health care reform

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Obama to House Dems: Back Cadillac Health Tax

Democrats reluctantly open to compromise

(Newser) - President Obama wants House Democratic leaders to drop their opposition to taxing Cadillac health insurance plans to pay for health coverage for the uninsured, he let them know in a private meeting at the White House yesterday. The health reform bill the House passed raises income taxes on high-income individuals...

Obama Wants State of the Union Moved to February
Obama Wants State of the Union Moved to February

Obama Wants State of the Union Moved to February

President aims for health bill to be complete, signed

(Newser) - President Obama wants his State of the Union address to be in early February, a week or so later than usual, so Congress (which must formally invite him to speak) can hammer out a final health-reform bill. “The president wants to be able to talk about health care in...

Pelosi Rips Obama Over Broken Campaign Promises

House Speaker irked over president's health tax plans

(Newser) - Evidently taking a hard line heading into conferences on Congress’ health bills, Nancy Pelosi ripped President Obama today for breaking campaign promises. Reminded that then-candidate Obama wanted such negotiations to be public, the House Speaker rejoined, “There are a number of things he was for on the campaign trail....

C-SPAN Asks Dems to Keep Talks Open

But health care negotiations begin behind closed doors

(Newser) - C-SPAN is begging Congress to let it record and televise the last phase of the health care bill’s journey, but Democrats seem intent on negotiating behind closed doors. C-SPAN’s CEO sent a letter to Democratic leaders asking them to open “all important negotiations” to cameras, pledging to...

US Life Expectancy, Health Costs Not a Pretty Picture
US Life Expectancy, Health Costs Not a Pretty Picture
numbers don't lie

US Life Expectancy, Health Costs Not a Pretty Picture

Viral graph shows better stats for numerous developed countries

(Newser) - A graphic that's gaining wide currency on the Internet paints a grim picture of the American health care system, which costs more than any other country's but results in an average life expectancy that's solidly middle-of-the-pack. The graph, originally posted on a National Geographic blog, wasn't clear enough for the...

Obama Returns to DC, Packing Epic To-Do List

Terrorism trumped health care over vacation, and there's more

(Newser) - President Obama is back at the White House after an 11-day vacation in Hawaii, and he has his work cut out for him. USA Today runs down the most pressing issues awaiting the president in 2010.
  • Terrorism: The attempted bombing of Flight 253 returned security to the top of the

He's Baaack: Dean Leads Lefty Charge Against Obama

Almost looks like he's running for something...

(Newser) - Howard Dean’s return to the national stage with stinging criticism of the compromises Democratic leaders accepted on health care reform has thrilled disaffected progressives—and even sparked talk of another run for president. One liberal blogger says his dusted-off bona fides make Dean “perfectly positioned” to challenge Obama...

Democrats Will Skip Formal Health Care Conference

Aim to prevent procedural hurdles thrown up by GOP in Senate

(Newser) - Democrats are “almost certain” to avoid a formal conference to reconcile the House and Senate health care bills, senior Capitol Hill sources say, thereby robbing Senate Republicans of yet more opportunities to stall the bill. If Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi convened a formal conference, there would need to...

Fla. AG Probing 'Unconstitutional' Health Bill

McCollum says legislation interferes with Floridians' freedom

(Newser) - Florida's Bill McCollum has become the 11th and latest state attorney general to announce an investigation into the constitutionality of health care reform. McCollum, a Republican running for governor next year, says he has grave concerns about the legislation's requirement for all Americans to buy health insurance or pay a...

There's Not More Extremists, Just More Internet
There's Not More Extremists, Just More Internet

There's Not More Extremists, Just More Internet

The fringes aren't more prevalent, but they are more visible

(Newser) - With all the left- and right-wing "extremism" out there, the media love pushing the narrative that "the country is coming apart at the seams! The center is dying!” But it’s not true, writes Nate Silver. A glance at long-running polls show Americans identify with the fringes...

