nuclear facilities

Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

N. Korea Suspends Nuclear Shutdown

Country threatens to restore weapons plant to working order

(Newser) - North Korea has halted the disablement of its nuclear facilities and says it may restore a reactor that can make material for atomic weapons, Reuters reports. Analysts say the move, which follows a visit to arch-enemy South Korea by pseudo-ally and Chinese President Hu Jintao, appears to be an effort...

Musharraf's Exit Leaves Alarming Power Vacuum
Musharraf's Exit Leaves Alarming Power Vacuum

Musharraf's Exit Leaves Alarming Power Vacuum

Washington frets as nuclear nation steps into unknown

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf was once Washington's most important ally in the Muslim world, but the general-turned-civilian president of Pakistan had become an increasingly unreliable partner in the combat against Taliban and al-Qaeda insurgents, writes the New York Times. Now that Musharraf has resigned, the US will have to work with Pakistan's...

French Energy Giant Drops Iran Gas Project

Bush victory as Total pulls investment in oil field development

(Newser) - French energy giant Total, the last major Western energy group that planned to invest in development of Iran's huge natural gas fields, is dropping out of the project, the Financial Times reports. The turnabout is a victory for the Bush administration's efforts to isolate Iran over its nuclear program; it's...

US Nuclear Deal Could Spell End for India's PM

Singh struggles to survive as Delhi seeks energy accord

(Newser) - India's government is approaching the breaking point over a proposed nuclear deal with the US, reports the New York Times. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is desperate to push through legislation that will let the US give India access to fuel and technology for nuclear plants. But the accord could cost...

Bush's North Korea Deal Is 'Total Intellectual Collapse'

Bolton: US caved to Kim in act of 'theater'

(Newser) - The latest US deal with North Korea—taking the North off its state terror list in exchange for a nuclear declaration—is a travesty and intellectual capitulation in pursuit of burnishing President Bush's legacy, former UN ambassador John Bolton writes in a predictably scathing piece in the Wall Street Journal....

US: Israeli Exercise Was Dry Run for Iran Strike

Israel 'ready' to hit Iran's nuke facilities if talks fail

(Newser) - A recent Israeli exercise looked to US officials very much like a rehearsal for a strike on Iran, the New York Times reports.  The Pentagon also believes the massive exercise in the first week of June, involving over a hundred fighter jets, was a message to the world that...

Amid Pressure, Helping Iran on Nuke Power More Popular

Diplomats, legislators back idea of international enrichment; Bush again lashes out

(Newser) - Even as US and European leaders warned today of new sanctions, a controversial plan to help Iran build an internationally run nuclear enrichment facility is gaining traction in Washington, the Boston Globe reports. The Bush administration rejected the proposal from MIT scientists 3 years ago, but now legislators from both...

UN Nuke Watchdog Accuses Iran of Hiding Data

Tehran says it has 'left no question unanswered'

(Newser) - The UN's nuclear watchdog blasted Tehran today for hiding data on its nuclear weapons program, BBC reports. The UN said Iran had blocked access to documents and experts while running 3,500 centrifuges, which can enrich uranium for nuclear weapons. Iran quickly vowed to keep enriching uranium and said it...

New Photos Reveal Secret Iran Missile Site

Tehran 5 years from long-range weapon, spy pics suggest

(Newser) - New satellite photographs reveal Iran's hastened production of long-range missiles, the Times of London reports, and in a previously unknown site capable of hitting Europe. Experts say an increasingly fractious Tehran looks to be about five years away from developing a ballistic missile—in line with the recent American intelligence...

Syria Rebuilds Mystery Structure
Syria Rebuilds Mystery Structure

Syria Rebuilds Mystery Structure

New building goes up on suspected nuclear site bombed by Israel

(Newser) - Syria appears to be rebuilding on the site of a suspected nuclear reactor Israeli bombers destroyed in September, the New York Times reports. The new building, shown in satellite photographs to have the same footprint, is not expected to be a reactor, but there are concerns that it could cover...

North Korea Still Balking Over Nuke Shutdown

Action slow until aid comes through: officials

(Newser) - North Korea is still dragging its feet in disabling its nuclear program, Reuters reports. The slowdown, which began last week, is due to delays in delivery of energy aid promised to North Korea as part of a deal reached earlier this year, authorities said. "We have no choice but...

North Korea Stalling on Nuke Deal
North Korea Stalling on Nuke Deal

North Korea Stalling on Nuke Deal

Nation refuses to remove nuke cooling tower before enjoying benefits

(Newser) - North Korea is balking at US demands that it demolish a cooling tower at its main nuclear complex and get rid of unused fuel, the AP reports. Officials insist they want the benefits from the next stage of the disarmament deal first. The US warns that North Korea could restart...

Hackers Breach Security at 2 US Nuclear Labs

Personal info exposed at Oak Ridge; damage unclear at Los Alamos

(Newser) - A US nuclear lab has been the target of a coordinated cyberattack that may have exposed the personal information of thousands of visitors, reports ABC News. Hackers broke into the nonclassified part of the computer system at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a research facility in Tennessee, and made over 1,...

Russia Rips US Missile Defense Offer
Russia Rips
US Missile
Defense Offer

Russia Rips US Missile Defense Offer

White House proposal is still 'unilateral,' says defense minister

(Newser) - American and Russian plans to collaborate on a missile defense program suffered another blow today as Russia's foreign minister blasted American offers as "a significant rollback" from earlier promises. US proposals amounted to a "unilateral" American effort that would seek help and information from Russia, and no more,...

US Places Diplomat in N. Korea
US Places Diplomat
in N. Korea

US Places Diplomat in N. Korea

First Pyongyang official lays groundwork for permanent presence

(Newser) - Washington has had a "permanent" diplomat stationed in Pyongyang since mid-month, a source tells the South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo, marking the first time a US official has been assigned full-time to North Korea. The move is seen as a precursor to possible normalization of relations between the US...

Holes Emerge in Secret US Shield of Pakistan Nukes

Pakistan refusing to share information

(Newser) - The US has secretly spent $100 million to safeguard Pakistan's nuclear weapons, but some officials fear protections may have been undermined by Pakistan's reluctance to share information. The aid, buried in a secret part of the budget, was intended to improve nuclear safety, reports the New York Times. But Pakistan...

US Team to Disable Nuke Plant
US Team to Disable Nuke Plant

US Team to Disable Nuke Plant

Disabling North Korea's nuclear complex at Yongbyon should take several months

(Newser) - A US team arrived in Pyongyang today and is to begin disabling North Korea's nuclear complex this week—a process which experts say will zap plutonium production for at least a year, but falls short of destruction. North Korea has agreed to abandon its nuclear program in exchange for 1...

Deal Struck, Kim Will Dismantle Nuke Plants

Pyongyang to detail activities; expected to get off US terror list

(Newser) - Kim Jong-Il has reportedly agreed in six-party talks to begin disabling his nuclear facilities and revealing program details. In return—though not part of the agreement—the US will fast-track North Korea's removal from its terrorism list. The terms show new flexibility from a waning Bush administration, as well as...

VP Mulled Israeli Strike on Iran
VP Mulled Israeli Strike on Iran

VP Mulled Israeli Strike on Iran

Israel would have bombed nuke facilities —and still might

(Newser) - Dick Cheney considered encouraging Israel to launch an air strike on Iran, Reuters reports,  citing a Newsweek claim that Cheney saw the strike as drawing retailation that would, in turn, draw the US into a war. Cheney adviser David Wurmser is said to have disclosed the discussions.

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