
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Another Player Joins Competition for Dow Jones

Pearson searches for partner to help launch bid

(Newser) - Another would-be Dow Jones suitor emerged this afternoon: Pearson, which publishes the Financial Times. In a media-company-news hall of mirrors, the Wall Street Journal reports that Pearson is searching for partners in its "longshot" bid and has approached Hearst and GE; the FT reports that its parent company has...

Black's Blind Eye Could Convict
Black's Blind Eye Could Convict

Black's Blind Eye Could Convict

(Newser) - The standard of proof at former media mogul Conrad Black's fraud trial in Chicago will be set low.  In issuing the so-called "ostrich instruction," the judge allowed the jury to convict if Black and his co-defendants deliberately avoided knowing about wrong-doing.

Venezuelan TV Station Skirts Ban, Airs on YouTube

Demonstrators protest Chavez, shutdown

(Newser) - An anti-establishment TV station taken off the air by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has found a new way to reach viewers: YouTube. A reduced staff produces and uploads three hour-long newscasts a day for Radio Caracas Television, which stopped broadcasting Sunday. The shutdown of RCTV, which was replaced with a...

Media Gurus Take Stock of New Website brings a market mentality to picking the next hit

(Newser) - An enterprising start-up thinks it knows how to pick the next Da Vinci Code or "Friends," the Economist reports: virtual stockmarkets. lets volunteers use play money to bet on the success of a book manuscript, TV pilot, or opening-day take, and hopes the wisdom of crowds...

TV Moguls Blast Web Rivals
TV Moguls Blast Web Rivals

TV Moguls Blast Web Rivals

Parsons: 'They are the Custer of the modern world. We are the Sioux Nation.'

(Newser) - A panel of top television executives at a Vegas conference yesterday went on the offensive against their digital rivals, blasting the perception that cell phones, the Web, and other digital formats are killing their business. Quite the contrary, pronounced Time Warner CEO Richard Parsons: "The Googles, they are the...

World Bank Fallout Runs Downhill
World Bank Fallout Runs Downhill

World Bank Fallout Runs Downhill

Longtime Wolfowitz aide steps down, citing Rizagate

(Newser) - A top Paul Wolfowitz adviser—and Bush administration loyalist—has announced his resignation from the World Bank, citing the fallout from the Shaha Riza scandal. Kevin Kellems, who met Wolfowitz when both were at the Pentagon, says he cannot be "effective" in the wake of accusations that the bank...

Web Muckrakers Fight Corruption in China

Freelance journalists hired by citizens stay one step ahead of censors

(Newser) - A new breed of journalist is evolving out of China’s censored media: the web-based hired gun. The Washington Post reports on freelance muckrakers who investigate corruption the mainstream press can't touch and post the results on their sites. They're paid—if meagerly—by the aggrieved parties.

MTV Meets Web 2.0 Halfway
MTV Meets Web 2.0 Halfway

MTV Meets Web 2.0 Halfway

Will user-generated content, viral videos, be fountain of youth?

(Newser) - MTV is fighting an unprecedented drop-off in ratings by tapping straight into the YouTube generation. The revamped bastion of youth culture will be less cable channel and more media hub, letting its teen viewers decide—and create—what they want to see, while keeping them connected to their digital world.

Wills and Kate Have Split
Wills and Kate Have Split

Wills and Kate Have Split

Brits mourn fairtytale marriage of Prince William to commoner Kate Middleton

(Newser) - Prince William's four-year romance with shopgirl Kate Middleton is off, the Sun reported in a "world exclusive" today. Though palace-watchers had been betting on another fairytale wedding at St. Paul's, the couple has been growing apart since Wills started his military service, and seemed to prefer carousing with army...

Google Earth Digitizes Genocide
Google Earth Digitizes Genocide

Google Earth Digitizes Genocide

Internet tool used to raise awareness of atrocities in Sudan

(Newser) - Google Earth has teamed up with the Holocaust Museum to bring the realities of genocide to your MacBook. "Crisis in Darfur" employs Google Earth wizardry to help users visualize the scope of the atrocities currently unfolding in Sudan. Viewers can see over 1,600 damaged and destroyed villages up...

