New Hampshire

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McCain Losing Ground in Pro-Bush Strongholds

Poll: Obama holds slim lead in Ohio; dead heat in NC; Mac's edge slim in Ind.

(Newser) - John McCain finds himself fighting to hold some states that went red in 2000 and ‘04—a bad sign for the Republican, Time reports. Polls show Barack Obama in real contention in once-solid GOP states like Indiana and North Carolina, and inching ahead in crucial Ohio. Obama has also...

States Fret as Road Salt Grows Scarce, Pricey

Last year's winter depleted reserves

(Newser) - Road salt is stressing state and municipal budgets as shortages drive prices up well past what local governments have paid in the past, USA Today reports. A harsh winter last year left many states with no salt reserves to carry over, meaning they have to fully restock at inflated prices....

Rove: Obama Wins if Vote Were Today

Republican strategist calls some close states for the Democrat

(Newser) - Karl Rove isn't seeing red when he looks at his crystal electoral map, reports Politico, and is seeing enough blue to propel Barack Obama into the White House if the vote were held today. The GOP strategist has moved Minnesota and New Hampshire into the Democratic column, but cautions that...

NH Senate Rematch a Likely Bellwether Race

Incumbent Sununu faces Shaheen in key test of Democratic wave

(Newser) - As Democrats look to pick up as many as 10 Senate seats in November, perhaps no race has so much riding the Democratic wave than New Hampshire, where Democrat Jeanne Shaheen again takes on John Sununu for a seat Republicans have held for 30 years. As the New York Times ...

Global Warming Didn't Cause New England Tornadoes

Scientists link extreme events to bad weather 'block'

(Newser) - Two tornadoes have ripped through New England in the last few days, killing a New Hampshire woman and doing serious property damage. But don’t blame global warming for the uncharacteristically violent climate: local climatologists tell the Boston Herald equally extreme weather struck the region in the ‘30s and...

Clinton: 'We Stand Shoulder to Shoulder'

Dems unite in—where else?—Unity

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama finally took a stage in support of the same candidate today—with Clinton asserting that it was time for the “36 million Americans who supported us” to stand in solidarity behind Obama, the Washington Post reports. "We are not going to rest until...

Artist Tasha Tudor Dead at 92
Artist Tasha Tudor Dead at 92

Artist Tasha Tudor Dead at 92

Children's illustrator claimed to be reincarnation of 19th-century wife

(Newser) - Tasha Tudor, the children’s illustrator known for her bucolic watercolors and old-fashioned lifestyle, died Wednesday at her Vermont home. Called a 19th-century Martha Stewart, Tudor's art appeared in nearly 100 books and countless greeting cards, plates, dolls, and quilts. The New York Times once applauded her for capturing “...

Gay Episcopal Bish Weds Partner

Civil union in church with 20-year partner

(Newser) - New Hampshire's openly gay Episcopal bishop has tied the knot with his longtime partner in a civil union. Undercover police were among the 120 guests at the private ceremony in case of trouble, reports the Concord Monitor. The civil ceremony by a justice uniting Bishop Gene Robinson and his partner...

Racist Hate Mail Probed at NH Prep School

'Bang bang get out,' threaten letters sent to black students

(Newser) - Police, the FBI, and the US Postal Service are investigating hate mail sent to black students at an elite prep school, the New York Times reports. Sources say students at St. Paul's School in New Hampshire received letters containing their photos from the school's directory with the words "bang...

¿Como Se Dice ‘Caucus’ En Español?

Nevada's booming diversity makes it a whole new ballgame from Iowa or NH

(Newser) - Iowa and New Hampshire may get most of the crowning glory, but Nevada's demographics make its "First in the West" contest a significant political battleground, the Las Vegas Sun says. As the state caucused today, the hometown paper polishes off the differences between the Silver State and its two...

