job market

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1.5M Jobless Will Lose Benefits by Dec.

(Newser) - As many as 1.5 million Americans will lose unemployment benefits by the end of the year, reports the New York Times. Some 9 million Americans currently receive an average of $300 a week in unemployment, and many in the current recession have failed to find work for a year...

5 Jobs in Social Networking
 5 Jobs in Social Networking 

5 Jobs in Social Networking

(Newser) - Facebook addiction interfering with your work? Perhaps you should get a job where an intimate understanding of social networking is a prerequisite. Rachel Zupek runs down five possibilities for CNN.
  • Recruiter: The social networks are swarming with qualified candidates, "and it's about time recruiters joined them." They can

44 States Shed Jobs in April
 44 States Shed Jobs in April 

44 States Shed Jobs in April

Job shedding continued last month

(Newser) - Instead of May flowers, April showers brought a flood of job losses, with 44 states notching declines, the Wall Street Journal reports. California led the pack with 63,700 positions cut, but its 11% unemployment rate trailed those of Michigan (12.9%), Oregon (12%), South Carolina (11.5%), and Rhode...

This Mother's Day, She's Likely at Work

Women take on role of breadwinner as 4 of 5 lost jobs hit men

(Newser) - She's chef, cheerleader, and Florence Nightengale to scraped knees, but with the economy stinking like a previously enjoyed diaper, Mom is more and more often also a family's breadwinner, reports NPR. As male-dominated industries hemorrhage jobs, 14% of working moms are taking second jobs, a survey suggests. The recession has...

College Grads Face Years of Lower Wages

Economists pile on the bad news for the struggling class of '09

(Newser) - The recession will mean paltry pay for the Class of '09 for many years to come, economists tell the Wall Street Journal. College grads are entering the toughest labor market in 25 years and competition is driving down starting wages for those lucky enough to land jobs, an effect research...

3 Million US Job Openings Isn't a Good Thing
3 Million US Job Openings Isn't
a Good Thing

3 Million US Job Openings Isn't a Good Thing

Figure shows troubling disconnect between employers, workers

(Newser) - Even with the unemployment rate shattering records, 3 million jobs nationwide remain unfilled. But the growing mismatch between employers and workers tarnishes that silver lining, Peter Coy argues in BusinessWeek. Untrained job-seekers often don’t have necessary skills to work in growing sectors like health care and accounting, and employers...

For Bush Veterans, DC Jobs Are Scarce

Former administration officials find bad economy, overwhelmed job market

(Newser) - Former Bush administration staffers are feeling the economic pinch as acutely as other victims of the sagging economy, Politico reports. GOP job-seekers in Washington face a triple whammy of economic chaos, minority status on Capitol Hill, and an excess of qualified Republicans. “The Washington side is a bit of...

Salaries Down $1,100 for This Year's Grads

Credentialed jobs are faring best in downturn

(Newser) - More bad news for 1.5 million college seniors graduating this year into a tough job market: Less money. The average salary offer to a new recipient of a bachelor's degree is $48,515, down 2.2% from last year's $49,624, says a survey by the National Association of...

Seeking an Edge, Job Seekers Try Plastic Surgery

Some use loans to finance the investment

(Newser) - Job seekers perking up their resumes with literal facelifts are stimulating the plastic surgery industry even in the grip of the recession, Reuters reports. "People cannot only rely on their skills in this market," says a surgeon whose $6,000 facelift option is popular with the unemployed. The...

IBM Slashes 5K US Jobs
 IBM Slashes 5K US Jobs 

IBM Slashes 5K US Jobs

Moves many to India

(Newser) - IBM will cut 5,000 US jobs, the Wall Street Journal reports, sending many to India to continue its expansion there and downsizing in the US. The cuts hit IBM’s global business services unit. They stem in part from customers ending contracts and the automation of some work, but...

In Job Hunt, Tech Boosts Old-School Networking

Sites like Monster aren't getting people jobs

(Newser) - The best way to get back into the workforce is both time-tested and cutting-edge: networking. Facebook, LinkedIn, and even Twitter are taking the place of the old-fashioned phone call, Farhad Manjoo writes for Slate: "The most forward-looking job seekers have all but abandoned job-listing sites in favor of...

Europe's New Temp Worker Class Bears Recession Brunt

(Newser) - The new class of temporary workers created by European labor reform is suffering most in the current wave of job cuts, the Wall Street Journal reports, testing the new policies amid the threat of backlash. Short-term employees—easier and cheaper to fire than permanent ones—also get fewer unemployment benefits,...

Recession to Unlock Wave of Ex-Cons
 Recession to Unlock 
 Wave of Ex-Cons 

Recession to Unlock Wave of Ex-Cons

(Newser) - Thousands of prisoners around the country will have the recession to thank for setting them free, Ken Steir writes in Time. With California planning to release nearly 160,000 prisoners from under-funded, overcrowded prisons, and other states transferring drug convicts to rehab, the US is likely to see a wave...

Broader Jobless Rate Near 15%
 Broader Jobless 
 Rate Near 15% 

Broader Jobless Rate Near 15%

Economy shedding jobs at fastest rate in 50 years

(Newser) - The February job numbers released today bring the country close to the employment nadir it reached in 1982, David Leonhardt writes for the New York Times. The 651,000 lost jobs, along with 161,000 added in revisions to previous months, still bring a depressing milestone: Since the start of...

Jobless Claims Set Another Record

626,000 claims filed last week, far more than expected

(Newser) - New jobless claims jumped far more than expected last week in an already dismal labor market, and there's no relief in sight for workers as mass layoffs persist. The Labor Department reports that the number of laid-off workers seeking jobless benefits rose last week to 626,000 from the previous...

Bummer Economy? Move Home!
 Bummer Economy? 
 Move Home! 

Bummer Economy? Move Home!

More adult children are moving in with parents

(Newser) - A bleak job market and skyrocketing rents have college grads—even working adults—boomeranging back to their childhood homes, something that's fast losing its social stigma, the Boston Globe reports. About half of adults ages 18 and 24 live with their parents.

Jobless Whites, Blacks Push Out Immigrant Workers

Tough job market sends foreign-born workers home

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of Hispanic immigrants are leaving the US as out-of-work Americans compete with them for manual labor jobs, the Wall Street Journal reports. Even farms, which once struggled to fill positions, are turning people away because white and black Americans need work. "There is definitely a lot...

Jobless Claims Hit 26-Year High

338,000 more people claimed benefits last week

(Newser) - Some 58,000 jobless Americans filed their first request for unemployment benefits last week, pushing both the number of first-time filers (573,000) and number of people collecting benefits (4.43 million) to 26-year highs, MarketWatch reports. The post-Thanksgiving week is traditionally high in first-time claims, but rapid layoffs and...

Making the Best of a Layoff
 Making the Best of a Layoff 

Making the Best of a Layoff

Losing a job can open window for 'career makeover'

(Newser) - How to survive a layoff? With more Americans facing that question, Newsweek rounds up some advice from success stories and career counselors. The advice is of the usual sort—take a deep breath to reassess, get some training or more education, and network. But it also notes that community colleges...

Job-Hunting Execs Find It Tight at the Top

Financial crisis leads to surplus of six-figure jobseekers

(Newser) - Laid-off execs scrambling to find new six-figure salaries are facing fierce competition, Time reports. Thousands of high-end white-collar jobs have vanished recently, and many more are expected to go. Some top-level vacancies are still appearing, as execs retire or change jobs, but companies looking to fill their most powerful positions...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>