
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Cops Go Undercover in Georgia
Cops Go Undercover in Georgia

Cops Go Undercover in Georgia

Police hand out tickets under the state's hands-free law

(Newser) - Drivers in Cobb County, Georgia got a little surprise this week when construction workers turned out to be undercover cops, CBS News reports. The helmet-wearing officers aimed to stop drivers from using smartphones behind the wheel, and wrote 170 tickets at one crossing alone in only a few hours, mostly...

Phones May Take Weird Toll on Young Skulls
We're Growing Little Skull
Horns Because of Our Phones

We're Growing Little Skull Horns Because of Our Phones

Peer-reviewed research finds spikes at back of the skull, just above the neck

(Newser) - It sounds like a crazy tabloid headline—humans are growing little horns in the back of their skulls. Except it comes not from a tabloid but a peer-reviewed study in Scientific Reports . Australian researchers say more people, young ones especially, are showing up with what's known as an "...

Google: Services on Huawei Phones Will Function, For Now
Report: Google Deals
Heavy Blow to Huawei

Report: Google Deals Heavy Blow to Huawei

Chinese company won't get Android updates

(Newser) - The world's second-biggest smartphone brand has been dealt a potentially crushing blow by new US government restrictions. Google has suspended all business with Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware, software, or services, meaning the Chinese company will not receive updates to the Android operating system, Reuters reports. Google...

New Folding Phones Are Already Breaking

Reviewer says Galaxy Fold was 'unusable' after 2 days

(Newser) - Some of Samsung's new, almost $2,000 folding phones appear to be breaking after just a couple of days. Journalists who received the phones to review before the public launch say the Galaxy Fold screen started flickering and turning black before completely fizzling out, the AP reports. Two journalists...

Pope Who Says He's a Tech 'Disaster' Has a New App

'Click to Pray' lets users keep on top of pontiff's prayers, as well as add their own

(Newser) - First we had a drive-thru for Ash Wednesday ; now there's a Pope Francis-sponsored app for praying. The pontiff who once called himself a techie "disaster" launched "Click to Pray" on Sunday, a six-language app for both Android and iPhone that he hopes will keep Catholic constituents around...

Report: Favorite Flip Phone Making a Comeback

New Motorola Razr will sell for $1.5K, reports 'WSJ'

(Newser) - Still longing for your Motorola Razr flip phone? Good news. A new version of the ultrathin phone, hugely popular upon its 2004 release, is expected to hit the market as soon as next month. Lenovo-owned Motorola is currently performing tests on the $1,500 model to be released in an...

This Could Be a Big Ruling on Your Phone Privacy

Judge says cops can't force people to unlock them with fingerprints, face scans

(Newser) - It could be a big decision in the new and legally murky realm of privacy and biometrics: A federal judge in California has ruled that police cannot force people to unlock their phones using fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans. The ruling was first spotted by Thomas Brewster of Forbes ...

Devices, Bad for Teens? Now They Might Help

Patterns of smartphone use could indicate changes in mental health

(Newser) - Rising suicide rates and depression in US teens and young adults have prompted researchers to ask a provocative question: Could the same devices that some people blame for contributing to tech-age angst also be used to detect it? The idea has sparked a race to develop apps that warn of...

Sleep May Not Be a Major Casualty of Kids' Screen Time

Researchers say using electronic devices may not have significant impact on kids' shut-eye

(Newser) - If you're worried about your kids not getting enough shut-eye because of the time they spend on their smartphones and computers, playing Xbox, or watching Netflix, new research may ease that parental guilt—somewhat. The BBC reports on a new study out of Oxford University that found any ties...

'Brain Training' App Shows Promise for OCD Sufferers

Subjects with strong contamination fears saw significant relief of symptoms after one week

(Newser) - There literally does appear to be an app for almost everything, and treating symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder just got its own entry. Treatment for OCD (a condition in which patients can't stop having obsessive thoughts and engaging in repetitive behaviors) has been notoriously hit or miss: UPI reports that...

