private equity

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Carlyle Group Files for IPO
 Carlyle Group Files for IPO 

Carlyle Group Files for IPO

Huge private equity company to open its books

(Newser) - The Carlyle Group is going public. The mammoth private equity company has filed paperwork with the SEC for what’s planned as a $100 million initial public offering, the Washington Post reports. The move will open its books to public scrutiny, shining a light on the array of 270 disparate...

News Corp Trying to Sell Off MySpace

Bids over $100M expected

(Newser) - Remember when News Corp shelled out more than a half-billion dollars to buy MySpace? Well, now it’s trying to dump the once-popular social networking site, and it’s starting the bidding at more than $100 million, a source tells Reuters . The company expects to have five or more bids...

Facebook Deal Sparks Broad SEC Probe

Agency examines rules for private financing after Goldman investment

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs’ deal with Facebook might bring the SEC down on all manner of privately held stock purchases. The regulatory body has begun an investigation to see whether it needs to rewrite disclosure rules for privately held firms, and the very line dividing public and private firms, sources tell the...

AOL-Yahoo Merger Rumored to Be In the Works
 AOL Weighing Yahoo Takeover 

AOL Weighing Yahoo Takeover

Private equity in talks to engineer 'reverse merger'

(Newser) - Takeover rumors are swirling around Yahoo again. AOL is in talks with several private equity firms over a possible "reverse merger" between the two Internet giants that would see AOL chief Tim Armstrong heading up the combined company, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal . One scenario being considered is...

Sold! Burger King for $4B
 Sold! Burger King Goes for $4B 

Sold! Burger King Goes for $4B

3G Capital to acquire company for $4B

(Newser) - Burger King got itself a whopper of a deal: The country's second-largest hamburger chain will sell itself to private equity firm 3G Capital for $24 a share. Final price tag: about $4 billion, reports Bloomberg . That price is 46% more than Burger King’s $16.45 close on Tuesday, before...

Burger King Wants a Buyer
 For Sale: 
 Burger King 

For Sale: Burger King

Chain seeks whopper of a private equity deal

(Newser) - Burger King wants it its way, right away: The world's second-biggest burger chain is looking for a buyer to take it off the stock market. Burger King execs have been in talks with various private equity firms in recent weeks, sources tell the Wall Street Journal , naming British firm 3i...

Half a Trillion Dollars and Nowhere to Spend It

(Newser) - Seems the titans of Wall Street, and here we mean the private equity buyout shops including Warburg Pincus, Carlyle, TPG, and KKR, have amassed $500 billion to buy companies. Their problem? Not enough to buy and rising prices for what is out there. Plus it's a lot harder to leverage...

Hedge Funds Get 'Sweet Deal' in Finance Bill

Thanks to an army of lobbyists, they've dodged reforms

(Newser) - While Wall Street banks are being hauled before Congress for public reprimand, hedge funds and private equity firms have floated blissfully above the fray, thanks to an army of well-connected lobbyists. More than half of the 83 new lobbyists who signed up with the industry's two main trade groups last...

Simmons Bankruptcy: Study in Private Equity Run Amok

Buyout firms profited as mattress maker saw its debt skyrocket

(Newser) - The mattress company Simmons will be filing for bankruptcy protection soon, wiping out bondholders and jeopardizing more jobs at a company that's already fired a quarter of its work force. While Simmons watched its debts balloon nearly tenfold since 1991, a string of private equity firms bought and sold the...

Rise in Mergers Signals Fresh Confidence
Rise in Mergers 
Signals Fresh Confidence 

Rise in Mergers Signals Fresh Confidence

Chief execs becoming more bullish about recovery prospects

(Newser) - Mergers and acquisitions activity is still way down from pre-financial crisis levels, but a recent flurry of big deals suggests America's chief executives are regaining confidence in their own businesses. Recent mergers have involved strategic buys by big companies instead of the debt-fueled private equity buys seen a couple of...

