
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

'There Was No Time to Count the Dead' in Nairobi Attack

Al-Shabab claims responsibility for attack on luxury hotel

(Newser) - Extremists launched a deadly attack on a luxury hotel in Kenya's capital Tuesday, sending people fleeing in panic as explosions and heavy gunfire reverberated through the complex. A witness said he saw five bodies at the hotel entrance alone. Al-Shabab—the Somalia-based Islamic extremist group that carried out...

2011: Lost His Feet to Frostbite. 2018: Finishes a Marathon

Marko Cheseto also just became a US citizen

(Newser) - A former University of Alaska Anchorage runner who lost both of his feet to frostbite in 2011 ran his first marathon and became an American citizen last week, the AP reports. Marko Cheseto, 35, finished 613th overall out of nearly 53,000 runners at the New York City Marathon on...

NYC Marathon Has Its Winners
NYC Marathon
Has Its Winners

NYC Marathon Has Its Winners

Lelisa Desisa of Ethiopia, Mary Keitany of Kenya take top spots

(Newser) - Lelisa Desisa of Ethiopia has won the New York City Marathon, holding off countryman Shura Kitata by 1.99 seconds, the AP reports. Desisa finished in 2 hours, 5 minutes, 59 seconds. Last year's winner, Geoffrey Kamworor of Kenya, finished third. Mary Keitany of Kenya became the second woman...

Hippo Kills Chinese Tourist Taking Photos at Kenya Lake

The 66-year-old was one of two fatalities at Lake Naivasha over the weekend

(Newser) - A Chinese tourist was fatally bitten by a hippo while taking photos of it on a lake in Kenya over the weekend. Per BBC , the 66-year-old, identified as, Chang Ming Chuang, was trying to get a glimpse of the giant mammal at a wildlife resort outside Nairobi when it attacked....

8 Endangered Rhinos Die After Relocation 'Disaster'

Over half the black rhinos moved to a Kenyan park have died, possibly of salt poisoning

(Newser) - Eight endangered rhinos have died after a move to a new park in Kenya. Per the AP , the black rhinos died in what Kenyan conservationist Paula Kahumbu calls "a complete disaster" after they were relocated from two locations to Tsavo East National Park last month. Officials suspect salt poisoning...

Kenya Bans 1st Cannes Film Over 'Lesbianism'

Director Wanuri Kahiu ran afoul of her nation's laws on homosexuality

(Newser) - Kenya has banned its first feature film to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, accusing it of having "clear intent to promote lesbianism in Kenya contrary to the law," reports the AP . Director Wanuri Kahiu says she is "incredibly sorry" to confirm the ban of Rafiki, or...

Giant Crack in Africa Suggests an 8th Continent Is Coming

Rift in Kenya means Africa might split in 2, but it will take millions of years

(Newser) - Some 250 million years ago, Earth had one continent—Pangaea. Today, there are seven, and in another 50 million years or so, there could be eight. That's according to geologists studying a massive crack that recently appeared in southwestern Kenya, taking out homes and a section of highway, after...

In Unlikely Corner of World, a 'Guru' Clings to His Vinyl

Kenya's last record store is thriving

(Newser) - Tucked into a busy market in Kenya's capital is arguably the country's last record store, reports the AP . "Real Vinyl Guru" has been open for 28 years and now enjoys the growing interest of music lovers who want to look beyond sleek digital offerings and return to...

Wrong Patient Gets Brain Surgery Due to Hospital Mix-Up

CEO of Kenyatta National Hospital suspended

(Newser) - Doctors at a hospital in Kenya were two hours into brain surgery to remove a patient's blood clot when they discovered to their shock there was no clot, the Daily Nation reports. They had the wrong patient. According to the BBC , the patient they were operating on simply needed...

Ivory Sleuth Who Traveled Underworlds Killed at Home

Top ivory investigator Esmond Bradley Martin, 75, found stabbed in neck in Nairobi

(Newser) - "Pachyderms have lost a great champion." That's the tribute of one elephant expert for Esmond Bradley Martin, one of the world's most well-known ivory investigators, who was found killed in his home in Nairobi, Kenya, per the Telegraph and BBC . The 75-year-old had a stab wound...

