
Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>

'Sick Puppies' in Media Made Me Quit Job: Palin

Press drove me out of office, Sarah charges

(Newser) - John McCain hung Sarah Palin and her family out to dry for all the "sick puppies" in the media to savage, a still-furious Palin has charged. The subsequent press feeding frenzy was so intense that it convinced her to abandon her job as governor of Alaska, she told the...

Media Moguls: Obama's Scaring Big Business

Sun Valley conference a pessimistic affair

(Newser) - The Sun Valley summit of media titans last week was a dour affair, with the CEOs lamenting the poor state of the economy—and how little faith they have in the Obama administration to fix it. In on- and off-the-record conversations with the moguls, Peter Lauria of the Daily Beast...

Journos Caught on Mic Trashing Palin Speech
 Journos Caught 
 on Mic Trashing 
 Palin Speech 

Journos Caught on Mic Trashing Palin Speech

Video catches reporters panning 'rollercoaster' speech

(Newser) - For as much as Sarah Palin likes to trash the "lamestream media," they trashed her right back during her much-hyped speech Friday night at a California university fundraiser—inadvertently, and on a live mic. Unidentified reporters were caught on a video of the speech lighting into Palin even...

Media Can Kiss Military Access Goodbye
 Media Can Kiss 
 Military Access Goodbye 
McChrystal Fallout

Media Can Kiss Military Access Goodbye

Generals will be weary of reporters

(Newser) - Journalists are going to have a much tougher job covering the war in Afghanistan in the wake of Stanley McChrystal's Rolling Stone debacle, senior National Journal correspondent James Kitfield predicts today. "There will be no embeds in Afghanistan in higher headquarters for quite a while," he tells NPR...

Did Pentagon Use the Times to Hype its Afghan Auction?

Timing of miracle minerals story fishy

(Newser) - There has been much grousing about the New York Times’ non-scoop on Afghanistan’s trillion-dollar mineral deposits. Most people figured the Pentagon spoon-fed the paper the story to drum up public support for the war. But now it looks like it may have been trying to drum up customers, says...

Folks: There's a 'Compromising' Haley Pic

 Folks: There's a 
 Haley Pic 
inevitability dept?

Folks: There's a 'Compromising' Haley Pic

Conservative blogger is gathering witnesses

(Newser) - Nikki Haley's situation just got a little stickier: There is apparently a photo floating around of the would-be gov and Will Folks in a “compromising position.” Folks revealed this little tidbit yesterday; ironically, he knows about the photograph because in early 2009 someone (who hired a private investigator...

Blogger Shares Texts About Haley Affair

Will Folks first tried to suppress rumor, then went public

(Newser) - Will Folks, the conservative blogger who says he had an affair with gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley, has released a long string of text messages that he says prove he didn't betray Haley's campaign. The transcript, which you can read on Folks' FITSNews , shows Folks' furiously texting GOP operative Will Donehue,...

For Sale: Ailing Newsweek
 For Sale: Ailing Newsweek 

For Sale: Ailing Newsweek

Washington Post Co. cites mounting losses

(Newser) - The Washington Post Company is looking for someone to take Newsweek off its hands, the company announced in a press release today (to the apparent surprise of Newsweek's Tumblr ). “The losses at Newsweek in 2007-2009 are a matter of record,” said Donald Graham, chairman of the Post...

17 Most Corrupt Industries
 17 Most 
no. 1? not wall street

17 Most Corrupt Industries

Want to retain your honor? Don't get into these professions

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs got you convinced Wall Street is the most corrupt place to work? Not quite: The Daily Beast worked with an anti-corruption research organization to determine the 17 most corrupt industries in America. The top five, along with representative examples:
  1. Utilities: FirstEnergy allegedly covered up a reactor head that

Glenn Beck Audience Plunges 30%

Bloom is off the mouth, but Fox still sitting pretty

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's TV audience has plunged nearly 30% since the beginning of the year—but his Fox News home is still sitting comfortably on top of the ratings heap. Beck's continued viewership slippage was revealed in the latest audience figures on cable news operations. Fox News averaged some 1.9...

