old age

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'Oldest Person' Title Changes Every .65 Years

Because mathematicians wanted to know, that's why

(Newser) - The headline crops up every so often, one about the "oldest person in the world" dying. But only a mathematician or someone in a macabre betting pool would wonder exactly how often, and that's what prompted the site Stackexchange to put the question to its math-loving readership. The...

Coffee May Make You Less Likely to Die

 Coffee May Make You 
 Less Likely to Die 
in case you missed it

Coffee May Make You Less Likely to Die

New study reviewed 400K older adults over 14 years

(Newser) - Trying to kick the coffee habit? Don't bother. A new study of some 400,000 adults between ages 50 and 71 found that coffee may actually make you less likely to die. Over the course of 14 years, those who partook had a lower risk of death than those...

Inside the Murky World of Elderly Assisted Suicide

Case of Calif. husband who watched wife die raises unanswered questions

(Newser) - The headline of a heart-wrenching story from the Los Angeles Times neatly poses a long-debated question: "Assisted suicide or a show of love?" In this instance, the Times dives into the case of Alan Purdy, an 88-year-old who was booked on suspicion of assisting in a suicide (the district...

7 Best Reasons to Retire Abroad

Retire cheaply and luxuriously in a new country

(Newser) - Who says you have to spend your golden years in the US? Stretch every retirement dollar you've saved by heading overseas. Here are the seven best reasons, courtesy of US News:
  • Live on the cheap: Get the most out of your retirement dollars by shipping out to inexpensive destinations

'Silent Strokes' May Damage Memory

About 25% of seniors have had them

(Newser) - "Silent strokes" may be taking a toll on seniors' memory. A new study shows that seniors who have suffered such strokes—they don't have obvious symptoms but leave behind dead brain cells—do worse on memory tests, reports USA Today . It's no small thing: An estimated 1...

50% of Alzheimer's Cases May Be Preventable

Tackling risk factors could cut number of cases, researchers say

(Newser) - At least half of all cases of Alzheimer's disease are linked to common risk factors, and researchers believe the number of cases could be sharply reduced if people took steps to tackle those underlying issues. To reduce the risk, researchers say people need to stay active both mentally and...

How to Live to 100: Learn to Bounce Back

Those who adapt to stress live longer, writes geriatrics expert

(Newser) - Dr. Mark Lachs is an expert on geriatrics, and his oldest patient is 109. Not only is she 109, but she still lives at home—"with all her marbles," he writes—and enjoys chocolate truffles and Budweiser. What's her secret? "Adaptive competence," which Lachs defines as...

What Age Are We Happiest?
 What Age Are We Happiest? 

What Age Are We Happiest?

In our 80s, research shows

(Newser) - Wait a second before you buy that "over the hill" cake for your buddy's 40th birthday: Research shows that satisfaction and optimism actually increase after we reach middle age, and peak as late as our 80s. Why? Responsibilities ease, maturity increases, and we are often able to focus on...

Men Feel Old at 58; Women at Just 29
 Men Feel Old at 58; 
 Women at Just 29 
study says

Men Feel Old at 58; Women at Just 29

Perhaps because there's more pressure on women to be attractive

(Newser) - Women start to feel old at just 29, while men can make it all the way to age 58 without feeling over the hill, according to a new study by—what else?—a funeral plan provider. The vast difference can be attributed to the fact that society values the attractiveness...

How to Live to (Almost) 100
 How to Live to (Almost) 100 
no lunch, no meat

How to Live to (Almost) 100

Do like Jack LaLanne did: Wake up early, skip lunch, and sweat

(Newser) - Jack LaLanne made it to the ripe old age of 96—and those of us with centenarian dreams could take a pointer ... or 10 ... from the fitness guru. The Daily Beast rounds up 10 of LaLanne's health habits worth imitating.
  • Wake up before the cock crows: LaLanne started his day

If We're Going to Live to 100, We Need to Rethink 'Old'

Because if we're going to be 'old' for half our life...

(Newser) - Hitting "old age" doesn't mean what it used to: Writing in the Telegraph , Geraldine Bedell notes that almost 20% of people living in the UK right now will make it to the ripe old age of 100. So if we're living longer, when do we officially become old? According...

Men Happy With Sex Life Well Into Their 90s

Growing old ain't so bad after all

(Newser) - There may be more than one reason for that smile on grandpa’s face: A survey of 2,800 Australian men between the ages of 75 and 95 found that 56% of respondents rated their sex lives as satisfying. Sexual activity remained a "somewhat important" part of 48% of...

What to Do When a Loved One Is Ready to Die

Listen, say experts. And prepare to be sad

(Newser) - When Zoe FitzGerald Carter's mother told her she wanted to end her life, her first reaction "was to try to dissuade her." A year later, an intentional overdose of morphine granted her mother, who had suffered from advanced Parkinson's disease, her wish. It left Carter asking an endless...

Kim Kardashian: Why I'm Done Posing Nude

Apparently these things are tasteless once you turn 30

(Newser) - Liked what you saw on the November cover of W magazine? Soak it up, because Kim Kardashian isn’t planning on posing naked again. She turns 30 on Thursday, and tells Us , “I'm too old for that now ... I wanted to get it all out of my system before...

World's Oldest Man Turns 114

Walter Breuning of Montana marks milestone

(Newser) - A Montana resident believed to be the world's oldest man celebrated his 114th birthday today at a retirement home in Great Falls. Walter Breuning was born on Sept. 21, 1896, in Melrose, