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Canadian Coffee Shops Introduce the 'Canadiano'

In cafes across Great White North, 'Americano' beverage has been replaced

(Newser) - There's not much the everyday Canadian can do to stop US tariffs set to go into effect on Canadian goods next month, but some cafes across the Great White North have found a small, snarky way to push back. Some coffee shops have renamed their "Americano" coffee drinks—...

Drink a Lot of Joe? You May Be Fending Off Cancer
Coffee May Keep
a Particular Cancer at Bay

Coffee May Keep a Particular Cancer at Bay

And it may not be the caffeine that lowers risk of head and neck cancer, scientists say

(Newser) - We already know that coffee may be able to help mitigate couch-potato lifestyles , boost longevity , and reduce your risk for a slew of conditions, including diabetes and heart disease. Add two more to that latter list, according to research published in the journal Cancer : Scientists have found that drinking four-plus...

Coffee Prices Just Soared Past a Record From 1977

Arabica beans hit an all-time high, and its consumers may feel the pinch soon

(Newser) - Coffee isn't exactly cheap these days, but it's now poised to become even more expensive for both those who make it at home or buy it on the run, reports the Wall Street Journal .
  • Record high: The cost of Arabica beans rose to $3.44 per pound on

This Is a $344 Coffee. It Comes With Benefits

Customers get a share of a Scottish dairy farm

(Newser) - It's an enormous price to pay for a little cup of coffee, but the man behind the pitch promises it won't leave a bitter taste as it comes with the sweetener of a share of a dairy farm. A Scottish dairy is offering what it bills as the...

Port Strike Could Cause Big Problems With Your Coffee

Trader warns of a 'supply squeeze' as strike shuts down ports that 80% of imports come through

(Newser) - "People are going to sit up and realize how important longshoremen jobs are," union leader Harold Daggett said as the the dockworkers strike began at midnight Tuesday. Those words might hit home with disruption to the supply chain of a commodity many Americans start their day with. Reuters...

Cops Seek Man Accused of Dousing Baby With Hot Coffee

The hunt is on after suspect fled Australia last month; the baby is recovering from serious injuries

(Newser) - A worldwide hunt is on for a man who Australian police say severely scalded a baby boy by throwing hot coffee on him before rushing off and eventually fleeing the country. The Guardian and BBC report that, in an incident that took place late last month in Brisbane's Hanlon...

Boss Says He Wants to Hold Workers 'Captive All Day Long'

Australia's Chris Ellison has banned working from home, doesn't want staffers going out for coffee

(Newser) - Chris Ellison already sniffs at his employees working from home. Now, he doesn't even want them going out to get coffee. "I don't want them leaving the building," the head of Australian mining firm Mineral Resources said during a financial earnings report on Wednesday, noting he'...

Pumpkin Spice Latte Comes Earlier Than Ever

Starbucks released its fall menu Thursday, a day earlier than last year

(Newser) - Don't let Starbucks fool you. It's still summer, though it might not feel like it inside your local franchise. Starbucks released its full fall menu , including the iconic Pumpkin Spice Latte, on Thursday—the earliest date ever, Quartz reports. The Pumpkin Spice Latte is back for its 21st...

For Those Who Sit All Day, Coffee Reduces Death Risk
Coffee Could Save
Your Sedentary Life

Coffee Could Save Your Sedentary Life

Researchers say it appears to offset mortality risk in those who sit for long periods

(Newser) - Researchers have long warned that sitting for most of the day is bad for your health. But if you're drinking coffee while you're sitting, the picture is better, according to new research. In a study published in the journal BMC Public Health , Chinese researchers who analyzed data on...

Starbucks Is Offering Cheaper Joe to Draw Customers Back

Enjoy the discounted prices, though some say other 'gripes' also need remedying

(Newser) - Grabbed a Starbucks iced latte or Pink Drink lately and noticed the price seemed unusually low? That's because the coffee giant is now trying to lure customers back after a tough year, including via discounts and other promotions, reports the Wall Street Journal . The move is an atypical one...

