Washington Post

Stories 221 - 222 | << Prev 

News Outlets Bid Up Search Word Prices

"Virgina Tech Shooting" peaked at $5 before dropping to six cents

(Newser) - Online news outlets, usually the ones selling sponsored links to advertisers, are also buying them, to compete for traffic, especially during major news events like the Virginia Tech massacre. From CNN to Fox to the New York Times, news organizations are bidding on Internet keywords at auction from search engines,...

The CEO of The Post Defends The Times in The Journal

Families that Stick Together Stay Together

(Newser) - Donald Graham is the CEO of the Washington Post Company. He is the scion of the Graham family, which controls the Post through a dual stock structure. He explains that a dual stock structure allows a founding family or a subsequent private purchaser to use a class of public stock...

Stories 221 - 222 | << Prev 
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