EBay to Unload Skype for $2B
 EBay to Unload Skype for $2B 

EBay to Unload Skype for $2B

Private investors bring end to auction site's troubled ownership

(Newser) - EBay is selling Skype, the audiovisual chat service it calamitously bought in 2005, to a group of private investors, sources tell the New York Times. Although the price is unknown, eBay recently said it wanted about $2 billion for the the company, which is expected to pull in $600 million...

Obama to Launch Radical Bank Reform
Obama to Launch Radical Bank Reform

Obama to Launch Radical Bank Reform

Changes will be the most ambitious since the Great Depression

(Newser) - President Obama will unveil next week sweeping new changes to the nation’s governance of troubled financial institutions, the AP reports. Unlike Washington’s temporary ownership stake in automakers and major financial companies, the new regulatory protocol will be permanent and will present the most ambitious revision since the 1930s....

Lehman Weighs Spinning Off $45B in Assets

In the most sweeping bankruptcy action yet, assets will become separate unit

(Newser) - Bankrupt Lehman Brothers is preparing to spin off a grab-bag of assets worth $45 billion in their current state but as much as $400 billion at "nondistressed" prices, the Wall Street Journal reports. The planned sale of shares in the unit—the biggest move yet to unwind the...

Private Equity Players Want In on Banking

Fed resists easing restrictions on risky, cash-rich enterprises

(Newser) - Even in the midst of the banking crisis, numerous entities are willing to buy the big banks, the New York Times reports. Private equity groups like J.C. Flowers & Company are itching to snap up the cash-strapped behemoths, but the Fed won’t let them. It’s worried that...

Prince Charles' Eco-Fund Whacked by Credit Crunch

Investor abandons prince's fund for urban regeneration

(Newser) - Prince Charles' dreams of eco-friendly urban regeneration have been shattered by the credit crisis, the Daily Telegraph reports. A major Middle Eastern investor has pulled out of a $1 billion property fund the prince planned to use to replicate the sustainable eco-village Poundbury, which he launched in Dorset. Supporters are...

Rattner, Obama's Auto Chief, Caught Up in Kickbacks Probe

Source says Rattner linked to pension fund pay-for-play deal

(Newser) - Steven Rattner, the head of President Obama's auto task force, is involved in an SEC probe of a kickback scandal involving New York state's pension fund, a source tells the Wall Street Journal. Rattner is not accused of any wrongdoing, but is believed to have directed a $1.1 million...

Geithner Pitches Overhaul of Financial Oversight

(Newser) - Tim Geithner today proposed a major expansion of federal regulatory powers, reports the Washington Post. In testimony before Congress, the Treasury chief called for hedge funds, derivatives markets, private equity firms, and major insurers like AIG to be brought under strict federal supervision for the first time. His plan, which...

Feds Look for Privately Funded $1T Bailout

Geithner talks up private capital ahead of today's announcement

(Newser) - The Treasury today unveils its three-part public-private plan to purchase $1 trillion in troubled assets, offering lucrative subsidies to private investors to encourage them to participate. The Obama administration spent the weekend wooing hesitant private investors—hedge funds, private equity firms, and sovereign wealth funds—who fear future regulation or...

Hedges, Private Equity Funds to Invest in Bailout

TALF program could see very rich outfits get even richer

(Newser) - With its highly touted TALF program to spur consumer lending, the government is undertaking a $1 trillion effort that hinges on the participation of some unpopular outfits: hedge funds and private equity firms. As the Washington Post reports, the Fed and Treasury's "public-private partnership" relies on investment from the...

Madoff Brother Eyed for Not Reporting Scam

Fraudster may have confessed to brother before he told his sons

(Newser) - Bernard Madoff's brother learned that the Madoff fund was a huge scam the evening before the fraudster confessed to his sons, but he failed to inform authorities, insiders tell the New York Times. Peter Madoff, who worked closely with his older brother for decades, has not been charged with any...

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