Washington Post

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Trump Goes After Post Reporter in Photo Flap

Trump calls on Dave Weigel to be fired

(Newser) - President Trump is calling on the Washington Post to fire reporter Dave Weigel after Weigel tweeted out a photo that gave a false impression about crowd size at a recent rally. The trouble started early Saturday morning after Trump tweeted that the arena he had spoken in the night before...

WaPo: Behind Fake Roy Moore Story, Months of Deception

The paper tracks Jaime Phillips' activity since the summer

(Newser) - The Washington Post says it derailed Jaime Phillips' attempt to plant a fake story about her being impregnated by GOP Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore at age 15—but a different story about Phillips has made its way into the paper. In a lengthy piece, the Post alleges the...

Roy Moore Blasts 'Malicious'' Allegations

He got a standing ovation at his first rally since Nov. 16

(Newser) - Roy Moore doubled down on his denials of sexual misconduct at an Alabama rally Monday night—and received a standing ovation from a crowd of around 200 people. The Senate candidate, making his first public appearance since Nov. 16, likened the accusations against him to the Russia investigation and said...

Post Exposes New Moore 'Accuser' as Part of Sting

The Washington paper believes the woman was working with James O'Keefe's Project Veritas

(Newser) - Two weeks after the Washington Post published a bombshell story about Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore attempting to initiate sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32, the paper appears to have been the near-victim of an undercover sting operation by a right-wing organization. The Post reports...

'Anti-Semitic' Robocall Notes Roy Moore, Washington Post

'WaPo' denies involvement in bizarre scheme

(Newser) - An apparent robocall claiming to seek dirt on embattled Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore might actually be an attack against the newspaper that aired his dirty laundry. WKRG reports a pastor in Alabama received a voicemail Tuesday from a man claiming to be a Washington Post reporter looking for women...

Larry Flynt Will Pay $10M for Impeachment Dirt on Trump

'Hustler' publisher takes out full-page ad in 'Washington Post' looking for a 'smoking gun'

(Newser) - Pornography publisher Larry Flynt has apparently had it with the current administration and is offering "up to $10 million" to anyone who produces information that leads to President Trump's impeachment and removal from office, reports the AP . He lays out the offer in a full-page ad in the...

McCain to Congress: We're Not Trump's 'Subordinates'

'We answer to the American people,' senator says in call for compromise

(Newser) - Despite the troubling instances of white supremacy recently on display in the US, John McCain reminds us that we still remain a country with "shared values [that] define us more than our differences." And in an op-ed for the Washington Post , the Arizona senator implores the American people...

Trump&#39;s Attacks on Sessions Threaten Our Rule of Law
Ken Starr:
Trump Needs
a Lesson
From Nixon

Ken Starr: Trump Needs a Lesson From Nixon

'Profoundly misguided' attacks on Jeff Sessions threaten our rule of law, Starr writes

(Newser) - Kenneth Starr headed the investigation that ultimately led to President Bill Clinton's impeachment. That's an important fact to remember given that Starr says President Trump's recent attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions are "one of the most outrageous—and profoundly misguided—courses of presidential conduct I...

Trump Is 'Silencing Civil Servants, Stifling Science'

'Whistleblower' scientist says he was forced out of Interior Dept. role into 'ill-fitting' job

(Newser) - Joel Clement wants you to know he's not a member of the "deep state," or a representative of Big Government. Instead, call him "a scientist, a policy expert, a civil servant … a worried citizen"—and now, per his opinion piece Wednesday in the Washington ...

Newt: Media Missed Trump's 'Titanic' Foreign Policy Shift

Former speaker says Trump's speech in Saudi Arabia was unlike any before it

(Newser) - The media must have been otherwise occupied when President Trump gave a "historic speech" in Saudi Arabia this week, because they missed what Newt Gingrich writes in the Washington Post was the "real drama of the moment: a titanic shift in US foreign policy occurring right before their...

Washington Post Issues Bizarro Clarification on Sean Spicer

For the record, he wasn't in the bushes, he was 'among' them

(Newser) - The Washington Post is out with a clarification for the ages about Sean Spicer. Here it is in full:
  • "EDITOR'S NOTE: This story has been updated to more precisely describe White House press secretary Sean Spicer's location late Tuesday night in the minutes before he briefed reporters.