Reporter Heads Roll After Bruni Affair Stories

Sarkozy wants those who 'spread fear to feel fear'

(Newser) - Two reporters have been axed with more likely to follow amid French President Nicolas Sarkozy's fury at being called a cuckold in the press. Seems the French aren't so sanguine about marital infidelity after all. Wide-spread media reports of an affair by wife Carla Bruni, reportedly followed by a retaliatory...

Another Daily Beast Writer Accused of Plagiarism

Beast lashes out at Gawker, demands retraction

(Newser) - Another Daily Beast columnist has been accused of uncredited borrowing. This time, it’s senior political columnist John Avalon, who, in his new Beast-published book Wingnuts, lifts quotes from Salon columnist Alexander Zaitchik’s reporting on Glenn Beck. Hamilton Nolan of Gawker lays out all the instances here . Basically, Avalon...

Health Care Reform Was Journalism's Finest Effort

No major story has been covered better

(Newser) - Looking back on the long debate over health care reform, Harold Pollack argues that one thing is clear: "Press coverage of health care reform was the most careful, most thorough, and most effective reporting of any major story, ever." Yes, it's easy to find examples to the contrary,...

New Zealand Sniggers at Princess Anne 'Loaf' Hair

She kneads makeover help fast

(Newser) - Ouch. The subjects are getting uppity. New Zealanders are having a good laugh at what a local fashion designer has dubbed the "cottage loaf hair" of visiting Brit Princess Anne. And that's not all. The princes is also "boring as bat," in the parlance of New...

Patrick Kennedy Loses It on House Floor
 Patrick Kennedy 
 Loses It on House Floor 
afghanistan coverage 'despicable'

Patrick Kennedy Loses It on House Floor

Rhode Island Congressman blasts media for Afghanistan Coverage

(Newser) - Patrick Kennedy blasted the media on the floor of the House this afternoon, calling the focus on the likes of Eric Massa rather than the war in Afghanistan "despicable." The lame-duck Rhode Island Democrat was speaking—and eventually shouting—in favor of a Dennis Kucinich-sponsored resolution requiring President...

Why Can't Media Get Off Tomboy Shiloh's Back?

She's already a victim of culture gender wars

(Newser) - Can the media get off Shiloh Jolie-Pitt's case and let the kid be a tomboy in peace? That's what Gawker wants to know now that several publications and blogs have skewered the toddler for her lack-of-frilly attire. "What’s up with the cross-gender dressing?" sniffed hysterical tab queen Bonnie...

John Daly Tweets Sportswriter's Cell Number

Tells fans to 'flood his line'

(Newser) - John Daly, outraged over a Florida Times-Union article yesterday, published the cell phone number of the journalist who wrote it on Twitter. “Call and flood his line and let’s tell him how we feel,” he urged his followers. He then sent two more tweets complaining about the...

Afghanistan Bans Live Coverage of Militant Attacks

Country says coverage 'emboldens' militants

(Newser) - Afghanistan has banned live coverage of Taliban attacks, saying live images embolden militants at the government's expense. Journalists with permission from the country's spy agency will be allowed to film the aftermath of battle. Human rights groups denounced the move. "The government should not hide their inabilities by barring...

ABC News May Cut Up to 300 Jobs
ABC News May Cut
Up to 300 Jobs

ABC News May Cut Up to 300 Jobs

Major restructuring is in the works

(Newser) - ABC News is drastically cutting back its operations and will thin its newsroom by 20%, or up to 300 positions. Most of those who remain will have to produce and shoot their own stories, reports the Los Angeles Times . Staffers will get letters this week asking for volunteers to take...

Teens, Kids Consume 7.5 Hours of Media a Day

Study says technology has bombarded the young with entertainment

(Newser) - Young people spend more time consuming media in a week than they’d spend at a full-time job, according to a new study. Researchers say that 8- to 18-year-olds spend 7 hours and 38 minutes a day watching TV, playing video games, or amusing themselves on a computer, which has...

Stories 281 - 300 | << Prev   Next >>