health care reform

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How 4 Words Could Doom ObamaCare
 How 4 Words Could 
 Doom ObamaCare 


How 4 Words Could Doom ObamaCare

Supreme Court case deals with exchanges 'established by the State': NYTimes

(Newser) - ObamaCare survived a 2012 Supreme Court challenge, but the fight isn't over : Now, justices have agreed to hear an attack on another section of the law. This time, the whole thing hinges on four words, the New York Times editorial board writes. In a subsection, the law says that...

Why Are Employers Still Providing Health Insurance?

Hobby Lobby decision should push Congress to end practice, Jon Healey argues

(Newser) - The Hobby Lobby decision still looms large over the opinion pages today. The Wall Street Journal called it "an important vindication of religious liberty," while the New York Times complained that the justices gave "for-profit companies an unprecedented right to impose their religious views on employees."...

Way, Way Over Budget: ObamaCare Subsidies

And studies find that it's increased premiums

(Newser) - ObamaCare appears to be on pace to cost the federal government a lot more than it was counting on. So far, the government is on pace to sink $11 billion into subsidies for consumers who bought coverage on the federal insurance exchange, according to a new report from the Department...

Hordes of ObamaCare Users Told Info Doesn't Check Out

Officials 'double- and triple-check' provided subsidy data

(Newser) - The White House intends to double-check the documents of hundreds of thousands of ObamaCare users to confirm they qualify for health subsidies, having notified them over the last two weeks that "the information in your application doesn’t match what we found in other records." In fact, government...

US Quietly Earmarks Money for ObamaCare Insurers

It's a safety net to cover any losses; Republicans cry foul

(Newser) - ObamaCare just became a win-win proposition for insurance companies. Tucked into hundreds of pages of new rulings on the Affordable Care Act last week was a promise to pay insurers for any losses they incur by providing coverage on government exchanges, the LA Times reports. The Obama administration inserted the...

ObamaCare Signups Surge Past 7M Target

More than 7M poised to sign up as of yesterday

(Newser) - Experts didn't think the White House could reach a goal of 7 million ObamaCare signups as of yesterday—but it looks like their forecasts were wrong. Officials say the administration was on track to receive more than 7 million signups, in line with the original Congressional Budget Office target...

Under ObamaCare, My Mom Can&#39;t Get Her Cancer Drug
Under ObamaCare, My Mom Can't Get Her Cancer Drug

Under ObamaCare, My Mom Can't Get Her Cancer Drug

We can, and must, do better: Stephen Blackwood

(Newser) - Stephen Blackwood offers a wrenching indictment of ObamaCare in the Wall Street Journal : His mother, diagnosed with carcinoid cancer in 2005, "wouldn't still be here" without a shot she gets twice a month of Sandostatin, a drug that slows the disease. But in November, her health plan was...

Obama Eases Health Care Mandate for Employers

Small businesses will have another year to give workers coverage

(Newser) - Trying to limit election-year damage on health care, the Obama administration today granted business groups another delay in a much-criticized requirement that larger firms cover their workers or face fines. In one of several concessions in a complex Treasury Department regulation, the administration said companies with 50 to 99 employees...

States Opposed to ObamaCare Find Ways to Gum Up Law

Several restrict the work of 'navigators,' those who help people with the new rules

(Newser) - A number of states opposed to ObamaCare have managed to slow its progress, a new study finds. Reports center on the navigator program, in which assistants, or "navigators," advise Americans on how to sign up for plans under the health law. Nineteen states, including Florida, Missouri, Montana, and...

Young, Healthy People Using ObamaCare? Not So Much

Obama administration releases its first user statistics

(Newser) - So far, most people signing up for ObamaCare are on the older side—a trend that could force insurance premiums to rise if younger, healthier enrollees remain a minority, the New York Times reports. The first official release of ObamaCare numbers shows that 2.2 million people enrolled in the...

Spanish ObamaCare Site Also a Headache

Like it's not written in proper Spanish, for one thing

(Newser) - Welcome to ObamaCare's website woes, part two: the Spanish version. Americans who visit to enroll for ObamaCare say it's slow, has links to English-speaking pages, and poor translations—like using "prima" for "premium" even though the Spanish word is commonly used for "female...

Wis. Senator: Here's Why I'm Suing Over ObamaCare

Ron Johnson takes aim at Congress' subsidy

(Newser) - Ron Johnson thinks he's getting special treatment under the Affordable Care Act—and he's so outraged that he's suing over it. The Wisconsin senator will today file a lawsuit arguing that the Obama administration has violated the law by allowing members of Congress and their staff to...

Expanding Medicaid Led to More ER Visits
Expanding Medicaid Led to More ER Visits
new study

Expanding Medicaid Led to More ER Visits

Harvard research debunks ObamaCare talking point

(Newser) - One of the favorite arguments of Affordable Care Act supporters has long been that the newly-insured poor will use primary care doctors more and expensive emergency room services less, saving the government money. But a new Harvard study totally contradicts that claim. Researchers looked at Oregon's partial 2008 Medicaid...

ObamaCare Coverage Makes Quiet Debut

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid reports smooth first day

(Newser) - After years of debate, legal proceedings, and technical glitches, health insurance purchased under ObamaCare began actually covering people yesterday, in what Kathleen Sebelius touted as an "exciting new day for health care." But on the ground health care providers weren't exactly inundated with new customers, in part,... Hits 1.1M Signups

ObamaCare saw big December surge ahead of deadline

(Newser) - is showing signs of life, the AP reports, with more than 1.1 million Americans now having signed up via the much-maligned government website. Almost 1 million of those came during a December surge, which both underscores how awful the first two months were (27,000 signups in...

In 5 Days, ObamaCare Politics Will Change Forever
In 5 Days, ObamaCare
Politics Will Change Forever

In 5 Days, ObamaCare Politics Will Change Forever

A Ron Johnson quote has Ezra Klein and Evan Soltas excited

(Newser) - Things will almost certainly go wrong on Jan. 1, when the health care people have been buying from ObamaCare exchanges actually kicks in. People who thought they were covered will find out they're not, or that their plan isn't what they thought it was. But it will also...

At 11th Hour, Obama Eases Health Care Mandate

People who lost policies can claim hardship exemption

(Newser) - In a surprise move, the Obama administration essentially lifted the individual mandate last night for anyone who saw their insurance policy cancelled thanks to the Affordable Care Act, just days before the Dec. 23 deadline to sign up for Jan. 1 coverage. These consumers will be able to apply for...

Obama &#39;Wins&#39; Lie of the Year
 Obama 'Wins' Lie of the Year 

Obama 'Wins' Lie of the Year

'If you like your plan...' and ensuing prevaricating, take PolitiFact's top honors

(Newser) - "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." Barack Obama has been raked over the coals for that one in recent months, and now he's getting, umm, honored for it: PolitiFact has awarded the phrase its Lie of the Year Award, it announced on...

ObamaCare Site's Re-Launch Stumbles Out of the Gate

1/3 of all enrollments reportedly screwed up

(Newser) - The new and supposedly improved isn't off to a great start. The site flooded with traffic yesterday morning, slowing it to a crawl and spiking its error rate, the LA Times reports. By 10am the government had turned on a "queuing" feature, essentially putting would-be applicants... Probably Won't Be Ready by Deadline

Insurers seek direct way to sign up customers

(Newser) - The Obama administration has pledged to get running smoothly by Nov. 30, but an insider tells the Washington Post that's looking like a pipe dream. For one thing, it can only deal with half the traffic it's supposed to handle—it runs into problems when 20,...

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