
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Taliban Just Resurrected a Hard-Line Mandate

Women once more have to wear face-covering burkas in public

(Newser) - Afghanistan's Taliban leadership ordered all Afghan women to wear the all-covering burka in public, the ministry of vice and virtue said Saturday. The move evoked similar restrictions on women during the Taliban's previous hard-line rule between 1996 and 2001. "We want our sisters to live with dignity...

Kim Kardashian Apologizes for 'Work Hard' Advice

'Get your f---ing ass up and work' was taken out of context, she says

(Newser) - Update: Kim Kardashian says the controversial remarks she made earlier this month about working women were taken out of context. In a Good Morning America interview, Kardashian says the advice to "get your f---ing ass up and work" was not meant to be a a "blanket statement" and...

Officials: Afghan Women Without Male Companions Booted From Flights

Unaccompanied women reportedly turned away from airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Friday

(Newser) - Afghanistan's Taliban rulers refused to allow dozens of women to board several flights, including some overseas, because they were traveling without a male "guardian," two Afghan airline officials said Saturday. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said dozens of women who arrived at Kabul's...

From the Taliban, an 'Unexpected Decision'

Afghanistan's de facto rulers break promise, won't open schools to girls above 6th grade

(Newser) - Afghanistan's Taliban rulers decided against opening schools to girls above the sixth grade, reneging on a previous promise and opting to appease their hardline base at the expense of further alienating the international community. The unexpected decision, confirmed by a Taliban official Wednesday, came at the start of the...

Here Are the Best, Worst States for Women
Ladies, You Might
Want to Move Here

Ladies, You Might Want to Move Here

WalletHub ranks the best, worst states for women, with Massachusetts coming out on top

(Newser) - Whether it's the job market or political representation in DC, women often seem to come up with "the short end of the stick," notes WalletHub , which decided to figure out which parts of the country might offer the best opportunities for women. The personal finance site looked...

In Return to Jobs, a Huge Gender Gap

BLS stats show 1M-plus men went back to job market in Jan. amid pandemic; only 39K women did

(Newser) - The pandemic struck a huge blow to the American workforce, but January's jobs report brought some hopeful news, with employers adding 467,000 jobs last month. But the news appears to be better for men than for women, per Axios , which cites a "jaw-dropping" gender disparity in labor...

Pope Ushers in New Year With a Shoutout to Moms

Francis praises women for their role as peacemakers around the world

(Newser) - Pope Francis ushered in the new year on Saturday by praising the skills women bring to promoting peace in the world, and he equated violence against women to an offense against God. The Roman Catholic Church marks Jan. 1 as a day dedicated to world peace, and a late-morning Mass...

After Newborn Is Found, Women Pulled From Planes

Female travelers suing Qatar after being subjected to invasive exams

(Newser) - A group of Australian women is planning to sue the government of Qatar after they say they were removed from their plane, detained, and forced to undergo invasive medical checks to determine if they had recently given birth after an abandoned baby was found in a terminal bathroom at the...

Why Heartbroken Men Are Turning to Reddit
Why Heartbroken Men
Are Turning to Reddit

Why Heartbroken Men Are Turning to Reddit

With stigma, they may feel unable to express relationship issues in more traditional contexts

(Newser) - Research carried out in clinical and counselling settings has suggested men tend to avoid relationship problems and keep partners at a distance, reports Insider . But that may be the result of researchers looking for answers in the wrong places, according to a new study, which finds men are more likely...

Taliban Makes a Vow to All Afghan Women

Officials say right to education will be protected, urge women to join government

(Newser) - An Afghan journalist showed her outrage Monday during a Pentagon press briefing, speaking of the fears of the Afghan people, especially women, now that the Taliban has marched on the capital. "I'm very upset today because Afghan woman didn't expect that overnight all the Taliban came,"...