Scientists Link Devices' Blue Light to Serious Eye Trouble

When blue light hits our retinas, toxic molecules flow, killing eye cells we can't get back

(Newser) - Staring at your smartphone, tablet, or computer screen for hours on end may not only be fueling your online addiction—it could be wreaking havoc on your eyesight. So says a new study out of the University of Toledo, published in the Scientific Reports journal, and it's all because...

Apple and Samsung Settle Epic Patent Infringement Battle

The companies filed a notice in federal court that they have agreed to drop the case

(Newser) - An epic legal battle between smartphone titans is finally over. Apple and Samsung have settled their seven-year patent dispute over Apple’s allegations that Samsung copied the iPhone’s design and software, reports CNN . Terms were not available, but according to the Wall Street Journal , the companies filed a notice...

Cops Try Unlocking Phone With Dead Man's Finger

The move sparks debate about 'ghoulish component'

(Newser) - Florida police have raised eyebrows by showing up at a funeral home and trying to use a dead man's finger to access his phone, the Tampa Bay Times reports. Victoria Armstrong was at Sylvan Abbey Funeral Home in Clearwater when two detectives showed up and held the hands of...

Caught Your Teen Sexting? Don&#39;t Panic
Caught Your Teen
Sexting? Don't Panic

Caught Your Teen Sexting? Don't Panic

Researchers say it could be a healthy part of sex education, if handled correctly

(Newser) - If you've finally mastered "OMG" and "IYKWIM," you may be ready for the next step in deciphering text messages—though if you're the parent of a teen, you might not like what you uncover. That's because teens are spending more time sexting, with at...

Apple May Alter Phone Lineup Like Never Before

It's rumored to be killing iPhone X before first birthday

(Newser) - Apple's most expensive iPhone ever might also be its shortest lived. A report from Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities—dubbed "the king of Apple analysts" by Mashable —predicts Apple will end production of the iPhone X after shipping 18 million devices in the first quarter of 2018,...

Apple Investors Sound Alarm Over Products' 'Consequences'

They're worried about iPhone's impact on kids

(Newser) - Apple needs to do something about the "unintentional negative consequences" its products are having on children, two of the company's investors warn. In an open letter , Jana Partners LLC and the California State Teachers' Retirement System, which own about $2 billion in Apple stock between them, call for...

WH Goes After Staffer, Guest Phones in 'Security' Push

Employees, guests banned from bringing in personal devices starting next week

(Newser) - The White House has a new policy banning personal cellphones at work, but aides tell Bloomberg it has nothing to do with unauthorized leaks to the media. Beginning next week, both staffers and guests will be limited to government-issued devices in the West Wing in response to cybersecurity concerns, press...

3 Quotes That Explain Apple's iPhone Battery Confession

It is indeed slowing down older phones

(Newser) - Apple on Thursday copped to something users have long suspected: It slows down older iPhones. While conspiracy theorists have suggested it was part of a planned obsolescence gambit, Apple says it is, on the contrary, trying to make sure older phones continue to work. The admission came after Geekbench , a...

Pope Francis Rips 'Very Ugly Thing' He Sees at Mass

Specifically, worshippers with their cellphones

(Newser) - When the priest says "lift up your hearts" during Mass, you'd better put your cellphone down while you do it. That was Pope Francis' message Wednesday during his weekly address in St. Peter's Square, calling it a "very ugly thing" to see worshippers—even other men...

A Midflight Discovery by Wife, Then ... Chaos

Angry woman got flight diverted after finding out about husband's alleged affair

(Newser) - Pro tip: If you're going to investigate your husband's phone on the suspicion he may be cheating on you, maybe don't do it while thousands of feet in the air. A woman—who, authorities say, had had a few drinks—on a Qatar Airways flight from Doha,...

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