health care reform

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New on W-2s: Cost of Your Health Plan

Disclosure aimed at raising awareness of costs

(Newser) - The W-2 forms workers are receiving this month contain new information many are likely to find eye-opening: The cost of their employer-sponsored health coverage. ObamaCare requires disclosure of the information, which appears in Box 12 of the standard W-2 form, the New York Times reports. The disclosure, proposed by a...

Whole Foods CEO: ObamaCare Is Like Fascism

But ThinkProgress writer begs to differ with John Mackey

(Newser) - Thought Whole Foods founder John Mackey would be an Obama-loving liberal? Not so much. The self-described libertarian, who has compared ObamaCare to socialism in the past, now says "it's more like fascism." The quote comes from a new interview with NPR , and continues: "Socialism is where...

Supreme Court Orders New Review of ObamaCare Suit

Lawsuit claims violation of religious freedoms

(Newser) - The court cases continue for ObamaCare, with the Supreme Court today ordering a Virginia appeals court to review a lawsuit over the law's provisions regarding reproductive rights. Virginia's evangelical Liberty University had filed an earlier lawsuit arguing that the individual mandate meant taxpayer dollars would fund abortions and...

So Far, 23 States Agree to Build Insurance Exchanges

12 are undecided; feds will build them in the rest

(Newser) - One huge tangible of President Obama's victory: With ObamaCare moving forward, states must decide in a month how they'll go about setting up health insurance exchanges where the uninsured can get coverage in 2014. The original deadline was yesterday (it got extended this week), and the AP takes...

Boehner: ObamaCare Is 'Law of the Land'

But he still wants #fullrepeal

(Newser) - A single sentence has been garnering much attention: John Boehner told ABC News yesterday that "ObamaCare is the law of the land," prompting many to wonder whether the Republicans' tone on health-care reform was changing. Not so fast, it looks like. The Boehner camp released a statement soon...

Romney White House Gives Health Insurers Fits

Industry could fave upheaval if he repeals ObamaCare

(Newser) - CEOs of big health insurance companies are surely salivating for a Mitt Romney presidency, right? Not necessarily, the AP reports. Though the insurance industry is no big fan of certain parts of ObamaCare, it has invested tens of millions preparing for it—and it stands to make scads of dollars...

Reform Ties Hospital Payments to Patient Satisfaction

But the customer isn't always right, hospitals complain

(Newser) - In a shift that is causing a lot of grumbling among health care professionals, payments to hospitals treating Medicare patients are being tied to patient happiness for the first time, the Wall Street Journal reports. The program, part of a larger pay-for-performance system built into ObamaCare, will help determine how...

Retirees Boo Paul Ryan as He Slams ObamaCare

AARP members pounce on vice-presidential candidate

(Newser) - Paul Ryan evoked boos and jeers from an audience of retirees in New Orleans today when he promised to repeal ObamaCare—but he continued his argument apparently unfazed, Raw Story reports. "The first step to a stronger Medicare is to repeal ObamaCare," said Ryan at a meeting of...

Medicaid Expansion Could Save Lives
 Medicaid Expansion 
 Could Save Lives 

Medicaid Expansion Could Save Lives

Lower death rates associated with expansions in 3 states

(Newser) - As states decide whether to expand Medicaid by 2014 under ObamaCare, a new study could give them a compelling reason to do so: Harvard researchers found that fewer people died in states that expanded their programs. The study looked at data from New York, Maine, and Arizona, all of which...

House Again Votes to Repeal ObamaCare

Republicans make their point after Supreme Court ruling

(Newser) - House Republicans made good on their promise to take another stand on President Obama's health care reform today, voting to repeal the law 244-185, reports the Hill . Pretty much all the stories on the vote, like this one from the Washington Post , duly note up high that it was...

House on ObamaCare Vote: Now We're Repealing a Tax

GOP gleefully bandying about 'T' word in 31st vote

(Newser) - House Republicans will vote to repeal the health care reform law today, and if that sounds familiar, it's because they've done it 30 times already . But this time House leaders are gleefully bandying about the "T" word in the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling that...

Romney: Health Mandate Is a Tax

Contradicts Eric Fehrnstrom's comments

(Newser) - Days after a spokesman asserted that ObamaCare's individual mandate is not a tax in Mitt Romney's view, the candidate himself is saying the opposite—thus aligning with the rest of his party. Romney tells CBS News that while he agreed with the Supreme Court's dissent, "the...

Obama, Romney, and the Truth About Health Care

AP runs down a few of their biggest distortions

(Newser) - We're getting a lot of conflicting information about how the health law will shape our future—and unsurprisingly, neither the current inhabitant of the Oval Office nor the man who would replace him is giving us the full picture. The AP parses President Obama and Mitt Romney's biggest...

Boehner: ObamaCare Has to Be &#39;Ripped Out&#39;
 Has to Be 
 'Ripped Out' 


Boehner: ObamaCare Has to Be 'Ripped Out'

Dems dodge calling penalty a 'tax'

(Newser) - To call the ObamaCare penalty a tax or not was the question dominating the talk show airwaves today, with John Boehner leading the charge with the dreaded T-word. "The American people ... do not want the government telling them what kind of insurance policy they have to buy, and how...

Canadians Don't Threaten to Move to US

Hilariously, Americans vowed to head north over health care ruling

(Newser) - A lot of people were upset over yesterday's Supreme Court ruling in favor of health care reform, and BuzzFeed noticed that more than a few were protesting in a pretty hilarious fashion: by threatening to move to Canada. "I'm moving to Canada, the United States is entirely...

Roberts to US: Killing ObamaCare Is Your Job, Not Mine

He hates the law, but he's worried about court's reputation: Krauthammer

(Newser) - ObamaCare must surely offend John Roberts' conservative sensibilities, writes Charles Krauthammer, so why the stunning court ruling? Because as chief justice, Roberts "sees himself as uniquely entrusted with the custodianship of the court's legitimacy," Krauthammer theorizes in the Washington Post . If the justices struck down the law,...

Obama Won, But Medicaid, the Poor Lost

One win for Obama doesn't mean health care battle over

(Newser) - President Obama says the political horse race surrounding yesterday's Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act is much less important than the good the law will do . So, naturally, the New York Times goes right back to the horse race, with a look at seven consequences of the...

Romney Pulls In $4.6M After Court Ruling

Both campaigns use ruling to solicit donations

(Newser) - Yesterday's Supreme Court ruling wasn't all bad news for Mitt Romney. It may have been a victory for President Obama, but it sent Romney's supporters reaching for their wallets. Romney has raised $4.6 million in the 24 hours since the ruling came down, his press secretary...

Some States on ObamaCare Deadlines: Who Cares?

Several skeptical of expanding Medicaid, too

(Newser) - The Supreme Court's ObamaCare decision is putting many states in a tight place: They've got to set up exchanges, the law's health insurance markets, by Jan. 1, 2014. But by Jan. 1, 2013, they have to show those exchanges will be ready on time—or the feds...

What John Roberts Is Up To
 What John Roberts Is Up To 

What John Roberts Is Up To

Commentators see ulterior, conservative motive behind Roberts' vote

(Newser) - John Roberts upheld the Affordable Care Act today, and "in doing so, he gave a lot of people who don't pay attention a reason to celebrate him on Twitter," writes Mobutu Sese Seko of Gawker . "They're idiots." Seko and some other observers believe Roberts...

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