
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

NASA Finds Weird Magnetic Pulses on Mars

NASA's InSight lander detects them only at midnight

(Newser) - Notice a weird magnetic pulse? You must be on Mars around midnight. At least that's what NASA's InSight lander is finding as it probes the planet for clues to its history, National Geographic reports. The robotic geophysicist—which is recording tremors, measuring ground temperatures, etc—also says there'...

Mars Travelers: Don&#39;t Forget the Red Wine
Mars Travelers: Don't
Forget the Red Wine
new study

Mars Travelers: Don't Forget the Red Wine

Or at least the resveratrol supplements, which will help preserve muscles, says a new study

(Newser) - A new study suggests that future travelers to Mars may want to consider packing a few boxes of red wine. Or, more practically, supplements of a compound found in red wine that can help keep muscles from withering away, per a release at Eureka Alert . Harvard researchers make the assertion...

&#39;Frozen Smoke&#39; Could Help Future Mars Settlers
Aerogel Could Open Up
Big Swaths of Mars to Humans
new study

Aerogel Could Open Up Big Swaths of Mars to Humans

Study suggests building greenhouses and other structures with silica material

(Newser) - If humans hope to colonize Mars someday, we'll need to figure how to survive and grow crops on a large scale in an inhospitable environment. A new study in Nature Astronomy suggests a potential part of the solution: Build greenhouses and other structures out of an extremely light insulating...

Mars Rover Finds Possible New Sign of Life on Mars

The Curiosity rover detected a puff of gas

(Newser) - It's been a while, but Martian methane is back. NASA's Curiosity rover detected rich amounts of methane in the planet's air on Wednesday, reigniting hope of life on Mars, the New York Times reports. "Given this surprising result, we've reorganized the weekend to run a...

Trump Tweet About Moon Sets Off Internet Frenzy

President seemed to take issue with NASA initiatives after Fox News segment

(Newser) - If you were wondering why everyone was making moon and Mars jokes online yesterday and into today, it can all be traced back to a tweet. President Trump was behind the online posting that had everyone buzzing, putting up somewhat of a puzzler Friday afternoon regarding upcoming space missions by...

NASA Invites Millions on the Next Mars Mission

Or at least their names. And it's easy to join

(Newser) - Giddy-up, you're going to Mars—or your name is, if you're up for it. NASA is offering to take a huge list of names on board the Mars 2020 rover's life-hunting trip, reports. The space agency will let anyone sign up and "share in...

Why a 'Faint Rumble' on Mars Is 'So Exciting'

It's 'proof that Mars is still seismically active'

(Newser) - It was a " faint rumble " but it meant something big—the first seismic signal detected on the surface of a planetary body other than our home planet and moon. We have NASA's Martian InSight lander to thank. The lander has been listening for quakes that could shed...

First Man on Mars Will 'Likely' Follow a Woman

Jim Bridenstine teases giant leap for womankind

(Newser) - Elon Musk won't be first off the spaceship at Mars. That privilege, and the privilege of being the first person to visit the moon in 50 years or so, is "likely" to go to a woman, NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine told listeners of the call-in radio show Science...

NASA Sends Rover Its Final Wake-Up Song, Gets Silence

Billie Holiday can't rouse the Mars rover Opportunity

(Newser) - NASA's Opportunity, the Mars rover that was built to operate for just three months but kept going and going, was pronounced dead Wednesday, 15 years after it landed on the red planet. The six-wheeled vehicle that helped gather critical evidence that ancient Mars might have been hospitable to life...

Mars Opportunity Rover May Have Died 'Honorable Death'

It hasn't been heard from since massive dust storm over the summer

(Newser) - "This could be the end" for NASA's Mars Opportunity rover, the principal investigator for the mission, Steven W. Squyres, tells the New York Times . The rover marked the 15th anniversary of its touchdown on the red planet Thursday—silently, the AP reports. It hasn't been heard from...

Humans to Mars? 'Stupid' Idea, Says Apollo Astronaut

Bill Anders, now 85, thinks the idea is 'almost ridiculous'

(Newser) - NASA aims to send humans to Mars in the not-too-distant future. One of its more famous former employees thinks it's a dumb idea. "Stupid" is actually the word used by astronaut Bill Anders in an interview with the BBC . The 85-year-old, who went up with Apollo 8 in...

Permanent Ice Crater Found in Our Solar System

Skating, anyone?

(Newser) - Water on Mars? That's an ongoing question, but there's definitely a crater filled with ice year-round, Science Alert reports. New images from the European Space Agency's Mars Express show the Korolev crater, which measures 50.6 miles in diameter and 1.2 miles deep, filled nearly to...

This Is What the Wind on Mars Sounds Like

The sounds were captured by the InSight Mars lander

(Newser) - NASA's new Mars lander has captured the first sounds of the Martian wind, the AP reports. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory released audio clips of the alien wind Friday. The low-frequency rumblings were collected by the InSight lander during its first week- and-a-half of operations at Mars. Scientists agree the...

&#39;Flawless&#39;: Spacecraft Hits Martian Target
InSight Shares
First Photos of Mars

InSight Shares First Photos of Mars

It could be months before we get more data

(Newser) - By space standards, it was a bull's-eye. Minutes after touching down on Mars on Monday, NASA's InSight spacecraft sent back a snapshot of its new digs, a dust-speckled image that looked like a work of art to scientists, revealing a mostly smooth and sandy terrain around the spacecraft...

Screams, Applause, Laughter as Spacecraft Lands on Mars

The three-legged InSight spacecraft traveled 300M miles

(Newser) - A NASA spacecraft designed to burrow beneath the surface of Mars landed on the red planet Monday after a six-month, 300 million-mile journey and a perilous, six-minute descent through the rose-hued atmosphere. Flight controllers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, leaped out of their seats and erupted...

Elon Musk: 70% Odds I'm Going to Mars

Says Red Planet is dangerous, not an escape hatch for the rich

(Newser) - Elon Musk thinks the odds are pretty good that he'll get to to climb aboard a SpaceX rocket and take it to Mars in his lifetime—about 70% in his favor, he tells Axios . "I'm talking about moving there," he says, though he doesn't exactly...

Scientists Are Excited About the Next Mars Destination

2020 rover will land on site of ancient delta

(Newser) - Between 3.5 billion and 3.9 billion years ago, when simple life forms were emerging on Earth, a river flowed through a delta system into a lake on Mars, then a warm and wet planet. NASA plans to send a rover there to see if any traces of life...

A Journey to Mars Could Mean Major Astronaut Health Woes

A study found that deep space radiation may cause cancer and intestinal issues

(Newser) - A study funded by NASA in a bid to determine what effects a journey into deep space might have on the health of astronauts has uncovered some startling possibilities for those brave souls who might one day venture to Mars. Per CNN , the findings out of Georgetown University Medical Center...

Scientists Claim to Have Found Martian Lake

They speculate more could be hidden, though plenty more study is needed

(Newser) - Italian scientists searching for evidence of water on Mars—even signs that it was there billions of years ago—believe they've found a lake filled with the liquid just a mile beneath the Red Planet's southern polar ice cap. Though outside experts have yet to confirm the finding,...

NASA May Have Torched 'Building Blocks of Life' on Mars in 1976

New study suggests organic matter was discovered, but ruined by heat

(Newser) - Much was made of NASA's announcement last month that "building blocks of life" had been found on Mars. But new research suggests the same organic molecules may actually have been discovered by Viking landers NASA sent to Mars in 1976—and then accidentally burned, New Scientist reports. The...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>