health care reform

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Winners and Losers of the Health Care Summit

Obama, Coburn looked good, Reid and McCain looked bad

(Newser) - Neither side came away with what it wanted after yesterday’s bipartisan health care summit, but there were plenty of winners and losers. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post breaks it down:

Health Summit Bares Hopeless Chasm
 Health Summit Bares 
 Hopeless Chasm 

Health Summit Bares Hopeless Chasm

Compromise looking more distant than ever

(Newser) - President Obama's health care summit left pundits from across the spectrum feeling more pessimistic than ever about the chances of crafting a bipartisan agreement on reform.
  • "It was a talking-point festival," writes Peggy Noonan at the Wall Street Journal. The Republicans put forth seemingly unconnected statements, and the

Obama Asks GOP for 'Soul Searching,' Won't Start Over

Neither side budges much in daylong debate

(Newser) - After a day of debate and disagreement, President Obama concluded today's unprecedented live talkfest on health care with the bleak assessment that accord between Democrats and Republicans may not be possible. He rejected Republican preferences for starting over, discussing the issue much longer, or taking a step-by-step solution. The president...

Frustration Mounts at Health Care Summit
 Frustration Mounts at 
 Health Care Summit 


Frustration Mounts at Health Care Summit

President slams Cantor for using 'props'

(Newser) - Barack Obama began the day by expressing hope “that this discussion is actually a discussion and not just us trading talking points.” But by the time Republicans and Democrats broke for lunch, the sides didn’t look any closer to compromise. “In spite of the many hours...

McCain Slams Obama for Backroom Deals
 McCain Slams Obama for 
 Backroom Deals 
Health Care Summit

McCain Slams Obama for Backroom Deals

Obama doesn't want to focus on process

(Newser) - When John McCain finally got a chance to speak at the health care summit today, he let Barack Obama have it, slamming him for crafting the legislation with backroom deals. In particular, he hit on the deal the White House struck with Big Pharma, in which Obama promised to block...

Obama, GOP Spar Cheerfully on Health Care

Obama urges cooperation, Republicans want bill thrown out

(Newser) - President Obama kicked off his bipartisan health care reform summit at the Blair House this morning by urging lawmakers to focus on the areas where they agree. “I think this concern is bipartisan,” he said, but during the fall debate on the bill, “politics, I think, ended...

Olbermann: My Dad Asked Me to Kill Him

 My Dad Asked 
 Me to Kill Him 
death panels are life panels

Olbermann: My Dad Asked Me to Kill Him

Passionate plea to pols at summit to give Americans health care help

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann made a very personal appeal last night to the pols debating health reform today, speaking for almost 15 minutes about his father’s 6-month medical struggle. “Last Friday night, my father asked me to kill him,” Olbermann began, launching into a recap of the surgeries,...

Obama Crafts Scaled-Down Health Care Plan B

Fallback measure would cover 15M uninsured

(Newser) - The White House has a less ambitious health care plan waiting in the wings if today's health care summit fails to win enough support for sweeping change. The scaled-back plan would provide health insurance to some 15 million Americans, about half the number the larger bill would cover, for a...

GOP Needs to Say 'You Lie' at Obama Health Summit
GOP Needs to Say 'You Lie'
at Obama Health Summit

GOP Needs to Say 'You Lie' at Obama Health Summit

Not challenging president will turn summit into PR exercise

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans should be a little more respectful than Joe Wilson but they shouldn't shy away from correcting the president if he makes false statements at today's health care summit, writes Karl Rove. It's only by turning the summit into a debate and challenging the president on his claims about...

Rep. Weiner: GOP Is 'Subsidiary' of Insurance Industry

'You gotta love these Republicans'

(Newser) - New York congressman Anthony Weiner laid into the GOP's attitude in health care in a fiery diatribe on the House floor. "You gotta love these Republicans," Weiner said. "I mean, you guys have chutzpah. The Republican Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of insurance companies." Offended...