East Africa Doesn't Want 'Clothes of Dead White People' Anymore

And the US isn't happy about it

(Newser) - Seventy percent of donated second-hand clothing ends up in Africa, and a number of African nations are tired of it, the New York Times reports. Last year, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Burundi, and Kenya raised import tariffs on what Kenyans call the "clothes of dead white people" so...

Clinton Again Notes US Firm's Role in Tainted Kenya Vote

Cambridge Analytica is owned by Mercer family, Trump supporters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is clarifying: She doesn't intend to contest the 2016 election. The issue made headlines this week after Clinton told NPR that she wouldn't rule out challenging the legitimacy of the outcome if investigators prove Russia played a major role. In a followup talk with Mic , Clinton...

Kenya Election Results Declared 'Null and Void'

Nairobi is braced for unrest

(Newser) - Kenya's Supreme Court on Friday nullified President Uhuru Kenyatta's election win last month and called for new elections within 60 days, shocking a country that had been braced for further protests by opposition supporters. No Kenya presidential election has ever been nullified. "It's a very historic...

Plastic Bag Users Face Jail Time Under New Kenya Law

Tough new ban seeks to reduce plastic pollution

(Newser) - Using a plastic bag in Kenya now comes with a hefty price. According to the Guardian , offenders of a new law banning plastic bags in the eastern African country can face up to four years in jail or fines up to $40,000. Ten years in the making, the “...

Kenya Is Done Voting, but a July Murder Is Causing Chaos
IT Guy's July Murder
Is Now Roiling Kenya
the rundown

IT Guy's July Murder Is Now Roiling Kenya

Losing candidate won't accept results, says killing led to a massive election hack

(Newser) - Last month, the IT manager of Kenya's election commission was brutally murdered. Now his death is playing a role in unrest in the wake of Tuesday's presidential vote, chaos that threatens to plunge Kenya into violence with reverberations around the African continent. Here's what's happening:
  • Disputed

Obama Issues Rare Statement Ahead of Kenya Vote

Former president asks leaders to 'reject violence and incitement'

(Newser) - Barack Obama has mostly steered clear of politics—at least publicly—since leaving office. There was an alteration Monday, however, on the eve of an election in Kenya. The former president, whose father was born in the country, urged Kenyans to "work for an election—and aftermath—that is...

World's Loneliest Guy Gets Help From Tinder

Company helping to raise money for white rhino breeding

(Newser) - There's just one male northern white rhino left in the world , and he's getting some help from Tinder. A Kenyan wildlife conservancy is teaming up with the dating app for a campaign called "The Most Eligible Bachelor in the World," focusing on the rhino named Sudan,...

I Dreamed of Africa Author Shot in Stomach

Kuki Gallmann shot at her Kenyan ranch

(Newser) - The Italian-born author and conservationist Kuki Gallmann was shot at her Kenyan ranch and airlifted for treatment after herders invaded in search of pasture to save their animals from drought, officials said Sunday. Gallmann, known for her bestselling book I Dreamed of Africa, which became a movie by the same...

There Are Just 25 'Big Tuskers' Left in the World. One Was Just Killed

Poachers suspected to have poisoned Satao II

(Newser) - One of the last "big tusker" elephants in Africa has been killed by poachers. Satao II, one of the oldest and biggest elephants on the continent, is believed to have been struck by a poisoned arrow; he was found dead Monday, before poachers could take his ivory. The elephant,...

eBay Founder Invests $500K to Test Theory on Income

Charity arm will give money to poor in Kenya for 12 years

(Newser) - The concept of basic income is a simple idea: Impoverished people receive a fixed amount of money on a regular basis to pay for necessities such as food, clothing, and housing. While the limited research available suggests that it can provide a host of benefits—lowering drug and alcohol abuse,...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>