint's CEO capped the third-place company's struggles with its 2005 acquisition of Nextel, declining share price, and massive customer losses. Interim chief Paul Saleh tells the Washington Post he has a plan to get back to basics that he says will include rallying his workforce...

AT&amp;T Eases Its Contract Regs, Fees
AT&T Eases
Its Contract
Regs, Fees

AT&T Eases Its Contract Regs, Fees

Nation's biggest wireless provider follows Verizon's lead, pressuring the rest

(Newser) - Wireless giant AT&T is following Verizon Wireless in loosening restrictions on customers who leave or change their calling plans. Flat early termination fees will be pro-rated, and plan alterations won't result in contract renewals. The move will put pressure on beleaguered No. 3 provider Sprint, writes the Wall Street ...

Virgin Mobile USA IPO Disappoints
Virgin Mobile USA IPO Disappoints

Virgin Mobile USA IPO Disappoints

Shares trade just 5% above IPO price.

(Newser) - Virgin Mobile USA debuted on the stock market yesterday with disappointing results, according to the Wall Street Journal. Its closing price of $15.75, up 5% from the IPO, was at the low end of the $15-17 range predicted by deal manager Lehman Bros. Founding owners Virgin Group and Sprint...

Vonage Shares Soar 76% on Sprint Deal

$80M patent settlement licenses tech, curtails rising legal costs

(Newser) - Vonage shares saw their biggest-ever bump today, after the company announced it has settled its patent lawsuit with Sprint for $80 million. In addition to cutting its legal losses, Vonage gains a license to use the disputed tech. “It's good in that things could have gotten worse,” one...

Sprint CEO Gets the Sack
Sprint CEO
Gets the Sack

Sprint CEO Gets the Sack

Floundering wireless carrier to find replacement by December

(Newser) - Sprint CEO Gary Forsee is getting canned, the Wall Street Journal reports, as America’s number three carrier struggles to find an identity. Earlier this week activist investor Ralph Whitworth called for Forsee’s head, but it had been on the chopping block since August, Journal sources say. Sprint's net...

Activist Investor Amps Up for Sprint Fight

CEO slayer wants change at carrier

(Newser) - Ralph Whitworth isn’t happy with Sprint’s priorities or its management, and he’s one shareholder the wireless carrier can’t just laugh off. The principal of Relational Investors has parlayed small shares in Home Depot and Sovereign into the sacking of those corporations’ CEOs; now he says he’...

Vonage Guilty in Sprint Patent Suit
Vonage Guilty in Sprint Patent Suit

Vonage Guilty in Sprint Patent Suit

Net phone company faces second huge judgment against it this year

(Newser) - Vonage was found guilty of illegally using Sprint’s Internet phone patents, and now owes the carrier $69.5 million in damages, according to Dow Jones Newswires. More worrisome for Vonage is that an injunction could soon bar it from offering Net-based phone service altogether.

Stories 61 - 72 | << Prev