Wall Street Journal

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Wake Up, Obama; Iranian &#39;Barbarians&#39; Want Blood
 Wake Up, 
 Obama; Iranian 
 Want Blood 
Wall Street Journal

Wake Up, Obama; Iranian 'Barbarians' Want Blood

The Wall Street Journal thinks it's time to take Ahmadinejad seriously

(Newser) - George Orwell once remarked that seeing "what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." It's a struggle President Obama is failing when it comes to Iran, the editors at the Wall Street Journal opine in today's paper. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad this week dismissed...

WSJ Editor's Batman Tweet Stirs Angry Backlash

James Taranto makes controversial comment about Aurora shooting

(Newser) - A Wall Street Journal editor is in hot water after an "errant" tweet about the Dark Knight massacre. Referring to the three men who died shielding their girlfriends during the attack, James Taranto tweeted, "I hope the girls whose boyfriends died to save them were worthy of the...

News Corp Confirms It Will Split

Rupert Murdoch will chair both companies; investors celebrate

(Newser) - News Corp is confirming that the media behemoth will split in two, allowing its more profitable entertainment properties to break free of its less profitable publishing ones, reports the Wall Street Journal —which itself is on the publishing half of that divide. "We will wow the world as...

Obama's Iraq Nominee Withdraws Over Affair Emails

McGurk steps aside to avoid confirmation fight

(Newser) - President Obama's nominee for ambassador to Iraq has withdrawn his nomination amid controversy over his affair with a Wall Street Journal reporter . Brett McGurk said he was stepping aside because Iraq urgently needs a new ambassador. Six of the nine Republicans on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee wrote to...

WSJ Reporter Resigns Over Affair With Obama Nominee

Gina Chon shared information with Brett McGurk while he was security adviser in Iraq

(Newser) - A Wall Street Journal reporter has resigned after flirty emails were published online exposing an affair with an American official she was covering in Iraq. Gina Chon had a 2008 affair with Brett McGurk, who's currently President Obama's nominee for US ambassador to Iraq. Both McGurk and Chon...

'No Global Warming'? Critics Slam 2 Articles

Science scribes lambaste articles in the Wall Street Journal , Daily Mail

(Newser) - Science writers are in a tizzy over two articles this weekend that deny the existence of global warming. One, signed by 16 scientists in the Wall Street Journal , notes "the lack of global warming for well over 10 years now." It argues that a world economy unburdened by...

GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight
 GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight 

GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight

The 'Wall Street Journal' can't understand how this happened

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal is furious with the GOP over the way it has handled what it terms the “ payroll tax fiasco ” in a scathing editorial today. “How did the Republicans manage to lose the tax issue to Obama?” the editors marvel. “GOP leaders have somehow...

Obama &#39;Bolder, Better Than Expected&#39;
 Obama's Plan 
 'Bolder, Better 
 Than Expected' 
Jobs Speech Reax

Obama's Plan 'Bolder, Better Than Expected'

Pundits from left and right generally praise address

(Newser) - Pundits handed out good grades aplenty for President Obama's new jobs proposal last night, with generally positive feedback from liberals like Paul Krugman—but also from conservatives like David Frum and Andrew Sullivan.
  • Krugman writes in the New York Times that he was "favorably surprised by the new

Wall Street Journal Pans Romney&#39;s Job Plan
Wall Street Journal Pans Romney's Job Plan

Wall Street Journal Pans Romney's Job Plan

It's too timid, not conservative enough, editorial argues

(Newser) - Mitt Romney’s big list of 59 economic policy prescriptions is a swing and a miss, as far as the famously conservative editors of the Wall Street Journal are concerned. “We’ll say this for it: His ideas are better than President Obama’s,” the editors write. But...

WSJ: Our Murdoch Coverage Wasn't Good Enough

Was lax on owner, but says it's better now

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal did a lousy job of initially covering Rupert Murdoch's phone hacking scandal, admits the paper's special editorial committee. The paper was "slower than it should have been at the outset to pursue the phone-hacking scandal story" and failed to ask tough questions when...