Rudy's Camp Beseeches Donors
Rudy's Camp Beseeches Donors

Rudy's Camp Beseeches Donors

Campaign reportedly low on funds after Florida advertising spree

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's campaign is urgently requesting funds, the New York Daily News reports, seemingly contradicting the camp’s denials of financial hardship. While staffers are going without paychecks this month—voluntarily, they say—Giuliani’s campaign manager emailed a plea to prospective donors yesterday. “I am asking you to...

Count 'Em Again, Says Kucinich
Count 'Em Again, Says Kucinich

Count 'Em Again, Says Kucinich

Cites 'irregularities,' calls for New Hampshire recount

(Newser) - Longshot Democratic hopeful Dennis Kucinich wants the ballots recounted in the New Hampshire primary, The Hill reports. While he's not under any illusions that a recount would boost his own number—less than 2%—significantly, he says in a letter to the NH secretary of state there are “serious...

She Got Out of Jail Free
She Got Out
of Jail Free

She Got Out of Jail Free

Times scribe: Clinton got 'sympathy vote' from women who recognized her vulnerability

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had a “horrendous week” in the lead-up to Tuesday's New Hampshire primary—and won not on merit, but on a “sympathy vote” from women who saw themselves in her, exhausted and “overdosed on multitasking.” The New York Times’ Gail Collins argues that women recognized...

Wounded Romney Vows Fight
Wounded Romney Vows Fight

Wounded Romney Vows Fight

Supporters crest-fallen, candidate faces critical Michigan hurdle

(Newser) - Rushing through a 7-minute concession speech last night after he came in a disappointing second again, Mitt Romney turned immediately to Michigan, which looks like make-or-break for the former governor. Aides blamed the loss on the mauling Romney got in anti-endorsements in New Hampshire newspapers, and “authenticity” issues they...

First Votes Tallied in Little State that Could Rock Nation

NH primary now packs serious punch

(Newser) - A primary that could have been little more than an afterthought is grabbing center stage today as America breathlessly awaits results in a suddenly surprising race. And New Hampshire results will likely be just as intriguing as Iowa's tally. Nobody can be certain whether the state's many Independent voters will...

Obama Takes 13-Point NH Lead
Obama Takes 13-Point NH Lead

Obama Takes 13-Point NH Lead

McCain holds slim lead over Romney, Huckabee jumps to 3rd

(Newser) - Barack Obama stung Hillary Clinton with a shocking double-digit lead in New Hampshire today, according to two polls. One put him ahead by 13 points. Obama leads Clinton 41% to 28% in a USA Today survey, and 39% to 29% according to CNN, both a far cry from yesterday's tie....

So Much for Clinton's Air of Inevitability

Obama's message of change sits better with voters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is suddenly an underdog and must now prove she has the same resilience her husband showed after a sluggish start in the primaries 15 years ago. The strategy of running as an incumbent  didn't play with Iowans, Margaret Carlson notes on Bloomberg. "The folks in Iowa didn't...

Confident Rudy: Iowa, Schmiowa
Confident Rudy: Iowa, Schmiowa

Confident Rudy: Iowa, Schmiowa

Insists skipping early states all part of the plan

(Newser) - Before the Iowa vote dropped him in sixth place, GOP hopeful Rudy Giuliani told reporters he had no regrets about mostly skipping the state, New York Newsday writes. As other candidates were making a final push in Iowa, Giuliani was already in New Hampshire. He quickly moved on to Florida...

Surging McCain Leads in NH Poll
Surging McCain Leads in NH Poll

Surging McCain Leads in NH Poll

And two others show a dead heat with Romney

(Newser) - John McCain has shot to the top of the GOP field in New Hampshire, with a 31% to 25% lead over Mitt Romney in a new Suffolk University poll. "Many of the Republican candidates have been talking about faith," quipped the lead pollster, “but it looks like...

31 States Ring In New Laws for New Year

From minimum wage hikes to approval for kangaroo-hide shoes

(Newser) - Anyone planning to import shoes made of kangaroo hide into California can legally begin this year—but they'd better not try to sell any foreign-made US flags in Minnesota. Both states are among 31 that launched a host of new laws beginning New Year's Day, some of them rather unusual,...

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