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10 More Celebs Who Really Need to Come Out

 10 More Celebs 
 Who Really 
 Need to 
 Come Out 
in case you missed it

10 More Celebs Who Really Need to Come Out

Like Ricky Martin, it's just so obvious

(Newser) - Ricky Martin finally came out, and the world said, “Duh.” On Gawker , Brian Moylan lists 10 more public figures who really need to admit they’re gay already—after all, the rest of us know. View the list in the gallery—or, for 10 more celebrities who also...

Strip-Club Ban Cements Iceland's Feminist Cred
Strip-Club Ban Cements Iceland's Feminist Cred

Strip-Club Ban Cements Iceland's Feminist Cred

Female politicians key to movement

(Newser) - A law that forbids any business from making a profit off its employees’ nudity has sounded the death knell for strip clubs, and indeed the sex industry as a whole, in Iceland —news that has Julie Bindel hailing the island as the world’s most feminist country. Iceland is...

Gay Teen Denied Prom Gets $30K Scholarship

Ellen DeGeneres calls Constance McMillen a leader for gay rights

(Newser) - Ellen DeGeneres honored the Mississippi teen who stood up for her right to take a same-sex partner to the prom on her show today, presenting her with a $30,000 college scholarship check. DeGeneres hailed Constance McMillen as part of a new generation of leaders in gay rights. The school...

Jon Stewart Slams the Vatican
 Jon Stewart Slams the Vatican 

Jon Stewart Slams the Vatican

Catholic Church quick to punish sinners ... just not priests

(Newser) - Jon Stewart ’s latest victim: the Catholic Church. Stewart is unhappy about a few things, among them: the cover-up of a gay sex ring, the pope’s protection of a pedophile priest, and the suspension of two Catholic school students for having lesbian parents. The church is swift,...

Anti-Gay-Adoption Org Mixes Lesbian Photos

'Obvious use of stereotype ... as scare tactic': blogger

(Newser) - A Florida group that opposes adoption by gay couples is guilty of using stereotypes in its “scare tactics,” blogger gwen writes for Sociological Images . The Florida Family Policy Council used a photo of an “androgynous-looking, angry, mannish lesbian couple” to alert members that a different pair had...

School Cancels Prom Over Lesbian Date

ACLU told Miss. school to let student bring girlfriend

(Newser) - Mississippi's Itawamba County School District has decided it would rather cancel an entire high school prom than host one where a lesbian student can wear a tuxedo and bring a female date. The district announced the prom was off after the ACLU pressured it to change its policy and allow...

Catholic School Kicks Out Kid With Lesbian Parents

Gay rights groups outraged by Colorado priest's decision

(Newser) - A Boulder, Colorado, pastor's decision to uninvite a lesbian couple’s preschooler from returning to his school next year has ignited a storm of controversy. “It is not about punishing the child for the sins of his or her parents,” the Rev. Bill Breslin said by way of...

Family Ties' Meredith Baxter: I'm Gay

Sitcom mom says she wanted to break the story instead of tabloids

(Newser) - Meredith Baxter, best known as Family Ties matriarch Elyse Keaton, came out on this morning’s Today Show , telling Matt Lauer, “I want to say I’m a lesbian.” Baxter, a thrice-married mother of five, has been secretly dating women for 7 years, but decided to share her...

FSU Glams Up Hoops Stars, Sparks Uproar
 FSU Glams Up 
 Hoops Stars, 
 Sparks Uproar 

FSU Glams Up Hoops Stars, Sparks Uproar

Marketing Florida State players smacks of homophobia

(Newser) - Female basketball stars' three-pointers, hook shots, muscles, and agility don't score with Florida State University officials. They've also got to look good in the slinky gowns they had to don for the team's website. Now women are crying foul. Each member of the team, some provocatively clutching basketballs, wears a...

TV's 'Loud and Proud' Gays Should Tone It Down
TV's 'Loud and Proud' Gays Should Tone It Down

TV's 'Loud and Proud' Gays Should Tone It Down

Outrageous characters may be hurting the cause

(Newser) - There was a time when homosexuality on TV helped the public become more accepting of gays and lesbians, but that time may be over. As the small screen fills with characters like Glee’s Kurt, “the sensitive gay boy who really wants to be a girl,” and a...

Oprah to Rosie: Stop Calling Me Gay!
 Oprah to Rosie: 
 Stop Calling 
 Me Gay! 

