
Stories 101 - 119 | << Prev 

Lobbyists to McCain: Gee, Thanks, Traitor

Loyal donors kicked to curb as candidate burnishes image

(Newser) - John McCain has been purging his campaign of lobbyists, which has left more than a few feeling betrayed. These are the people, after all, who stuck through McCain when his primary chances looked grim, and kept his campaign financially above water. “If it was OK to have these people...

Obama Bristles at GOP: 'Lay Off My Wife'

Dem front-runner also scolds McCain on lobbyist connections

(Newser) - Barack Obama today responded with vigor to Tennessee Republicans' spotlighting wife Michelle’s “proud of my country” comments, saying, “these folks should lay off my wife.” Appearing on ABC, the Democratic front-runner tried to lay down some boundaries for the general election, Talking Points Memo reports, saying...

McCain Loses 5th Adviser Over Lobbying Ties

Co-chair's company banked nearly $15M from Saudi deals

(Newser) - A high-ranking John McCain adviser has dropped out over his lobbying ties, Politico reports. Former Rep. Thomas Loeffler, McCain's national co-chair, is the fifth lobbying-connected resignation from the camp this week—and proof that McCain is serious about his lobbying shakeout. But not all in the GOP are thrilled. “...

Mac Boosted Top Backer's Land Swap
Mac Boosted Top Backer's Land Swap

Mac Boosted Top Backer's Land Swap

Donor who raised $100K to enjoy biggest Ariz. exchange ever

(Newser) - John McCain fought successfully for a bill to swap an Arizona rancher’s remote forest holdings for expensive, development-ready federal land in a deal that benefits one of Mac’s biggest campaign fundraisers, the Washington Post reports. The 55,000-acre swap, said to be Arizona's biggest ever, led to a...

Housing Bill Loaded with Corporate Tax Breaks

But little to prevent foreclosures

(Newser) - The bill was rushed through the Senate to come to the aid of homeowners facing foreclosure, but it turns out that some of its biggest beneficiaries are automakers, airlines and energy producers. The Senate’s housing bill is packed with billions in corporate tax cuts, the New York Times reports....

Record $2.79B Spent Lobbying Last Year

Health-product industry leads way in seemingly 'recession-proof' uptick

(Newser) - Lobbyists made a record-breaking $2.79 billion on Capitol Hill last year, beating 2006’s record by $200 million. The healthcare industry led the way, spending $227 million on attempts to influence legislators, up 25% from the year previous. The insurance and real-estate sectors were right behind, Reuters reports. The...

Congress Cashes In on Subprime Lobby

Campaign donations from housing, financial industries skyrocket

(Newser) - The subprime crisis isn’t bad for everyone: congressmen and lobbying firms are doing great, Politico reports. Industries caught in the crunch have drastically scaled up their campaign contributions, and dozens of new lobbying firms have sprung up to cash in. Securities and investment PACs, for example, have already given...

Clinton Aide Met With Colombians on Trade Deal

Penn, in job as lobbyist, hired to promote accord candidate opposes

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist met with Colombia’s ambassador to the US this week on a trade deal the Democratic candidate opposes—in his capacity as a lobbying executive, the Wall Street Journal reports. Mark Penn's firm, Burson-Marsteller, was paid $300,000 to fight for the bilateral accord, which...

'Regulation' No Longer a Dirty Word in DC

Wall St. woes, toy and food scares have pols of all stripes on board

(Newser) - "Regulation" is becoming less of a dirty word in Washington in the wake of the mortgage meltdown, woes on Wall Street, and scares over tainted food and toys. Many Democrats and even some Republicans want a shift from voluntary industry standards in vogue since the Reagan administration. "We're...

Dems Slam Ashcroft for 'Backroom' $52M Contract

Ex-AG denies charges in House hearing

(Newser) - John Ashcroft angrily denied congressional Democrats' allegations today that a lucrative no-bid contract the Justice Department awarded him represents a conflict of interest, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports. Democrats characterized the contract as a “backroom sweetheart deal” because Ashcroft's ex-subordinates selected his firm to monitor a medical supply company...

Lobbyists Pack Ethics Crusader McCain's Staff

Forget Iseman: Senior advisers represent major corporations

(Newser) - Vicki Iseman is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to John McCain’s associations with lobbyists, the Washington Post reports. McCain targets special interests, but his campaign manager and top advisers are or have been lobbyists representing some of the country’s biggest corporations. Top adviser Charles...

McCain Denies Charges of Impropriety with Lobbyist

Calls female lobbyist a 'friend,' denies any 'unwarranted access or influence'

(Newser) - A subdued John McCain, flanked by his wife, held a press conference today to deny all charges in a New York Times story alleging improprieties involving a female lobbyist. Saying he is "disappointed" in the Times, and that the story alleging a romantic relationship is "not true,"...

McCain Denies Lobbyist Scandal, Attacks Times

Candidate slams article, 'smear campaign'

(Newser) - John McCain’s camp came out swinging at the New York Times last night, calling a “hit and run smear campaign” a report alleging that the senator had been involved in an improper and possibly romantic relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman eight years ago. “The New York Times...

Three Biggest Myths of Election 2008
Three Biggest Myths of Election 2008

Three Biggest Myths of Election 2008

German observer deconstructs issues obsessing candidates

(Newser) - The riveting US election is beholden to three big story lines, each of which is a myth, writes Der Spiegel’s Gabor Steingart: Washington is broken, lobbyists have too much influence, and partisanship is evil. Candidates keep rehearsing those popular lines—and insisting they have the best bead on change—...

Video Game Industry Reaches Boss Level

Industry chiefs aim to get more of a say in Washington

(Newser) - The video game industry has grown up and is going to start putting some quarters into Washington, the New York Times reports. Game makers have formed their first political action committee and will soon start making campaign donations to candidates, in hopes of steering more of them to the industry's...

Bushies Break Records in Rush to K Street

More than 150 White House staffers have switched to lobbying

(Newser) - Departing staffers of lame duck presidents have long filled the ranks of lobbying firms, but the Bush White House is providing K Street operatives in particularly high numbers, the Politico reports—raising a series of ethics questions about the revolving-door phenomenon. The key industries hiring outgoing Bushies are homeland security—...

Congress Drops Tax Hike for Private Equity

Superwealthy investors will get to keep tax breaks they now enjoy

(Newser) - A proposed tax hike on some of America's wealthiest investors isn't likely to happen this year, as Senate Democrats say they're shelving a bill that would have eliminated the special tax rate enjoyed by private-equity managers. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says a crowded legislative calendar makes considering the bill—...

Apocalypse Not Now: Saving the Earth Demands Positive Vision

The answer is funding innovations, say writers

(Newser) - Apocalyptic thinking and small solutions aren’t capable of saving the world in the Inconvenient Truth age; instead, we need optimism and innovation funding, say New Republic writers Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger. Reducing energy consumption, at the root of global warming, is not realistic, they argue.

A Buck on Lobbying Rakes in $28
A Buck on Lobbying Rakes in $28

A Buck on Lobbying Rakes in $28

Critics say that spending 'earmarks' only 'about politics'

(Newser) - Mystery solved: companies rake in about $28 for every dollar spent lobbying Capitol Hill, BusinessWeek reports. According to the numbers, it's military contractors that get the most spending "earmarks" slipped into bills by lawmakers. But recent scandals over the system have prompted Bush and Pelosi to call for cuts...

Stories 101 - 119 | << Prev