A Big First for 'World's Most Important Beverage'

Coffee is focus at UC Davis Coffee Center, said to be first coffee research hub on US college campus

(Newser) - A college in Northern California is now home to a center devoted to educating students and closely studying one of the most consumed beverages in the world known for powering people through their day—coffee. UC Davis launched its Coffee Center in May with research focused on providing support for...

FDA Considers a Big Change to Decaf Coffee

Advocacy groups petition to ban a chemical often used in decaffeination

(Newser) - A notable change may be coming to decaf coffee, with health advocacy groups pushing to ban a chemical commonly used in the decaffeination process. The FDA is currently reviewing the request regarding methylene chloride. A look at the details:
  • The process: Many decaf coffees use what's known as the

Your Morning Coffee May Be 600K Years Old
Your Morning Coffee
May Be 600K Years Old

Your Morning Coffee May Be 600K Years Old

Arabica emerged 'prior to any intervention from man'

(Newser) - That coffee you slurped this morning? It's 600,000 years old. Using genes from coffee plants around the world, researchers built a family tree for the world's most popular type of coffee, known to scientists as Coffea arabica and to coffee lovers simply as "arabica," the...

Race Honors Paris' Celebrated Waiters
Race Salutes Paris'
Famed Waiters

Race Salutes Paris' Famed Waiters

Apparently by making them walk a mile and a quarter carrying coffee, water, croissant

(Newser) - Usain Bolt's sprint world records were never in danger. Then again, even the world's fastest human likely wouldn't have been so quick while balancing a tray with a croissant, a coffee cup, and a glass of water through the streets of Paris without spilling it everywhere. France'...

Woman Acquitted of Lacing Coffee With Viagra

Factory cleaner claimed she was 'set up'

(Newser) - A woman accused of spiking her colleagues' coffee with Viagra was found not guilty Thursday after claiming she was "set up." Karen Beale, 62, was arrested in September 2018 after she was secretly recorded using gloves to handle a jar of Nescafé at a factory in Dover, England,...

That Cheap Kona Coffee Wasn't Kona at All: Lawsuit

Hawaii coffee growers win $41M from distributors who falsely labeled their product as Kona

(Newser) - You're likely to see less coffee labeled as authentic Kona, which is a good thing, according to growers, who say much of the stuff on store shelves isn't the real deal. As the New York Times reports, Hawaiian growers of the rare beans who accused coffee distributors of...

Starbucks: You Can Use Your Own Cup at Drive-Thru
Starbucks Has
Gone 'Fully BYOC'

Starbucks Has Gone 'Fully BYOC'

Patrons can now fill up not only at the counter, but also at drive-thru or via mobile app with their own cups

(Newser) - Starbucks has made a big move in the new year—it's gone "fully BYOC." That's "bring your own cup," per the Washington Post , which reports that the coffee giant is now permitting customers to fill up on their favorite beverage using their own reusable...

Scientists Find a Trick to Grinding Better Coffee
A Spritz of Water May
Improve Your Coffee

A Spritz of Water May Improve Your Coffee

Research shows that wetting the beans slightly before grinding really does help

(Newser) - A unique collaboration in science has resulted in a handy tip for coffee enthusiasts—spritz your beans with water. Christopher Hendon, co-author of a new study in the journal Matter , is a chemist who runs a coffee laboratory out of the University of Oregon. He worked with volcanologist Josh Mendez...

Airline Promises Coffee That Doesn't Suck

Alaska Airlines says partnership with Stumptown 'delivers a remarkably smooth' cup at altitude

(Newser) - Alaska Airlines is hoping to attract coffee lovers by touting a brew that tastes better in the air. Travelers may have noticed that airplane coffee doesn't measure up to the stuff served on solid ground. "You're experiencing 8,000 feet of air pressure, which reduces your perception...

McDonald's Sued in Another Hot Coffee Case

85-year-old woman says workers ignored her after she suffered severe burns

(Newser) - An 85-year-old woman in San Francisco has filed the latest hot-coffee lawsuit against McDonald's, saying she suffered "severe burns and emotional distress" after buying coffee at a drive-through in June. Mabel Childress says the lid wasn't properly sealed and the coffee spilled on her when she tried...

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