Oprah to Rosie: Stop Calling Me Gay!

Winfrey to O'Donnell: 'I don't want to hear it anymore!'

(Newser) - Watch out, Rosie: You got yourself on Oprah’s bad side. The talk-show queen is upset with O’Donnell after the comedian recently told Howard Stern that Winfrey and BFF Gayle King "are the emotional equivalent of" a gay couple—especially since this isn’t the first time Rosie’...

Rosie: I Almost Dated Angelina
 Rosie: I Almost Dated Angelina 

Rosie: I Almost Dated Angelina

O'Donnell also talks Kelli Carpenter, and whether Oprah Winfrey is gay

(Newser) - Rosie O'Donnell finally discussed her relationship problems on yesterday's The Howard Stern Show, but let's just skip right to the best part of the interview: Rosie's almost-date with Angelina Jolie. "She gave me her phone number," O'Donnell says. "There was a tentative plan to have dinner that...

Tourists Seek Mythical Lesbian City in Sweden

Men looking for city of 25,000 women badger Swedish tourist authorities

(Newser) - Rumors of a city of 25,000 lesbians have led hordes of men to contact Swedish tourist authorities and swamp the nation's Internet providers. Chinese media especially have spread the tale of “Chako Paul City,” supposedly founded in 1820 in northern Sweden by a man-hating widow who banned...

Cheney Daughter, Partner Expecting Baby No. 2

Dick Cheney to get a new grandchild from lesbian daughter Mary Cheney

(Newser) - Dick Cheney’s daughter Mary is braving another conservative firestorm after confirming she and long-time partner Heather Poe are expecting their second child in November. Cheney plans to take maternity leave, then start a consulting firm with sister—and rising GOP star—Liz. Cheney told friends about her pregnancy four...

Anna Nicole, Doc Took Nude Pix
 Anna Nicole, Doc Took Nude Pix 

Anna Nicole, Doc Took Nude Pix

Dr. Khristine Eroshevich is shown in several, er, compromising positions with Smith

(Newser) - Not only did Anna Nicole Smith have a lesbian tryst with her psychiatrist, but there are pictures, TMZ reports. Legal documents describe photos of Smith and Dr Khristine Eroshevich, naked and contorted in various positions, including one in a bathtub. Radar also happened upon photos of Eroshevich—accused of supplying...

S. African Gets Life in Rape, Killing of Lesbian Soccer Star

Lesbians targeted by rapists who aim to 'correct' them, say activists

(Newser) - A South African man has been sentenced to life for his part in the gang-rape and murder of one of the country's leading female soccer players, the Independent reports. Eudy Simelane, 31, who played for the national team, was raped repeatedly and stabbed 12 times before being dumped in a...

Anna Nicole Had Lesbian Affair With Drug-Happy Shrink

Pharmacists refused to fill drug cocktail order for Smith doc Khristine Eroshevich

(Newser) - Newly unsealed documents in the Anna Nicole Smith investigation reveal the Playmate had a lesbian tryst with her psychiatrist, Khristine Eroshevich—the same psychiatrist who ordered a drug cocktail so dangerous that one pharmacist who refused to fill the order called it “pharmaceutical suicide,” the Los Angeles Times...

Uruguay Legalizes Gay Adoption
Uruguay Legalizes
Gay Adoption

Uruguay Legalizes Gay Adoption

First Latin American nation to let same-sex couples adopt

(Newser) - Uruguay's senate has approved the first law in Latin America allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt children, AFP reports. The bill, backed by leftist President Tabare Vazquez, passed despite fierce objections from the Catholic church and right-wing politicians. Uruguay, traditionally much more liberal than other countries in the region,...

Guiding Light's Lesbian Couple Finally Gets to Kiss

No, not during soap's last days...online

(Newser) - Thanks to the Internet, a popular lesbian soap opera couple will finally get their long-awaited kiss. Crystal Chappell, Guiding Light’s Olivia, is bringing friends and fans together to create a Web series after the soap goes off the air next month. And though never allowed to make out with...

'Angry, Aggressive' Lesbian Sex on Tap for Portman

(Newser) - After one look at the script for Natalie Portman’s next project, Black Swan “is already on the must-see list of 2010,” Carson Reeves blogs for ScriptShadow. Why? “Ecstasy-induced hungry aggressive angry sex” with fellow hottie Mila Kunis, that’s why. Darren Aronofsky, of The Wrestler, directs,...

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