John Quincy Adams

5 Stories

This Might Be the Oldest Photo of a US President

1843 image of John Quincy Adams, then a congressman, is going up for auction

(Newser) - Sotheby's has an interesting item coming up for sale, one that will intrigue history and photography buffs. But they'll need deep pockets to take it home: An 1843 daguerreotype of John Quincy Adams is expected to fetch up to $250,000 when it goes up for sale on...

Give Bill Hillary's Seat
 Give Bill Hillary's Seat 

Give Bill Hillary's Seat

There's a proud tradition of former presidents going to Congress; we could do worse than Bill Clinton in the Senate

(Newser) - With so many pols jockeying for Hillary Clinton's potentially open Senate seat, David Paterson needn't agonize over the decision: Just give it to her husband, write Karl E. Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac in the Washington Post . It would give Bill "a fitting day job," be a boon...

Bush's Next Act: Try Congress
Bush's Next Act: Try Congress

Bush's Next Act: Try Congress

With John Quincy Adams as model, Dubya could do plenty of good in House

(Newser) - President Bush can't have 4 more years, but he could try for 2, Steve Coronella writes in the Christian Science Monitor. Coronella urges Bush to follow John Quincy Adams, who served 17 years in the House. As a representative from Texas, he writes, “Bush could go on to make...

Mudslingers Today No Match for Jefferson
Mudslingers Today No Match for Jefferson

Mudslingers Today No Match for Jefferson

Dirty campaigning has always been a feature of American democracy

(Newser) - The 2008 presidential race is getting rough, but the combatants look well-mannered compared to mudslingers of the 19th century. Thomas Jefferson was called an “infidel” and an “unbeliever,” while John Adams was accused of possessing a “hideous hermaphroditical character.” Although “everybody always assumes there...

Flip-Floppers See Light—Or Just Want Job

Romney and Kerry stand in long line of political mind-changing

(Newser) - Maybe Mitt Romney and John Kerry should hold their flip-flopping heads high: Changes of mind have furthered the causes of abolition and civil rights over the centuries. Ronald Reagan defiantly claimed his biggest reversal—promising feet “in concrete” about raising taxes, then singing “the sound of concrete cracking”...

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