
Stories 21 - 31 | << Prev 

How to Make the Perfect Burger

Expert chefs discuss everything from meat to fixings

(Newser) - Ever since Daniel Boulud stuffed ground sirloin with truffles and foie gras, the hamburger has been elevated from guilty pleasure to true art. The New York Times got the experts’ advice for how to make a perfect burger:
  • The meat: Steer clear of preshaped burgers or even pre-packaged meat, and

Those Greasy Burgers Don't Fool Us, Barack
Those Greasy Burgers Don't Fool Us, Barack

Those Greasy Burgers Don't Fool Us, Barack

Dowd to prez: Stop pretending you like junk food and eat healthy

(Newser) - He might take his veep out for a burger once in a while, but Barack Obama is a health nut—so much so, notes Maureen Dowd, that when he and Michelle had dinner in New York "he managed the impossible feat of nibbling only one French fry." For...

Burger King Markets Meaty Perfume
Burger King Markets Meaty Perfume

Burger King Markets Meaty Perfume

Fragrance billed as 'scent of seduction' with a hint of burger

(Newser) - Burger King has unveiled a men's body spray designed to make burger lovers swoon, the BBC reports. The company says the Flame fragrance smells like "the scent of seduction, with a hint of flame-broiled meat." A website for the perfume features various "romantic" images—including the...

Burger King Slammed for Seducing 'Whopper Virgins'

Campaign to bring burger to newbies leaves bad taste in critics' mouths

(Newser) - Burger King is catching flak for taking the burger wars to places that don't even have a word for burger, Wall Street Journal reports. In a campaign critics are calling crass, the company sought out "Whopper Virgins" in far-flung locations from Greenland to Transylvania who had never eaten a...

Le Burger Sizzles in Paris
 Le Burger Sizzles in Paris 

Le Burger Sizzles in Paris

French chefs make over the American standby

(Newser) - Parisian gourmands might still revile McDonald's, but the lowly hamburger has become a mainstay on some of the best menus in the City of Light. From cafés on the Left Bank to top tables showered with Michelin stars, the quintessential American dish has undergone a French transformation. "The...

Burger King Serves Up $190 Burger

Never mind $150 oil, how about the $200 hamburger?

(Newser) - Burger King has concocted a luxury burger with a whopping $190 price tag, reports ABC News. "The Burger" features Wagyu beef garnished with truffles and onion straws fried in Cristal champagne in a saffron-dusted bun. The bold, limited edition tantalizer is being offered once a week at a single...

In-N-Out Burger Clogs Neighbors' Arteries

Traffic jams around popular joint hurting other businesses, owners claim

(Newser) - In-N-Out Burger's customers aren’t “in and out” as fast as its Southern California neighbors would like. Businesses near some oversubscribed locations are frustrated at drive-through lines that block their own entrances and exits—and some are ready to sue, the Los Angeles Times reports. “We've lost a...

Fast Food: The Healthy Alternative*
Fast Food:
The Healthy Alternative*

Fast Food: The Healthy Alternative*

*That is, to nostalgic, even-more-caloric American diners

(Newser) - Don't blame McDonald's for America's obesity problem—in fact, thank it for providing a relatively healthy alternative to the even-fattier fare of "dives and diners," which offer delicacies like the "10-Storey Challenge Burger" and 72-ounce steaks, writes Greg Beato in Reason Magazine. Despite the graver health crimes...

Topps Recalls Millions of Patties
Topps Recalls Millions of Patties

Topps Recalls Millions of Patties

E. Coli outbreak leads to recall of about 21.7 million pounds of meat

(Newser) - Fears of E. coli contamination drove Topps Meat Co. to recall 21.7 million pounds of frozen hamburger patties today. The recall affects all Topps products with a sell-by date between Sept. 25, 2007, and Sept. 25, 2008. More than two dozen people in eight states have reported infections, and...

Ronald Smiling as Stock Soars
Ronald Smiling as Stock Soars

Ronald Smiling as Stock Soars

Food giant reacts to critics with new menus and marketing, but still loves trans fat

(Newser) - Ronald McDonald is smiling as his stock soars and critics give grudging respect to his new menus, the AP reports. McDonald’s hasn’t yielded on all fronts – its fries still simmer in trans-fatty cooking oil – but nimble reactions to critics have helped boost the stock from $12...

10 Best Places to Pig Out
10 Best Places to Pig Out

10 Best Places to Pig Out

10 best gut-stretching meals around the country

(Newser) - Tired of picking at salads and counting out almonds?  Fill up your plate with the 10 "best-tasting, most gut-stretching" meals the Discovery Channel could find.
  1. Lambert's Cafe, Sikeston, MO
  2. Eagle's Deli, Brighton, MA
  3. Seiad Valley Cafe, Seiad Valley, CA

Stories 21 - 31 | << Prev