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An Iconic Cell Phone Could Be Coming Back

New version of Nokia 3310 is rumored

(Newser) - Perhaps it isn't just flip phones that are making a comeback. HMD Global, the Finnish company that produces Nokia phones, reportedly hopes to make a splash in the tech world this month by reintroducing a model first presented in the Y2K era. VentureBeat reports the company plans to unveil...

Samsung: Here's Why Phones Caught Fire

Batteries were to blame, company says

(Newser) - One of the worst fiascos in smartphone history was caused not by faulty hardware or software, but by faulty batteries from two different manufacturers, Samsung says. In a Monday press conference in Seoul, the company said early Galaxy Note 7 fires were caused by ill-fitting battery components, the BBC reports....

Trump Forced to Give Up Phone
Trump Forced to
Give Up Phone

Trump Forced to Give Up Phone

His beloved Android reportedly replaced with secure device

(Newser) - Well, it appears the Secret Service has pried Donald Trump's beloved Android phone from his tweeting fingers. An unidentified friend of Trump's tells the AP the new president handed over his phone Thursday on the advice of security advisers. The New York Times reports Trump's Android was...

Super Mario Run Is &#39;One for the Ages&#39;
Super Mario Run Is
'One for the Ages'
The Rundown

Super Mario Run Is 'One for the Ages'

It's the Mario you love, on a smartphone

(Newser) - It's-a me, mobile Mario. Super Mario Run, Nintendo's first-ever stab at a smartphone game, was released Thursday for all iOS devices. A one-time app store purchase of $9.99 gets gamers six worlds, 24 levels, three game modes, and multiple playable characters. Here's what people are saying...

Samsung Issuing Update to Kill Every Note 7 Left in the Wild

But some US carriers are fighting back

(Newser) - Samsung is preparing to release a software update that will turn every Galaxy Note 7—excellent fire starter, less good smartphone—into a very expensive paperweight, Gizmodo reports. Samsung issued a full recall of its once-heralded new smartphone two months ago because they wouldn't stop exploding, but some people...

In Apple v. Samsung, SCOTUS Makes $399M Decision

And it goes with Samsung in design patent case

(Newser) - Apple tried to hold onto the full $548 million in damages it recouped from Samsung in a lawsuit over smartphone design patents, but it looks like it may now have to settle for much less, based on a Tuesday Supreme Court decision, the Hill reports. The ruling noted that even...

iPhone Idea for the Future Might Be a Throwback

Company gets patent for a flip phone

(Newser) - No, you haven't gone back in time: Apple has been granted a patent for a flip phone. The patent, filed for in 2014 and published this week, envisions a phone with a foldable OLED touchscreen, reports Apple Insider . OLED screens, now used by the company only on the Apple...

Smartphone Residue Says a Lot About You—Really, a Lot

Contains clues about gender, diet, health, hygiene, location, pets, and more

(Newser) - Much like our keyboards, our smartphones are anything but clean. So researchers at UC San Diego decided to analyze the molecules on a handful of them and see what they could deduce about the phone's owners—and it turned out to be a whole lot. They swabbed four sections...

Smartphone at Bedtime? You Are Not Getting Very Sleepy

May have to do with the screen's blue light suppressing melatonin, the sleep hormone

(Newser) - The more time we spend on our smartphones, the more our quality of sleep suffers. So conclude researchers in a new study in the journal PLoS ONE . "This is the first study to directly measure actual screen time in natural environments and compare it to sleep quality," the...

Toddler Fatally Hit by Car While Mom Stares at Phone

'Put down your phone. Save the children!'

(Newser) - A 2-year-old girl was killed last month in China while her mother stared at her smartphone, leading many Chinese social media users to call for a change, the New York Times reports. Surveillance video (Warning: graphic content) posted online on Oct. 20 shows the toddler walking near an SUV while...

