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For 160K People Who Can't Afford Bail, Hope

The Bail Project is going national, with an ambitious 5-year goal

(Newser) - A national effort is launching that aims to help low-income defendants get out of jail by bailing them out as their criminal cases progress through the courts. The Bail Project grew out of a successful 10-year campaign in the Bronx to pay bail for needy cases, led by attorney Robin...

DOJ: Revoke Shkreli Bail Over Hillary Remarks

He's a 'danger to the community,' motion filed Thursday states

(Newser) - Martin Shkreli's lawyer may think his client is "brilliant beyond words," but the convicted pharmaceutical exec's latest move on social media wasn't exactly a genius one. Per LawNews , the Justice Department filed a motion Thursday to revoke Shkreli's $5 million bail after a now-deleted...

Murder Suspect to Post One of the Largest Bails in US History

Tiffany Li supporters come up with $62M in property, $4M in cash

(Newser) - It appears a $35 million bail won't be enough to keep a murder suspect behind bars in California. Tiffany Li, a 31-year-old woman accused of killing her ex-boyfriend and the father of her two children last year, is expected to post one of the largest bails in US history...

Pakistan Denies Bail for Iconic 'Afghan Girl'

Sharbat Gula, of 'National Geographic' cover fame, charged with impersonating a Pakistani

(Newser) - In 1985, the green-eyed "Afghan Girl" became famous worldwide as the haunting cover model for National Geographic. In 2016, Sharbat Gula (spelled Gulla in some sources) is making headlines once again after she was arrested last week in Pakistan for allegedly harboring fake ID papers—and this week, a...

Feds: Can't Keep Poor People Unable to Pay Bail in Jail

Justice Department says it's unconstitutional

(Newser) - It's unconstitutional to keep poor defendants in jail before their trial simply because they can't afford to pay bail. That's according to an amicus brief filed in federal court by the Justice Department on Friday, Reuters reports. According to NBC News , the Justice Department found that the...

He Sat in Rikers for 5 Months; $2 Would Have Freed Him

Aitabdel Salem says he didn't know his bail had changed

(Newser) - Aitabdel Salem needed to hand over only $2 to bail himself out of Rikers Island, a fact he found out after a five-month stay. The 41-year-old Queens man was initially jailed on $25,000 bail for allegedly attacking an officer who arrested him on suspicion of theft at a retail...

Chicago Cop Charged in Laquan Killing Posts Bail

Jason Van Dyke pays $150K, hits the streets

(Newser) - The Chicago police officer charged with killing 17-year-old Laquan McDonald has paid his $150,000 bond and walked out of jail, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. A judge set bail for officer Jason Van Dyke at $1.5 million earlier in the day. Meanwhile, authorities have released the dashcam video that...

Dad Had Hands in Air as Cops Shot Boy, 6: Video

Bail for the 2 Louisiana cops has been set at $1M each

(Newser) - The two Louisiana cops accused of gunning down a 6-year-old autistic boy will each have to come up with $1 million bail, a judge ruled Monday, CNN reports. The judge also ordered 23-year-old Norris Greenhouse Jr. and 32-year-old Derrick Stafford—charged with the murder of Jeremy Mardis and attempted murder...

Cops Hunt Runaway Groom Who Skipped Bail

Man becomes husband and fugitive in same weekend

(Newser) - Police, and likely an angry wife, are looking for an Australian man who jumped bail last week. Murat Shomshe was released from Port Phillip Prison in Victoria to attend his wedding July 25, then sneaked out of his house two days later, reports the Herald Sun . The 33-year-old was incarcerated...

NYC to Do Away With Bail for Non-Violent Suspects

Beginning in 2016, judges can replace bail with supervision

(Newser) - Thousands of New Yorkers accused of low-level or non-violent crimes won't face the prospect of raising cash for bail under a plan that seeks to keep such suspects out of the troubled Rikers Island jail complex. The $18 million city plan, detailed to the AP ahead of the announcement...

Judge Takes Guy's Sneakers in Lieu of Bail

He can get them back with community service

(Newser) - A Massachusetts man traded his shoes for his freedom last week after the judge gave him a chance to be "creative." Jason Duval, facing jail time for minor drug charges and driving to endanger, told the court that he was going through a divorce and didn't have...

Musharraf Can Leave House Arrest, Not Pakistan

Prison officials withdrew last night for first time since April

(Newser) - Pakistan has freed former President Pervez Musharraf from his months-long house arrest, days after he received bail in a case related to the death of a radical cleric, a prison official said today. Prison officials were withdrawn last night from Musharraf's home on the outskirts of Islamabad, where he...

Pakistan Grants Bail to Musharraf

He won't leave the country after house arrest: lawyers

(Newser) - After six months of house arrest , former Pakistani strongman Pervez Musharraf has been granted bail in the case of a 2007 mosque siege. Musharraf has already received bail in three other cases, the AP notes. Some have expected the former leader to exit Pakistan once the house arrest is over,...

Zimmerman Ordered Bulletproof Vest Last Year

And infrared home-security gear, all while on bond

(Newser) - Police records released yesterday are painting a picture of George Zimmerman's period on bond, and they contain some interesting details. The neighborhood watchman ordered a bulletproof vest and an infrared home security system, the AP reports. A police supply sales representative told officials about the order; Zimmerman told them...

Guy Born in Jail Bails Out His Mom, 19 Years Later

Indian man saves enough money to hire a lawyer

(Newser) - Vijai Kumari was pregnant when she went to jail in India 19 years ago, convicted—she says wrongfully—of murder. Her son Kanhaiya was born after she'd been imprisoned four months, and she eventually sent him away to be raised in various juvenile homes, she says: "It was...

Maine Hermit Gets Offers of Marriage, Bail

Knight is 'smiling, pleasant;' even has his own folk song tribute

(Newser) - For a guy who spent 27 years living in the woods with no human contact , Christopher Knight seems pretty popular. Authorities in Maine, where the "North Pond Hermit" is being held on burglary charges, say he has received a marriage proposal from a woman on the other side of...

Pistorius' Bail Terms Eased, Will Be Able to Race Abroad

Judge says original restrictions were out of line

(Newser) - Oscar Pistorius won his appeal to relax bail restrictions today, with the South African court saying the runner would be allowed to travel overseas for competitions while on bail, reports NBC News . "I find no reason why Pistorius should be forbidden from leaving (South Africa) if he's invited...

Pistorius Fights Bail Restrictions

Say he should keep his passports, along with the right to drink booze

(Newser) - Lawyers for Oscar Pistorius on Friday filed an appeal in a South African court against bail restrictions imposed on the Olympian, according to papers emailed to the AP by the Pistorius family today. His lawyers object to the following conditions as "unwarranted and not substantiated by the facts":
  • They

Pistorius Bail Decision Could Be Delayed
 Pistorius Is Granted Bail 

Pistorius Is Granted Bail

Judge says he's not a flight risk

(Newser) - Oscar Pistorius has been granted bail, CNN reports. The judge said he found fault with arguments on both sides but ultimately decided that the double-amputee Olympian is not a flight risk. He set bail at about $113,000 and demanded that Pistorius hand over his passports. In closing arguments before...

Pistorius Nearly Shot a Friend Once by Mistake

Runner's website yanks ad calling him 'the bullet in the chamber'

(Newser) - Unsurprisingly, a series of much more minor "Oscar + guns" stories are coming out of the woodwork. Today's entry: Not long before killing his girlfriend, Oscar Pistorius nearly shot a friend in an upscale restaurant by mistake, AFP reports. Pistorius was checking out a friend's revolver when...

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