Washington Post Rolls Out Ominous New Slogan
Washington Post Rolls Out
Ominous New Slogan

Washington Post Rolls Out Ominous New Slogan

'Democracy Dies in Darkness'

(Newser) - The Washington Post has rolled out an ominous new slogan—"Democracy Dies in Darkness." The phrase, one of Bob Woodward's favorites, now appears under the paper's logo on its home page and might be introduced to the print version in the weeks to come. Shani George,...

Dear Trolls, That Wasn't Me at the Tillerson Hearing

Doris Truong of the Washington Post becomes victim of mistaken identity

(Newser) - A homepage editor for the Washington Post relays a crazy—and scary—tale of being caught up in a fast-moving case of mistaken identity online. As Doris Truong explains in the Post , it began when someone posted video of an Asian woman at the Rex Tillerson confirmation hearing on Wednesday...

This Is an Odd Way to Illustrate Story About Women

Male gender symbol used instead of female gender symbol

(Newser) - The Thursday edition of the Washington Post Express features a cover story on the upcoming Women's March on Washington, so obviously the magazine's cover features a group of people arranged into the...male gender symbol? Whoops. The Washingtonian reports Express followed a tweet of the original cover with...

McCain on Syria: Obama Did &#39;Nothing to Stop It&#39;

McCain on
Syria: Obama
Did 'Nothing
to Stop It'

McCain on Syria: Obama Did 'Nothing to Stop It'

'We must acknowledge the United States' complicity in this tragedy'

(Newser) - Syria has finally reclaimed Aleppo from rebels after four years of war, and as we reflect on the bloodshed and remember the dead, Sen. John McCain says there's one other thing at hand: "We must acknowledge the United States' complicity in this tragedy." In a Washington Post ...

Podesta: Fix the FBI, and Quickly
Fix the FBI,
and Quickly

Podesta: Fix the FBI, and Quickly

Clinton campaign chair calls out 'deeply broken' bureau in wake of Russia hacks

(Newser) - The chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign has taken a long look at the Russian hacking scandal and the FBI's role in dealing with it, and his conclusion in a Washington Post opinion piece on Thursday: The FBI needs a serious overhaul. And what took the entire situation...

'Nuts' Mich. Rep Turned Out to Be Spot-On About Election

Debbie Dingell says she warned Dems that Clinton was ignoring key group

(Newser) - "That's Debbie, it's hyperbole, she is nuts." That's the vibe Debbie Dingell, a Michigan Democrat who represents her state's 12th Congressional District, says she received throughout Election 2016, when she tried to warn her fellow Democrats that no, Hillary Clinton was not on an...

Desmond Tutu: I Want Option of Assisted Death
Desmond Tutu: I Want
Option of Assisted Death

Desmond Tutu: I Want Option of Assisted Death

'Dying people should have the right to choose,' writes archbishop

(Newser) - On the same day that 2016's Nobel Peace Prize winner was announced , another Nobel laureate is making headlines with an opinion piece in the Washington Post —on making peace with life's end. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the South African activist who for years fought tirelessly for civil rights,...

'He Will Never Be the Same': WaPo Reporter's Suit Against Iran

Jason Rezaian has filed complaint against Iran for trying to use him as pawn in nuke talks

(Newser) - Jason Rezaian has had time to decompress and re-acclimate to life in the US after being released from Iranian detention in January—and now he's ready to sue. The Washington Post journalist and his family filed a complaint Monday in DC's US District Court against the Iranian government,...

Women Drink Because of Sexism&mdash;or Not
Women Drink Because
of Sexism—or Not

Women Drink Because of Sexism—or Not

Ann Friedman ponders women's boozy side

(Newser) - A recent essay on Quartz by Kristi Coulter has been making waves on social media, with a (now-sober) Coulter saying she thinks 21st-century women guzzle too much hooch to forget about the sexist world we live in. Ann Friedman offers her own take, writing for the Washington Post that even...

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