Che Guevara

19 Stories

General Who Captured Che Guevara Is Dead
General Who Captured
Che Guevara Dead at 84

General Who Captured Che Guevara Dead at 84

Gary Prado Salmón had been struggling with health issues

(Newser) - The Bolivian general who captured Cuban revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara in 1967, leading the military operation that took down Guevara's communist insurrection, has died at age 84. The BBC reports that Gary Prado Salmón "became a national hero" after Guevara's capture; the guerrilla fighter was...

The Man Who Executed Che Guevara Has Died
The Man Who Killed
Che Guevara Has Died

The Man Who Killed Che Guevara Has Died

Mario Teran carried out the order of the Bolivian president

(Newser) - Mario Teran "simply complied with his duty as a sergeant of the army," says a retired Bolivian general—but the order he carried out was one he reportedly later described as causing "the worst moment of my life." Teran, the man who executed Ernesto "Che"...

Backdrop of Obama Photo Causes a Stir

Hello, Che

(Newser) - It was supposed to be a routine photo op as part of President Obama's trip to Cuba, but instead it lit up Twitter, reports the Washington Post . The reason? During a wreath-laying ceremony at the José Martí Memorial in Havana, Obama was positioned in front of a giant mural...

Fidel's 'Yankee Comandante' Could Return to US

William Morgan's widow wants his remains returned to Ohio

(Newser) - In America, he was William Morgan, a high school dropout from Ohio who worked for the mob. But in Cuba, he was the Yankee Comandante who fought the revolution alongside Fidel Castro and Che Guevara; as a biographer puts it, the "ne’er-do-well who found his cause, his love,...

Lost Pics of Che Guevara's Body Turn Up

8 B&W photos show the Cuban revolutionary's body shortly after 1967 execution

(Newser) - Marc Hutten was the AFP photographer who took pictures of Ernesto "Che" Guevara shortly after he was executed by the Bolivian army on Oct. 9, 1967. The world has already seen Hutten's rare color photos of the Cuban revolutionary's body—and now we'll get to see...

Cuba Publishes Che's Battle Diaries

New book gives revolutionary's account of fighting with Castro's men

(Newser) - Che Guevera has a new book out, 44 years after his death. Dairy of a Combatant, released in Cuba yesterday on what would have been the Marxist revolutionary's 83rd birthday, recounts Guevara's experiences in the armed struggle he waged alongside Fidel Castro, reports CNN . The book covers the...

Che's Pal on Epic '52 Motorcycle Trip Dies

Alberto Granado lived out his days teaching in Cuba

(Newser) - Alberto Granado, the man whose motorcycle adventures with Che Guevara would ultimately alter the course of Latin America, has died today in Cuba at the age of 88. The epic journey undertaken in 1952 by the two Argentine med students formed the political convictions that turned Guevara into an icon,...

Miami Cubans Feud Over Havana Peace Concert

Cuban regime using Juanes, critics say

(Newser) - Juan Esteban Aristizábal, the Colombian pop star better known as Juanes, has sparked a generational spat among Cuban-Americans by agreeing to sing at a “peace concert” in Havana, the Economist reports. Many elders view the event as the Cuban regime’s latest attempt to manipulate public opinion, but...

Man Wins $1B Judgment Against Castro, Guevara

Court finds revolutionaries responsible for GM dealer's 1959 suicide

(Newser) - A Cuban-American who blames Fidel Castro and Che Guevara for his father's suicide has been awarded more than $1 billion by a US court, the Miami Herald reports. Gustavo Villoldo, whose father and his General Motors dealerships became prime targets for Castro and Guevara after the 1959 revolution, will attempt...

From Cuba to Hollywood, Che a Caricature of Himself

For many, image of Che Guevara still resonates

(Newser) - Steven Soderbergh’s biopic Che is drawing fresh attention to revolutionary icon Ernesto “Che” Guevara—even as he’s becoming a kind of caricature of himself, Rolf Potts writes in World Hum. In Cuba, Guevara serves as “a sainted martyr of unwavering purity who also happens to promote...