Arrogance Will Cost 'Tyrannical' Dems Dearly
 Arrogance Will Cost 'Tyrannical' Dems Dearly

Arrogance Will Cost 'Tyrannical' Dems Dearly

Congressional Democrats are ignoring public opinion, writes Fred Barnes

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats appear to have confused having the ability to push through any legislation they want with having a mandate to do so, writes Fred Barnes. The Democrats have abandoned bipartisanship and are going ahead with issues like health care reform and cap and trade despite growing public disapproval, Barnes...

Meet the 'Right-Wing Hippie' Who Runs Whole Foods

No meat for John Mackey; no unions, either

(Newser) - John Mackey is a libertarian, an adherent of Ayn Rand, a skeptic about climate change, a vegan, and the CEO of Whole Foods. The company does $8 billion in annual sales, but Mackey flies commercial and drives a Civic hybrid. Nick Paumgarten investigates this walking contradiction, described by a business...

Health Care Reform Victory, Not Defeat, for Liberals

Progressives actually provided most of the votes

(Newser) - Lately the left has been taking its lumps, courtesy of the conventional wisdom that health care reform passed over liberals’ objections. That’s just plain incorrect, writes Tom Schaller for FiveThirtyEight . A lingering narrative holds that liberals can’t govern because the left is so unmanageable. But progressives provided most...

Obama Bites Off More Than He Can Chew
Obama Bites Off More Than He Can Chew

Obama Bites Off More Than He Can Chew

Solid first year falls short of president's ambitious agenda

(Newser) - In his first year in office, President Obama has done a more-than-acceptable job—but his own stated ambitions were so numerous and wide-ranging that by his own definition, his performance has been disappointing. The bar was simply set too high, writes Doyle McManus for the Los Angeles Times , "and...

States Push Back at Senate Health Bill

Those with expanded coverage would subsidize those without

(Newser) - For states that had already expanded health coverage, no good deed goes unpunished in the Senate reform bill, which would fund expanded Medicaid in less-progressive states—but not in those where coverage is already in place, even though rolls will expand. The plan amounts to making states such as Arizona,...

Pelosi Will Keep Just Enough Dems in Line
Pelosi Will Keep Just Enough Dems in Line
nate silver

Pelosi Will Keep Just Enough Dems in Line

She needs 218 on health care, and she's 'very good at her job'

(Newser) - On the surface, it seems logical to assume Nancy Pelosi will have a tough time keeping enough Democrats on board for the final health care vote. After all, the House version just barely passed and now must be reconciled with a more conservative Senate bill. Proponents of reform shouldn't worry,...

Dems: GOP Are Hypocrites on Health Spending

Same Republicans Supported 2003 Medicare 'Giveaway'

(Newser) - Democrats are calling out Republican opponents of the health care reform bill as hypocrites, pointing out that 24 of them voted for the major Medicare expansion six years ago, when they controlled the Senate, the House, and the White House, that has added tens of billions of dollars to the...

Catholic Hospitals Back Senate Bill on Abortion

  Catholic Hospitals  
  Back Senate 
  Bill on Abortion 

break with bishops?

Catholic Hospitals Back Senate Bill on Abortion

Support compromise bishops call 'morally unacceptable'

(Newser) - In a break from their holdout bishops, Catholic hospitals signaled this week that they they will support the abortion-financing provision in the Senate health reform bill passed on Christmas Eve. The Senate bill allows states to bar the use of federal subsidies for insurance plans that cover abortion, and requires...

Dems Don't Care About Constitution
Dems Don't
Care About Constitution

Dems Don't Care About Constitution

Since when can the US require people to buy something?

(Newser) - Everyone's putting out best-of lists these days, so in that spirit Bill Pascoe nominates Senate Roll Call Vote Number 392 as the "most significant vote of the decade." No, it's not the big one that passed health care reform. It came just before that, on an amendment questioning...

Finally, the Cratchits Will Have Health Insurance

But why should Tiny Tim have to wait until 2014?

(Newser) - Paul Krugman, not always the president's biggest fan, finds something to celebrate this Christmas in the passage of health Care reform bills by the House and Senate: After 2014 Dickens' Tiny Tim will no longer be denied health care because his family can't afford it or an insurance company denies...

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