Yulia Tymoshenko

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Ukraine's Government Near Collapse
Ukraine's Government Near Collapse

Ukraine's Government Near Collapse

President accuses PM of 'constitutional coup' after Georgia discord

(Newser) - Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko today accused his prime minister of trying to stage a "constitutional coup" against him after her part—a key member of the ruling coalition—voted to lessen Yushchenko’s powers and boost hers, the Guardian reports. The parties fell out over Russia's invasion of Georgia,...

West to Put Screws to Russia
 West to Put Screws to Russia

West to Put Screws to Russia

New fury at Russia's formal recognition of breakaway states

(Newser) - The West is preparing to crank up diplomatic pressure on Russia after its challenging move formally recognizing breakaway Ossetia and Abkhazia in the wake of its invasion of Georgia. The US, Europe and NATO have condemned the action, but Russia remains defiant. "We are not afraid of anything, including...

Tymoshenko Elected Ukraine PM
Tymoshenko Elected Ukraine PM

Tymoshenko Elected Ukraine PM

On second try, Orange Revolution leader wins ballot by a whisker

(Newser) - Ukraine's parliament elected Orange Revolution leader Yulia Tymoshenko as prime minister today. The pro-Western leader and fiery orator won 226 votes, the exact number needed to take office, after coming up one vote short last week, Reuters reports. Tymoshenko promises to try to open Ukraine to the West and wants...

Tymoshenko Falls Short in Ukraine PM Bid

Orange leader accuses rivals of foul play after losing by 1 vote

(Newser) - Orange Revolution heroine Yulia Tymoshenko fell 1 vote short of regaining her old job as Ukrainian PM today in contentious balloting that saw deputies fighting and throwing water at each other, Reuters reports. Tymoshenko immediately accused her rivals of cheating, but they said her Orange coalition—which held just a...

'Orange' Leader Set to Become Ukrainian PM

Tymoshenko wins ex-rival's nod for job she lost in 2004

(Newser) - Two months after Ukraine's parliamentary elections and 3 years after she was sacked from the same job, Yulia Tymoshenko is expected to become prime minister on Tuesday, Reuters reports. Although a Russia-aligned party won the most seats in October's polling, the two pro-Western "Orange" parties form a larger, if...

Ukraine Prez Orders Recount as Both Sides Claim Victory

Tymoshenko still seems on course to be PM

(Newser) - Ukraine's parliamentary elections have come down the wire, with Yulia Tymoshenko vowing to form an Orange coalition government and the pro-Russian party insisting that it has won the poll. President Victor Yushchenko, who took office after 2004's Orange Revolution, ordered a recount of votes in the county's south and east—...

Orange Alliance Claims Win in Ukraine

Dynamic, pro-Western Yulia Tymoshenko leading close electon

(Newser) - Yulia Tymoshenko, former prime minister and tempestuous ally to Orange Revolution leader Victor Yushchenko, has claimed victory in yesterday's Ukrainian parliamentary election. In votes counted so far, she’s won 33.15% of the vote, to current PM Viktor Yanukovych’s 31.02%, and plans to form a coalition government...

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