children's books

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What May Be 'Most Famous Map in English Lit' Up for Grabs

1926 EH Shepard sketch of Hundred Acre Wood appears in AA Milne's 'Winnie-the-Pooh'

(Newser) - Sotheby's is prepping for a children's books and illustrations auction in July, and at the top of the list is what one expert calls "probably the most famous map in English literature." That, per the BBC , would be EH Shepard's original ink sketch of the...

Chelsea Clinton's Kids' Book: She Persisted

It's out May 30

(Newser) - Chelsea Clinton's newfound visibility continues: The former first daughter is publishing a children's book called She Persisted. Clinton borrowed the phrase from the line Mitch McConnell used to silence Elizabeth Warren, " Nevertheless, she persisted ," which has since become a rallying cry for Democrats. The picture book...

His Amazing Survival in 1939 Became a Kids' Classic

Donn Fendler, author of 'Lost on a Mountain in Maine,' is dead at 90

(Newser) - Donn Fendler was big national news back in 1939: The 12-year-old got separated from his family on a hike up Maine's highest mountain and became the subject of an increasingly desperate search. As the New York Times recounts, mothers across the US sent his mother prayers via Western Union....

Popular Children's Author Leaves Dying Wish

Anna Dewdney, creator of the 'Llama Llama' series, died Saturday

(Newser) - A popular children's author had one final wish when she died Saturday after a battle with brain cancer: Instead of holding a funeral, read to a child. Today reports that 50-year-old Anna Dewdney became a household name with parents when she published her first Llama Llama book—Llama Llama ...

This Alice in Wonderland Copy Is a Collector's Dream

It will be sold at auction next month

(Newser) - "One of the great rarities of 19th century literature" is about to hit the auction block. A first edition of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland will be sold by Christie's on June 16—almost exactly 151 years after it was first printed. The book's existence is...

Beverly Cleary Turns 100 Next Month

'Well, I didn't do it on purpose,' children's author jokes

(Newser) - Beloved children's book author Beverly Cleary turns 100 on April 12, and in advance of the milestone, the author of the Ramona and Henry Huggins series (among many, many others ) spoke to Today . Asked if she was excited to turn a century old, Cleary remarked, "Well, I...

Peter Rabbit Returns in Newly Found Potter Tale

'The Tale of Kitty-in-Boots' was written in 1914

(Newser) - Peter Rabbit is back, in a previously unpublished story by children's author Beatrix Potter. "The Tale of Kitty-in-Boots" was tracked down by publisher Jo Hanks after she found a reference to the manuscript in a book about the author, the AP reports. Potter had written to her publisher...

Children&#39;s Book Designed to Make Kids &#39;Conk Out&#39;

 'Sinister' Kids' 
 Book Makes 
 'Conk Out' 
in case you missed it

'Sinister' Kids' Book Makes Children 'Conk Out'

'The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep' functions like hypnosis, doctor says

(Newser) - A new children's book isn't just written for kids—it's written to make them fall asleep, and fast. Author Carl-Johan Forssen Ehrlin, a Swedish behavioral psychologist, says he filled The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep with psychological reinforcement techniques to make young listeners doze off in...

Desperate to Read, Boy Asks Mailman for Junk Mail

He says reading is interesting, 'Plus, it gets you smarter'

(Newser) - It all started when Ron Lynch, a mail carrier in Sandy, Utah, spotted a boy sifting through ads and newsletters in a junk mail bin. The boy, 12-year-old Mathew Flores, asked Lynch if he could spare any junk mail because he was looking for reading material; Lynch suggested the library,...

New Dr. Seuss Book Will Answer Burning Question

Specifically, 'What pet should I get?'

(Newser) - Cat in the hat or a gnat or a rat that is fat? If there's no way you could choose which creature to adopt, Dr. Seuss may be able to help. Random House announced today it will publish yet another tale (complete with pics) by the popular children's...

Read a Lost Chapter of Dahl's Willy Wonka Book

'Guardian' publishes unused early draft about the famous chocolate factory

(Newser) - An unused chapter of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been released, 50 years after Roald Dahl's much-loved children's novel was first published. (The book may be better known by the title of its movie version, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.) The best part: You can...

Harry Potter Casts Spell on Millennials' Political Views

Readers show 'greater support for equality': Anthony Gierzynski

(Newser) - JK Rowling's boy wizard hasn't just entertained millennials—he's worked his magic on their political views as well, writes a political science professor who's studied the subject. After surveying university students, Anthony Gierzynski found that "reading the books correlated with greater levels of acceptance for...

Keith Richards Writing Book for Kids

'Gus & Me' celebrates his grandfather

(Newser) - Keith Richards is 70 now and a grandfather five times over, so maybe the idea of the Stones' guitarist writing a kids' book isn't as jarring as it once might have been. Richards is writing an homage to his own grandfather in Gus & Me: The Story of My ...

Rush Limbaugh's Next Venture: Kids' Book

'Rush Revere' will tell story of pilgrims

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is looking to reach a much younger audience with his new project: It's a book for kids about America's earliest days, reports Politico . It will be called Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans, with the main character a middle-school history teacher...

Ringo Turning 'Octopus's Garden' Into Kids' Book

45-year-old song getting a new incarnation, for the kids

(Newser) - Ringo Starr is joining the ranks of celebrities-turned-children's-authors. The Beatle plans to turn his 45-year-old song "Octopus's Garden" into a children's book, reports the Christian Science Monitor . Starr, though, will do so in collaboration with a pro—kids' book illustrator Ben Cort. It will be out...

Disney Dumps Rainforest-Killing Paper Makers

Environmental activists applaud the move

(Newser) - It took a lot of cajoling—including some activists chaining themselves to the gates of its corporate headquarters—but Disney has at last agreed to stop using paper from a pair of controversial Asian companies accused of depleting Indonesia's rainforests, the Guardian reports. "The Jungle Book will no...

Kids' E-Books Squashing the Real Thing

UK survey finds almost half of parents read to kids via e-reader

(Newser) - Kids aren't exactly picking a book off the shelf before snuggling under the covers these days. SmartMoney reports on the trend by way of the UK, where a survey found that almost a full half of parents say they now read to their kids via e-reader or tablet (or...

Encyclopedia Brown Creator Dead at 87

 Encyclopedia Brown 
 Creator Dead at 87 

Encyclopedia Brown Creator Dead at 87

Donald J. Sobol wrote dozens of books starring boy detective

(Newser) - Donald J. Sobol, creator of the enduring popular Encyclopedia Brown children's detective series, has written his last case. Sobol, who has died at the age of 87, wrote a total of 28 books in the best-selling series, starting in 1963 and finishing with Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of ...

RIP Maurice Sendak
 RIP Maurice Sendak 

RIP Maurice Sendak

Admirers count the ways revered kids' author will be missed

(Newser) - A sample of the tributes to Where the Wild Things Are author Maurice Sendak, who died today at 83:
  • Andrew Leonard, Salon : Parents who loved Sendak's books as kids (like Leonard) read them to their own kids with even greater zeal. Thus, "Sendak planted an immortal virus in

Wild Things Author Maurice Sendak Dead at 83

Died from complications from a recent stroke

(Newser) - Maurice Sendak, author/illustrator of the beloved Where the Wild Things Are, has died at age 83, reports the New York Times . The cause was complications from a recent stroke, says his editor. The Times offers a glowing profile of Sendak and the many books he was known for penning and...

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