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8 Celebs Who Switched Religions ... for Love

Drew Barrymore, converting to Judaism, is the latest

(Newser) - Drew Barrymore is getting married , but first she's—reportedly—converting to Judaism, the religion fiance Will Kopelman practices. She follows the tradition of these seven other celebrity spouses (or not-quite-spouses) who did the same thing, notes The Frisky :
  • Isla Fisher: Converted to Judaism for Sacha Baron Cohen.
  • Jesus Luz:

'Totally Humiliated' Demi Files for Divorce

Counseling has failed, celeb couple heads for splitsville

(Newser) - Demi Moore has gotten a divorce lawyer and is ending her marriage to Ashton Kutcher, according to the latest in the Daily Mail . Rumors have been swirling for weeks that their relationship is on the rocks, since Ashton was allegedly caught cheating with a 23-year-old just before his sixth wedding...

Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore Reunite at Kaballah Center, Seems 'Tense'
  Ashton, Demi Reunite 

Ashton, Demi Reunite

Couple meets up at Kaballah center, seems 'tense'

(Newser) - Amid swirling rumors of a pending Ashton Kutcher-Demi Moore breakup— potentially even on Twitter —the supposedly-warring couple put in a joint appearance Friday at a Kaballah center in Los Angeles, reports US Magazine . Kutcher and Moore, both sporting wedding bands, arrived and left separately and "definitely seemed tense,...

Kabbalah Centre at Heart of Tax Probe

Ex-CFO aims to 'bring down' operation

(Newser) - The Kabbalah Centre in Los Angeles is taking center stage as details emerge on a federal probe involving two of Madonna’s charities . The IRS is investigating whether the family in charge of the organization used its nonprofit dollars for personal gain, sources tell the Los Angeles Times . The Berg...

What's Really Going On With Madonna's Charities?

Another nonprofit investigated as the Daily Beast takes a closer look

(Newser) - Not a good couple of weeks for Madonna: After a scandal late last month involving her Raising Malawi charity, another one of the Material Girl's nonprofits is under fire. The FBI is looking into "irregularities and suspicious activity" involving Success for Kids, an educational charity, the Daily reports. The...

Plans for Madonna's Malawi School Collapse

Her charitable foundation pulls plug amid financial mess

(Newser) - A plan spearheaded by Madonna to build a $15 million school for impoverished girls in Malawi has been officially scrapped amid charges that the people running the project on her behalf squandered millions, reports the New York Times . In addition, the foundation Madonna founded with other Kabbalah devotees, Raising Malawi,...

Art Historian Identifies Mona Lisa's Home Town

Bobbio, Italy, depicted in background

(Newser) - Bobbio, Italy, should probably brace itself for a wave of tourists. Art historian Carla Glori has identified the tiny northern town as the place depicted in the background of the Mona Lisa, based on a numerical code hidden within the painting. In the past, many assumed the background was plucked...

Demi and Ashton: Kabbalah to the Rescue

She's 'standing by her man,' a friend says

(Newser) - Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore have been fighting off cheating rumors for months, but no matter the truth, they firmly believe Kabbalah will save their relationship. Demi “adores her husband and knows that their strong faith in Kabbalah will be able to heal any troubles,” a source tells...

A-Rod Finds Religion ... Again
 A-Rod Finds Religion ... Again 

A-Rod Finds Religion ... Again

Alex Rodriguez tries Buddhism on for size, thanks to Kate Hudson

(Newser) - It seems only yesterday Alex Rodriguez was dabbling in Kabbalah to please galpal Madonna. But those days are over, and the Yankees slugger has moved on to a new woman and a new religion. The “religious chameleon,” as one pal calls him, is now flirting with Buddhism to...

This Week, Britney May Be Jewish

Singer flip-flops between Christianity, Kabbalah, Hinduism...