French Class Tops Cannes Honors

Del Toro grabs Bests Actor for Che

(Newser) - Laurent Cantet's The Class walked away with Cannes' prestigious Palm D'Or today, the final day of competition, reports the Hollywood Reporter. It was the first time a French film had claimed the prize since 1987. Cannes Jury President Sean Penn followed the announcement with a list of largely sleeper candidates....

Cannes Agrees: Che Is ... Long
 Cannes Agrees: Che Is ... Long 
movie REVIEW

Cannes Agrees: Che Is ... Long

Commercial market hardly assured for Soderbergh's 4½-hour biopic

(Newser) - Steven Soderbergh’s much-anticipated Che Guevara biopic debuted last night at Cannes, and critics agree on at least two points: It was really, really long, and American audiences might never get to see it. A tough sell to distributors, the 4½-hour Che focuses almost entirely on military procedure, with...

Cuba Takes a Swing at Golf
Cuba Takes a Swing at Golf

Cuba Takes a Swing at Golf

The tiny Communist nation hopes tourists will come back to the island

(Newser) - Nearly a dozen tony golf-resort projects funded by Spanish, British, and Canadian consortiums are under way in Cuba as acting President Raul Castro tries to lure foreign tourists—and their cash—back to the struggling island nation by creating a new Caribbean golf destination, reports the Wall Street Journal. Castro...

RIP Che, but Not in His Tomb in Cuba

Guevara burial site not nearly as advertised, New Republic reports

(Newser) - Thousands came to Che Guevara's Cuban mausoleum in July to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the revolutionary’s death—but they were paying respects at the wrong resting place. A French journalist claims that Fidel Castro’s government never actually found the Argentine’s body—as was triumphantly announced 10...

Revolutionary Roots: Che's Hair for Sale

Rumors say Chavez of Venezeula is interested 'mystery buyer'

(Newser) - A scrapbook including photos of Che Guevara's corpse, hand-written letters from comrades-in-arms, and a lock of the revolutionary's hair snipped after he was shot to death are on a Dallas auction block with a starting price of $100,000. The collection belongs to a former CIA operative who helped track,...

Cuba Celebrates Che
Cuba Celebrates Che

Cuba Celebrates Che

Casto, too weak to attend, calls comrade 'a flower yanked prematurely from its stem'

(Newser) - About 10,000 Cubans gathered today to honor Che Guevara, the man who helped Fidel Castro take power in the 1959 communist revolution. Calling Che "a flower yanked prematurely from its stem," Castro, too weak to attend, praised the icon in a message read to the crowd. The...

Che's Legacy Fading in Latin America

Today's leftists pick ballots over armed rebellion

(Newser) - Che Guevara’s face still adorns T-shirts, mugs, even bikinis, but today's Latin leftists are picking modern means to his ends, Reuters reports. Recent articles are blasting the cult of Guevara while lefty leaders plug elections over armed rebellion. “Ours is 21st Century socialism," says Ecuador’s president....

Che Killer Gets Free Gift From Cuba

Medical care extended to Bolivian who gunned down the hero

(Newser) - One week before the 40th anniversary of Che Guevera’s death, Cuban Communists are trumpeting the news that their own doctors recently saved the eyesight of the Bolivian who pulled the trigger. A Cuban program offering free surgery in Latin America removed cataracts from the eyes of Mario Teran, the...

Castro's Hat Is Suddenly Hot Fashion Item

Tourists and apolitical youth snatch up caps in apolitical fad

(Newser) - The trademark Castro hat is selling like hotcakes in Havana, bought by tourists and Cubans alike, although in neither case as a symbol of socialist support. Although the cap may often feature an image of Che Guevara, Cuban youths have been decorating it with tags from western clothing multinationals like...

19 Stories
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