
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Cops Nab Woman Suspected of Leading of Killer Cult

Kenyan woman allegedly inspired serial killer

(Newser) - A high school teacher has been detained in Kenya, after a self-confessed serial killer said that she told him to kill 100 people for good fortune. Philip Onyancha, 32, has confessed to killing 17 people, mostly women, and says he did so because teacher Elizabeth Wambui inducted him into her...

Captured Pirates Present Conundrum for US

Some 20 are currently languishing aboard two ships

(Newser) - The US Navy has no idea what to do with 10 alleged Somali pirates that have been languishing in the brig on one of its warships for more than a month. Though any country can jail and prosecute pirates under international law, the US only does so if they're accused...

For Census Purposes, Obama's African-American

In response to question about race, president checks one box

(Newser) - When he filled out his census form yesterday, President Obama identified himself as African-American. The son of a black Kenyan and a white Kansan, Obama had the option to check more than one box. He didn't hesitate before choosing "Black, African Am., or Negro," White House press secretary...

Kenya Feeds Zebras to Hungry Lions

Carnivores in Amboseli National Park have been attacking local livestock

(Newser) - In a sort of zoological sacrifice, the Kenyan government is rounding up thousands of zebras and wildebeest to feed to starving lions and hyenas in the country's drought-ridden south. Some 80% of herbivores in Amboseli National Park were felled by the dry conditions, leading the hungry carnivores to attack neighboring...

Obama's Aunt Makes Second Plea for Asylum

Kenyan immigrant was ordered deported in 2004, but stayed

(Newser) - President Obama's Kenyan aunt is going before a Massachusetts immigration judge today for a second time to argue she should be allowed to stay in the US. Kenya native Zeituni Onyango is making her case this morning in US Immigration Court in Boston on medical grounds. She moved to the...

Fishermen Hook Silver Lining in Pirate Crisis

Fish stocks soar after bandits scare away illegal trawlers

(Newser) - The fishermen of Kenya and Somalia are enjoying their best catches in many years thanks to Somali pirates scaring away illegal trawlers. Before piracy became a problem, commercial fishing vessels from around the world took advantage of Somalia's lack of an effective government to raid its waters, reaping vast numbers...

10 Famous Sex Bans
 10 Famous Sex Bans 

10 Famous Sex Bans

Sometimes giving up sex is the surest way to success

(Newser) - A darts superstar (yes, darts) recently claimed a self-imposed sex ban is key to his success—and he’s not the only one who’s willingly cut himself off from the nookie. The Mirror takes a look at 10 other famous sex bans:
  • Sylvester Stallone: “There is only so

Elephant Kills US Woman, Baby Daughter in Kenya

Pair trampled while on normally safe hike

(Newser) - An American woman and her infant daughter were trampled to death by an elephant while hiking around the Mount Kenya nature reserve. The pair had been hiking with their entire family when the elephant attacked; the rest of the family escaped. A spokesman for the lodge they were staying in...

Cartoonist Attacker Also Plotted Clinton Hit

Somali who attacked Westergaard was detained earlier in Kenya

(Newser) - The Somali man who attacked a controversial Danish cartoonist had been previously arrested in Kenya in September on suspicion of plotting an attack against US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Denmark's Politiken newspaper reports today. Citing unnamed sources, it said he was later released due to lack of evidence. Clinton...

Latest Celebrity Getaways
 Latest Celebrity Getaways 


Latest Celebrity Getaways

Dubai is out of favor, but these destinations are heating up

(Newser) - With Dubai in dire straits, where will jet-setters go now? The Frisky knows. See full details here .
  • Morocco: Big names like Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston were in Marrakesh recently for the opening of a Chopard jewelry boutique.
  • Croatia: With the war over, celebs such as Steven Spielberg and Robert

First US Citizen Sues Feds for Rendition

NJ man alleges interrogation, coercion in Somalia, Egypt

(Newser) - A New Jersey man yesterday became the first US citizen to sue the federal government for "rendition," the extrajudicial transfer of terrorism suspects between countries. Arrested in Kenya in 2007, Amir Meshal was secretly flown to Somalia, then to Ethiopia, where he claims US agents repeatedly threatened him...

Famed Man-Eating Lions Not That Hungry: Scientists

Kenyan duo credited with 135 kills ate just 35 humans

(Newser) - The Tsavo lions, reputed to have consumed 135 railroad workers in Africa at the turn of the last century, were not quite as ravenous as legend would have it. The lions—whose stuffed carcasses are enshrined at Chicago’s Field Museum—actually dispatched a mere 35 souls, new research shows....

Kenya Feels Betrayed by 'Brother Barack'

US practices diplomatic tough love

(Newser) - Kenyans adore Barack Obama, affectionately calling him “Brother Barack,” but they’re starting to get the feeling he doesn’t love them back. The Obama administration has been far harder on Kenya diplomatically than its predecessor, Time reports. Last week Washington threatened to keep 15 senior officials from...

Maybe Obama's 'Half-White Side' Is Racist: Limbaugh

Also, president's media 'lust' is Castroesque

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh yesterday capped off a free-wheeling show on the scourge of racism in America by suggesting that Obama’s white half is racist because he hasn’t thrown a bone to his Kenyan relatives, Media Matters reports. “I'm just going on Newsweek, that we're all born racists, and...

US Strike Kills al-Qaeda Hotel Bomber in Somalia

Also wanted in 1998 US embassy attacks

(Newser) - An American helicopter strike killed a long-sought terrorist in Southern Somalia yesterday, the New York Times reports. Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, an al-Qaeda leader operating out of Kenya, was suspected in the 2002 attack on a Kenyan resort as well as the attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania...

As Gov't Bickers, Drought Ravages Kenya

Squabbling government fails to prepare for the worst as 4M starve

(Newser) - While countries like Ethiopia and Somalia have been long associated with drought and famine, it's the robust safari destination of Kenya that's wasting away. Nearly 4 million Kenyans, 10% of the population, are desperate for food due to a lack of rainfall—some villages haven't seen rain in years, the...

Scottish Gem Expert Hacked to Death in Kenya

(Newser) - Renowned Scottish gem expert Campbell Bridges has been killed by a mob armed with spears and machetes in Kenya's Tsavo National Park, the Independent reports. The murder is believed to be linked to a feud with squatters stealing gems from a Bridges family mine in the park. The mob set...

Kenyan to Chelsea: Marry Me, Get Free Livestock

Man renews dowry offer first made in 2000

(Newser) - Hoping for Chelsea Clinton’s hand in marriage, a Kenyan man offered a dowry of 40 goats and 20 cows in 2000. Now, he's renewing the offer and America's top diplomat mom has gotten involved: “She's very independent," responded Hillary Clinton, asked about the offer, at a Nairobi...

Lou Dobbs' Kenyan Birth Certificate Surfaces

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs has some explaining to do. Newser has obtained a shocking document proving Dobbs was actually born in Kenya. And by obtained, we mean whipped it up on You, too, can create Kenyan birth certificates for just about anyone by way of this site—just like the...

In Kenya, Clinton Blasts Graft, Corruption

Says government responsibility key to 'economic progress'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton criticized Kenya today for rampant graft and corruption as she made the case that business and trade across Africa cannot grow without good governance and solid democracy. In President Obama's ancestral homeland, the secretary of State said, "True economic progress in Africa will depend on responsible governments...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>