(Newser) - Britney Spears was raised a Baptist, but her latest accessory—a Star of David necklace—led the New York Daily News to take a look back at the religions she’s tried out:
  • In 2003, it looked as though she would be one of Madonna’s Kabbalah converts, and she

Madonna, Jesus Set a Date! (Kind of)

Jesus' dad happy about non-binding union with 'normal' Madonna

(Newser) - Madonna and Jesus Luz are tying the knot, kabbalah-style, the New York Daily News reports. The boy toy's father spilled the details on their non-legally-binding “wedding” ceremony to Brazil’s Quem, adding, “I don’t know if there will, in fact, be a real marriage between Madonna and...

LiLo Takes Up Judaism for Sam
 LiLo Takes Up Judaism for Sam 

LiLo Takes Up Judaism for Sam

Catholic actress wants to convert

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan apparently thinks her relationship with Samantha Ronson is strong enough to warrant a change in religion, the New York Post reports. The pair recently attended Ronson’s half-brother’s bar mitzvah, and Lohan, raised Catholic, now wants to convert to Judaism. LiLo’s dad? Not convinced: “She’...

Madonna's the Same Age as Boy Toy's Granny

Parents worry pop star kidnapped son to NY

(Newser) - Madonna is the same age as her latest lover’s grandmother, the New York Post reports. Brazilian model Jesus Pinto da Luz met Madge at a photo shoot, before spending the Christmas holidays with the 50-year-old pop star in the Maldives. The 22-year-old's family thinks Madonna has kidnapped him to...

Madonna Converts Jesus
 Madonna Converts Jesus 

Madonna Converts Jesus

Singer's young paramour turns to Kabbalah

(Newser) - Madonna boytoy Jesus Luz, once a strict Catholic, is converting to Judaism. The Brazilian model, currently bewitched by the Kabbalah-practicing Material Girl, joined an online Kabbalah community and updated his website to reflect the change, the Mirror reports. But his “family are very traditional and quite religious so this...

Madonna Searches for Softer Side

Pop queen is in therapy

(Newser) - The Material Girl is in therapy, reports the Daily Mirror. Madonna has started counseling sessions with—of course—a Kabbalah center rabbi, in an effort to “tweak her tikkun.” In English? The famously controlling pop star wants to be “less domineering.” Along those lines, she had...

A-Rod a 'Kabbalah School Dropout'

A-Rod 'bored' by spiritual classes

(Newser) - The very thing that brought Madonna and beau Alex Rodriguez together, Kabbalah, may be coming between them now, MSNBC reports. A source says the Yankee slugger is backing out of private classes with spiritual leader Eitan Yardeni, and hasn’t even finished the introduction course. Madonna dragged A-Rod into Kabbalah,...

Madge Demands 'Kabbalah Water' for Boys During Ritchie Visit

Guy's reunited with sons amid custody fight

(Newser) - Guy Ritchie has been happily reunited with his sons David and Rocco but they've been accompanied by a dozen demands from Madonna, the Daily Mail reports. The singer issued a strict set of rules for the boys' visit, ordering Ritchie not to speak to them about the split, not to...

Madge Asks Ritchie to Settle in Weepy Late-Night Call

Despite ultimatum from Kabbalah chiefs, Ritchie says divorce is up to lawyers

(Newser) - Under pressure from Kabbalah bosses, Madonna called soon-to-be-ex Guy Ritchie late Tuesday in an emotional plea to settle their divorce amicably, after which she sobbed to her staff, the Daily Mail reports. Insiders, who described the call as a “sign of desperation” on Madonna’s part, said she tried...

Contract Told Guy What to Say, Do

To get him in line, Madge would say, 'Contract, Guy, contract'

(Newser) - After a 2006 marriage-counseling session, Madonna pinned up a contract instructing Guy Ritchie to “enrich his wife's emotional and spiritual well-being” and defining what words he could use during fights, sources tell the Sun. If Ritchie shouted, fell behind on Kabbalah reading, or used “sex as a stick...

Kabbalah Bosses Want Quick, Quiet Divorce

Madonna given 24 hours to come up with a plan to end nasty skirmishes with Ritchie

(Newser) - Madonna's split from Guy Ritchie is getting messier by the day, and Kabbalah leaders don't want the couple's dirt tarnishing the sect's image. Madge's spiritual guide has given her 24 hours to come up with a mediation plan, the Daily Mail reports. Rabbi Yehuda Berg “would like to put...

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