
5 Stories

'Surgeon to the Stars' Dies at 98
'Surgeon to the
Stars' Dies at 98

'Surgeon to the Stars' Dies at 98

Bjorn Thorbjarnarson was sued after gallbladder operation on Andy Warhol

(Newser) - Some called him a "surgeon to the stars" ; most knew him as the doctor at the center of the controversy over Andy Warhol's death. Now, Bjorn Thorbjarnarson is once more in headlines, this time for his own passing at the age of 98. The New York surgeon's...

Son of Iran's Late Shah Commits Suicide

Alireza Pahlavi shot himself in Boston home

(Newser) - The youngest son of the late shah of Iran killed himself in his Boston home this morning, his family says. Alireza Pahlavi, 44, apparently shot himself, reports the Globe . “Like millions of young Iranians, he too was deeply disturbed by all the ills fallen upon his beloved homeland, as...

My 'Crimes' Against Iran

 What I Did 
 to Deserve 
 13 Years and 
 74 Lashes 

Journalist charged in iran

What I Did to Deserve 13 Years and 74 Lashes

Mazair Bahari explains the sentence handed down in absentia

(Newser) - Newsweek reporter Maziar Bahari learned this week that, without telling him or his lawyers, an Iranian court had sentenced him to 13 years in prison and 74 lashes. Bahari won't serve that sentence—he was released from Iranian jail in October, after 118 days of interrogation and torture, and...

Shah's Son: I'd Serve If Elected

(Newser) - Though his family wasn’t much for democratic rule in Iran, the son of Iran’s last shah says he would return to serve the country if that’s the will of the people, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. Reza Pahlavi, 48, hopes Iran’s post-election protests turn...

Death of 'Neda' May Echo for Weeks in Iran
Death of 'Neda' May Echo for Weeks in Iran

Death of 'Neda' May Echo for Weeks in Iran

Lengthy Shia cycle of mourning martyrs often includes protests

(Newser) - It's not clear who killed the Iranian protester known as Neda, but footage of her gruesome shooting in the streets of Tehran may transform the demonstrations gripping Iran, Time reports. Shia Muslims mourn their dead three, seven, and 40 days after death, and Iranians often use those commemorations for protests....

5 Stories
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