Note 7 Recall Will Cost Samsung More Than $5B

Company aims to expand sales of less fiery phones

(Newser) - Samsung says the discontinuation of the Galaxy Note 7 will cost the company about $3 billion during the current and next quarters, bringing the total cost of the recall to at least $5.3 billion. The Note 7 discontinuation will cost more than $2 billion during the October-December period and...

Fight Club Helped Me Decide to Keep My Galaxy Note 7

Mashable's Josh Dickey uses formula from movie to decide to keep Samsung phone

(Newser) - Samsung hasn't only recalled its Galaxy Note 7—it has stopped production entirely on the smartphone after replacement phones ended up catching fire, too. But for Josh Dickey, writing at Mashable , you'll have to wrest his Galaxy Note 7 "from my cold, possibly scorched hands" in a...

Apple-Samsung Showdown Reaches Supreme Court
Last Time SCOTUS Heard
a Case Like This, It Was 1885

Last Time SCOTUS Heard a Case Like This, It Was 1885

Apple, Samsung battle has lasted years

(Newser) - The last time the Supreme Court heard a design patent case, it involved carpets—and there were only 38 states in the USA. The long-running Apple vs. Samsung battle over the latter company's alleged copying of iPhone design elements made it to the country's top court Tuesday, and...

Samsung: Stop Using 'Improved' Galaxy Note 7

Replacement phones also caught fire

(Newser) - Samsung says it's halting sales of the ill-starred Galaxy Note 7 smartphone after a spate of fires involving new devices that were supposed to be safe replacements for recalled models. The company ordered the suspension of sales Tuesday on the recommendation of South Korean safety officials, who say they...

Samsung Pausing Galaxy Note 7 Production Amid Fire Issues
Samsung Hits
Pause on Fiery
Galaxy Note 7
sources say

Samsung Hits Pause on Fiery Galaxy Note 7

Sources say tech giant is temporarily halting production

(Newser) - Amid reports of phones catching on fire , Samsung is temporarily stopping production of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, a source tells the Wall Street Journal . The tech giant initiated a recall and sent out replacement phones after the fire problems first started to surface, but then those phones reportedly started...

The 'CrackBerry' Era Is Officially Over

BlackBerry stops making phones, focuses on software

(Newser) - It's something Hillary Clinton now probably wishes happened years ago, but on Wednesday BlackBerry announced it would no longer be making phones. Bloomberg reports the company that basically invented the smartphone with its BlackBerry 850 in 1999 got disastrously outpaced by Apple and Samsung in the new millennium. CNN...

Taking Selfies Can Improve Your Mood
Taking Selfies Can
Improve Your Mood

Taking Selfies Can Improve Your Mood

Don't be so quick to judge the selfie-snappers

(Newser) - If you smile enough, and see yourself doing it, and share it with friends and family, you may actually make yourself happier, at least according to researchers at the University of California at Irvine reporting in the journal Psychology of Well-Being . The team tracked 41 college students' moods for a...

How a 'Boring' iPhone Led to Samsung's Big Mistake

Samsung rushed things to get flashier phone to market quickly

(Newser) - In the race to sell smartphones, it turns out that Apple was the tortoise and Samsung was an exploding hare. Sources tell Bloomberg that Samsung rushed the Galaxy Note 7 to market to take advantage of what the company had discovered would be an unexciting iPhone 7 from Apple. The...

Experts Say Samsung Bungled Recall of Exploding Phones

US issues official recall weeks after Samsung did

(Newser) - Days after Samsung recalled its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones because they were catching fire , some stores in the US were still selling them, the New York Times reports. According to the Wall Street Journal , the US Consumer Product Safety Commission didn't even issue a statement on the hazardous phones...

FAA: Don't Use Samsung Phone on Planes

Rare warning issued after battery fires

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration has taken what the AP calls the "extraordinary step" of warning passengers not to use Samsung's new smartphone in the air. Samsung has had to recall the Galaxy Note7 worldwide due to battery fires, and it appears that the only safe way to have...

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