Tuesday's MLB Game Will Be a Historic One

Game on Tuesday between Baltimore Orioles, Tampa Bay Rays will be called entirely by women

(Newser) - Melanie Newman is already a pioneer in MLB broadcasting, serving as the play-by-play radio announcer for the Baltimore Orioles since last year, and making history last month as the second woman ever to do the same for a nationally broadcast MLB game (Suzyn Waldman famously did so in the mid-'...

Museum Dumps a Most Controversial Exhibit

Shanghai's OCAT gallery apologizes for Song Ta's display that ranked women from 'prettiest to ugliest'

(Newser) - One of China's most respected modern museums is taking heat for a multimedia exhibit that used university students as its unwitting subjects. The South China Morning Post and BBC note the artwork by male artist Song Ta at Shanghai's OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, or OCAT, was displayed under...

Johansson Faults Iron Man 2 for 'Hypersexualization' of Role

She's happy 'Black Widow' was made in a different climate a decade later

(Newser) - Scarlett Johansson is glad Black Widow was made a decade after Iron Man 2, the 2010 film that brought the first appearance of the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe series. The actor was not impressed with Iron Man 2's approach to Black Widow, aka Natasha Romanov, as she...

Here Are the Best, Worst States for Women

Minnesota comes out on top, Mississippi is at the bottom

(Newser) - Pay gaps, the minimum wage, the pandemic—all issues that affect women disproportionately, though there are some areas of the US that offer better opportunities for women than others. WalletHub tries to shake those locations out, looking at more than two dozen metrics in two main categories: women's economic...

Pope: Women Still Can't Be Priests, but They Can Read at Church

Francis changes law to allow women to take on more responsibilities during Mass

(Newser) - Pope Francis has changed church law to explicitly allow women to do more things during Mass, while reaffirming they can't be priests. Francis amended the law to formalize what's common practice in many parts of the world: that women can read the Gospel and serve on the altar...

Pornhub's New Problem: an $80M-Plus Lawsuit

40 women say online porn site profited from GirlsDoPorn sex trafficking videos

(Newser) - Pornhub's problems continue , this time with an $80 million-plus complaint. The BBC reports that the online porn site and its parent firm, MindGeek, have been sued by 40 women who allege that the companies profited from pornographic videos they appeared in for content partner GirlsDoPorn, which has been accused...

Utah Senator Blocks National Latino Museum

And one for women, with Mike Lee saying we don't need 'separate but equal' Smithsonian museums

(Newser) - For more than 25 years, there's been an effort to establish a national Latino museum within the Smithsonian Institution's museum family. And that dream seemed closer to coming to fruition this week, with bipartisan legislation toward that end on the Senate table. Enter Utah Sen. Mike Lee, who...

White House Press Shop Will Be All Female
White House Press Shop
Has One Thing in Common
the rundown

White House Press Shop Has One Thing in Common

Topping the list are Jennifer Psaki and Kate Bedingfield

(Newser) - Joe Biden and Kamala Harris plan to announce their senior communications team this week—and the big news is it's all-female, CNN reports. "I am proud to announce today the first senior White House communications team comprised entirely of women," Biden said in a statement. "These...

30-Yard Kick Makes College Football History

Sarah Fuller is Power 5 Football's first female player

(Newser) - A 30-yard squib kick, making history? Yep, it happened Saturday when Sarah Fuller kicked for the Vanderbilt Commodores and became the first female player in a Power 5 football game—college ball's top echelon, ESPN reports. "Honestly, it's just so exciting," she said of her perfect...

Guy Loses Citizenship Bid Over a Refused Handshake
Court: Man Who Wouldn't Shake
Woman's Hand Can't Be Citizen

Court: Man Who Wouldn't Shake Woman's Hand Can't Be Citizen

Judges reject doctor applying for German naturalization after he spurned official's gesture

(Newser) - A court has decided that a Muslim doctor from Lebanon who aced his German naturalization exam shouldn't be awarded citizenship after all, after he refused to shake hands with the female official who tried to give him his naturalization certificate. Per Deutsche Welle , the 40-year-old doctor, who studied in...

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