Who Obama Will Really Be Talking To Tomorrow
Who Obama Will Really Be Talking To Tomorrow

Who Obama Will Really Be Talking To Tomorrow

GOP only one of many audience he'll have to convince at summit

(Newser) - Barack Obama will technically be speaking with congressional leaders at tomorrow’s much-hyped health care summit, but in reality, he’s going to be pitching his message to a variety of audiences far beyond the Blair House. Ben Smith of Politico breaks down his targets:
  • House Democrats: Nancy Pelosi’s

Money Dries Up for GOP's Only Supporter of Health Reform

Louisiana Rep. Cao's fundraising down 40%

(Newser) - The lone Republican lawmaker to support Democratic health care legislation has seen his fundraising drop by nearly 40% since his vote, forcing him to resort to a costly national fundraising operation as he burns through a dwindling bank account. Rep. Anh "Joseph" Cao, the unlikely congressman from New Orleans,...

Harry Reid to GOP: 'Stop Crying Over Reconciliation'

Won't rule out using legislative tactic for health reform

(Newser) - Harry Reid sounds less than sympathetic to Republican complaints that he's threatening to pass health-care reform through the process known as budget reconciliation. "They should stop crying about reconciliation as if it's never been done before," he said, adding that Republicans have been happy to use the tactic...

Obama Goes Big With Health Care Proposal
Obama Goes
Big With Health Care Proposal

Obama Goes Big With Health Care Proposal

White House thinks not passing major reform will hurt in November

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s $950 billion health care proposal yesterday defied expectations that he would scale back his ambitions now that Republicans have the votes to filibuster the bill in the Senate. The White House braintrust has decided to go big one last time, believing that there’s still a small...

Schwarzenegger Backs Obama on Health Care, Stimulus

Dismisses GOP demands to start from scratch as 'bogus talk'

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger had a private chat with Barack Obama yesterday, following a National Governors Association meeting at the White House, and crossed party lines to back the president for the second time in as many days. He applauded Obama for bringing Republicans into the health care discussion, and chided Republicans...

Obama Unveils $950B Health Care Bill

Merged proposal mostly follows Senate outline

(Newser) - Barack Obama today revealed the health care proposal he’ll be taking into bipartisan meetings this week, a $950 billion bill that hews closer to the Senate’s model than the House’s. The plan seeks to resolve some of the contentious issues between the two bills, cutting, for example,...

Obama to Insurers: No More Outrageous Rate Hikes
 Obama to 
 No More 
 Rate Hikes 
bill caps premium bumps

Obama to Insurers: No More Outrageous Rate Hikes

President wants to stop repeat of Anthem 39% rate increase

(Newser) - The health bill President Obama is to unveil today will empower the federal government to cap insurers’ rate increases—a bid to prevent hefty rate hikes like the 39% Anthem Blue Cross premium hike in California that recently sparked outrage. The president’s bill would create a new board of...

America Is Governable&mdash; Just Not by This Man

 America Is 
 Just Not by 
 This Man  

America Is Governable— Just Not by This Man

Talk of systemic problems is whining because Obama failed: Krauthammer

(Newser) - There’s been a lot of crowing from liberals that the US is “ungovernable” because President Obama has not been able to enact key parts of his domestic agenda. Charles Krauthammer has heard the “usual litany of systemic explanations" before—this moment in history smacks of the Carter...

New 'Adult' Romney Picks His Shots
 New 'Adult' Romney 
 Picks His Shots 

New 'Adult' Romney Picks His Shots

But critics say his health care reform past haunts him

(Newser) - The Mitt Romney CPAC saw yesterday wasn't the over-eager presidential contender the conservative group met in 2007. These days, Romney looks more comfortable, his rhetoric actually matches his record, and protégé Scott Brown is the toast of DC. Aides tell Politico that whereas in 2008 people saw Romney as...

White House Lashes Insurers Jacking Up Prices
 White House Lashes 
 Insurers Jacking Up Prices 

White House Lashes Insurers Jacking Up Prices

Steep premium increases target individuals who buy policies

(Newser) - The White House has begun to call out health insurance companies attempting to drastically raise premiums for Americans who buy policies individually. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will hold a press conference today on the premium hikes, including the 39% increase in California she lambasted last week. A new report also...

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