WSJ: Stop Using Hacking Scandal to 'Assail' Us

'Ideological' competitors aim to spread blame

(Newser) - Those at the Wall Street Journal—and "thousands of other journalists"—don’t deserve to be implicated in a mess caused by a single British tabloid, write the editors of the Journal , whose own publisher, Les Hinton, recently stepped down amid the phone hacking scandal . In a lengthy...

Les Hinton, 'Wall Street Journal' Publisher and Dow Jones CEO, Resigns in Wake of Rupert Murdoch's Phone Hacking Scandal
WSJ Publisher, Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton Resigns
phone hacking scandal

WSJ Publisher, Dow Jones CEO Les Hinton Resigns

He's the latest casualty of Rupert Murdoch's phone hacking scandal

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch accepted the resignation of the Wall Street Journal's publisher today as the once-defiant media mogul struggles to control the escalating phone hacking scandal. The controversy claimed its first victim in the United States as Les Hinton, chief executive of the Murdoch-owned Dow Jones & co. and publisher...

Rupert Murdoch Interview: News Corp Chief Defends Handling of Scandal, Says Company Will Survive
 Murdoch: This Won't Sink Us 

Murdoch: This Won't Sink Us

He defends handling of scandal, says News Corp will survive

(Newser) - Even with the FBI and British parliament snooping around now, Rupert Murdoch thinks News Corp will come out of this phone hacking mess just fine, thank you very much. In an interview with the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal , he says the damage is "nothing that will not be recovered,...

Family Regrets Selling Wall Street Journal to Murdoch

Bancrofts: If we knew then what we know now ...

(Newser) - Members of the family that sold the Wall Street Journal to Rupert Murdoch have a whole new kind of seller's remorse. Some in the Bancroft family tell Pro Publica they never would have agreed to sell the newspaper to Murdoch in 2007 if they knew the scope of News...

Romney&#39;s ObamaCare Problem
 Romney's ObamaCare Problem 

Romney's ObamaCare Problem

He has to renounce it in today's speech, Wall Street Journal insists

(Newser) - In a major speech he'll deliver on health care today, Mitt Romney says he wants to repeal ObamaCare , but that’s not enough for the Wall Street Journal —it wants him to renounce RomneyCare, too. Romney is still calling the reform he enacted in Massachusetts a “success,...

Paul Ryan Unveils Massive Cuts in GOP Budget

At the same time, it would lower taxes on corporations, the rich

(Newser) - Republicans unveiled a bold 2012 budget proposal today that, architect Paul Ryan boasts in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, “moves the debate from billions in spending cuts to trillions.” Ryan’s budget comes in at $3.53 trillion , or $179 billion less than President Obama’s . But he...

Japan's Nuclear Crisis: Let's Not Freak Out
Let's Not Freak Out Over Japan's Nuclear Crisis 


Let's Not Freak Out Over Japan's Nuclear Crisis

It's far from another Chernobyl

(Newser) - America is positively freaking out over the state of Japan’s nuclear reactors, with some calling for a halt to the development of new nuclear plants. But that’s a wild overreaction, opines a Wall Street Journal editorial. The media’s done a poor job of putting the tragedy in...

Rabbis Urge Murdoch to Rein In Beck, Fox News

Coalition slams constant use of Holocaust, Nazi imagery

(Newser) - A coalition of 400 rabbis have had enough of Glenn Beck's use of Nazi and Holocaust imagery and attacks on George Soros . The group is urging Rupert Murdoch to sanction Beck and Fox News chief Roger Ailes. It has bought a full-page ad in one of Murdoch's own papers, the ...

What's on Palin's Nightstand? WSJ, CS Lewis, Runner's Tome

'I read everything,' says Sarah, still irked by Couric's question

(Newser) - Katie Couric taught Sarah Palin a very painful political lesson during the last presidential election: Don't look blank when an interviewer asks what you read. This time around, she was ready. She told Barbara Walters she's a big fan of the Wall Street Journal, Alaska newspapers because "that's where...

Palin Taunts Wall Street Journal Reporter

She reads the paper ... but its own journalists may not

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is the first to admit that Americans are "inordinately interested" in her reading habits, so here's a little clarification: She reads the Wall Street Journal. But, she writes on Facebook , one Journal reporter doesn't seem to do the same. The media clash began yesterday, when Sudeep Reddy...

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