Advertisers Dump Imus
Dump Imus

Advertisers Dump Imus

Procter & Gamble and others pull ad dollars after racist comment

(Newser) - Piling on to the mounting outrage against Don Imus, three advertisers have pulled their support from the CBS radio show or its simulcast MSNBC TV program. The three include marketing heavyweight Procter & Gamble, Staples and Bigelow Tea, the Wall Street Journal reports.

UK About-Face On Sailors Selling Stories

Public outcry leads to ban on further embarrassing interviews

(Newser) - The British Ministry of Defense bowed to public opinion last night and banned further media deals for the sailors and marines released from captivity in Iran. The decision to let the detainees sell their stories had "not reached a satisfactory outcome," the defense secretary said.

Imus Gets 2-Week Suspension
Imus Gets 2-Week Suspension

Imus Gets 2-Week Suspension

(Newser) - Five days after characterizing the Rutgers women's basketball team as "nappy-headed ho's," renegade radio personality  Don Imus received a two-week suspension from NBC News and CBS Radio, along with a mandate that he must change the tone of his show, the Times reported. Imus made a contrite appearance...

Imus, Sharpton Square Off
Imus, Sharpton Square Off

Imus, Sharpton Square Off

After "stupid" remarks from former and ire from latter, hosts to meet on-air

(Newser) -  Two of the loudest personalities on the FM dial will publicly brawl today when right-leaning mock jock Don Imus visits Al Sharpton’s syndicated show, days after characterizing the black-leaning Rutgers basketball team as “nappy-headed hos.” The always-vociferous Sharpton wants Imus fired, and Imus—no shrinking violet...

The Fall, And Rise, Of Television
The Fall,
And Rise, Of Television

The Fall, And Rise, Of Television

New outlets, "small TV" programming shifting the idiot-box paradigm

(Newser) - TV executives are biting their nails over the future of their medium, even as conventional indicators suggest it's never been stronger. Wired reports that sitcoms and dramas are winning, not losing, audiences, but through financially amorphous pipelines like DVDs, iTunes downloads and even homemade web-casts. "Traditional TV won't be...

Geffen, Zell Talk Deal For LA Times

Geffen wants it; Zell has $13 billion in debt to pay down

(Newser) - David Geffen wants to get his hands on the LA Times, and he's optimistic that he may yet succeed after talking to Sam Zell, the feisty real estate mogul who bought the Tribune Company Monday. The two discussed both a spin-off and a joint venture partnership, sources close to the...

Stop Crying About Anna Nicole Coverage

It's not the crime they're telling you it is

(Newser) - The all-Anna-all-the-time formula cable news networks embraced after the heiress' death was not the sin against the intellect commentators are bemoaning, argues Slate columnist Jack Schafer. In fact, he says, viewers may have actually learned something from the in-depth coverage of the complex legal issues surrounding Smith.

Tribune Sold To Zell
Tribune Sold
To Zell

Tribune Sold To Zell

Real estate magnate will take it private; Cubs for sale

(Newser) - Chicago real estate magnate Sam Zell won a last-minute bidding  war to buy the Tribune Compay with a $34-a-share offer, reports the Chicago Tribune. Zell will take the media conglomerate private in a deal that includes an employee stock ownership plan. The Cubs will be sold separately.

Google Stares Down Viacom, Copyright

How do the boys keep YouTube from turning into Napster?

(Newser) - With Viacom incubating "the biggest copyright lawsuit in history" against YouTube, the video-sharing site is beginning to smell a bit like Napster. Which leads Clive Thompson to ponder in New York why the Google boys decided to acquire YouTube—and its looming crisis—last year. And why, once they...

War Games Should Include Media, Civilians

"I yearn for the days when 'Battleship' reflected real war"

(Newser) - Modern warfare calls for modern war games, and that means the players can't be just armies and navies, but also civilians, the media, and the international community. Gary Anderson, the Marines' first director of war gaming, writes that victory in post-Cold War combat is no  longer determined by battlefield fighters,...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>