campaign fundraising

Stories 341 - 355 | << Prev 

Barack on the Court: Fast, Fierce and Wily

Basketball has played an important role in Obama's life

(Newser) - These days Barack Obama's more likely to be rubbing elbows at a fundraiser than throwing elbows on the court, but pickup basketball is his game, and he's damn good, Jodi Kantor reports in the New York Times. He's quick, wily and aggressive on the court, with a left-handed jump shot...

MySpace Opens Up to Donations
MySpace Opens Up to Donations

MySpace Opens Up to Donations

60 million users eying presidential hopefuls will raise News Corp.'s profile

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is entering the online political scene in a very significant way with a tool that will allow 60 million MySpace users to donate up to $500 to the presidential candidate of their choice, reports the Financial Times. News Corp. has yet to make a decision, reports...

GOP Finds Itself Tangled in the Web
GOP Finds Itself Tangled in the Web

GOP Finds Itself Tangled in the Web

Candidates lag Democrats in online popularity, fundraising

(Newser) - The digital divide is widening—between Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Websites, blogs and online video aren't the only areas where the GOP trails; fundraising numbers reported in the Washington Post tell a similar story. In the first quarter of 2007, the top three Democrats raked in $14 million online,...

The Newest Fundraisers? Social Networkers

(Newser) - Think Iowa Caucus folkways meets Silicon Valley tech savvy: A group of high-tech entrepreneurs are using online and offline social networking to evaluate, pick, and support their presidential candidate. The groups skip traditional intermediaries—namely, political parties—to meet directly with candidates, then use their widespread (and wealthy) social networks...

Richardson Trails Despite Better Resume

The problem is that he's not famous enough

(Newser) - Despite his considerable experience in foreign affairs and effective stewardships of one of the most diverse, though small, states in the country, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is not attracting much of a following, says Time blogger Karen Tumulty. Why? He’s not famous and doesn’t have enough famous...

Law Firm's Green Record Gives Rudy Black Eye

Lobbyist for polluters boosts partner Giuliani

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's affiliation with a big-name Houston law firm has been key to his fund-raising success, especially in Texas, but may be dangerous politically, the Times reports. Bracewell & Giuliani, which the former New York mayor joined in 2005, is one of the most prominent lobbyists for the heavy-polluting oil,...

Big Business Turns Blue
Big Business Turns Blue

Big Business Turns Blue

Companies fill Dems' war chests, seeking traction with ruling party

(Newser) - Corporate America is shifting campaign contributions from GOP soulmates to Democrats, eager to bond with new legislative gatekeepers. Coffers aren't swelling across the board, though; a Wall Street Journal analysis shows pro-business Dems are pulling in most of it. General Dynamics, Honeywell International, Home Depot. and Aflac are among those...

McCain Courts Yuppie Donors
McCain Courts Yuppie Donors

McCain Courts Yuppie Donors

With YP4McCain, the candidate targets younger supporters

(Newser) - John McCain, the man who wants to be the oldest president ever, is hoping his fundraisers can skew a bit younger. McCain 2008 is actively recruiting young professionals to gather cash from their  Blackberry-wielding friends, making up in enthusiasm what they lack in their bankbooks.

Barack Trumps Hillary in Battle for Primary Cash

It's nearly even after Round One, and Obama's made some unexpected friends

(Newser) - Barack topped Hill in the primary fundraising race, figures released yesterday showed, and New York mag knows why: Obama has not only won over some key Clinton-family loyalists, but culled a new generation of fortysomething donors with ample assets and Rolodexes to match. The result is Obama's $24.8 million...

Romney Scores Big In Stealth Campaign

How the candidate tied up some of the GOP's biggest donors

(Newser) - Of all the GOP presidential candidates competing to raise funds, Mitt Romney needs the money least, David Kirkpatrick ovserves in the Times. The founder of a giant private equity firm, he can afford to pay for the race himself. But he's pulled in the most—$20 million—precisely because he...

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash
GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

Democrats top Republican donors for the first time in 30 years

(Newser) - Democratic presidential hopefuls have outperformed their GOP rivals at raising primary cash for the first time since 1976. In the first quarter the score was $79 mil to $51 mil, which seems portentous: Bob Dole's campaign manager confesses to the Times that the Dems "seem to have a lot...

Obama Raises $25 Million
Obama Raises $25 Million

Obama Raises $25 Million

Senator surprises pundits with grassroots results

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $25 million for his presidential bid, more than doubling his own projections for the quarter and falling just short of archrival Hillary Clinton’s $26 mil. Obama announced the figure to the Chicago Tribune today, revealing donations that have been far more diffuse than Clinton's—from...

Hillary Triples War Chest Record
Hillary Triples War Chest Record

Hillary Triples War Chest Record

White House campaign nets $36 million

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton proved her fund raising prowess by nearly tripling the previous record for the first quarter of a presidential campaign, amassing $26 million in donations.   Some $10 million appears to have been raised in the final 1 1/2 weeks of the quarter, the Washington Post reports, when...

Techies Click With Obama
Techies Click With Obama

Techies Click With Obama

Silicon Valley elite are replacing Clinton with a next-generation model

(Newser) - Silicon Valley techies are forsaking  Hillary for Barack—and among the defectors are some of Bill's biggest fundraisers. Obama's is grabbing particular notice among the young and newly wealthy, with deep pockets and little political experience. "In the lexicon of high tech, Barack Obama is the next-generation solution,"...

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics
Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Just before announcing, Romney made hefty donations to conservative groups

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been lining the coffers of conservative groups whose support he'll be seeking in his presidential bid. Late last year, just two months before he announced his candidacy, Romney gave five-figure personal donations to four Massachusetts groups, David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reports—groups to which...

Stories 341 - 355 | << Prev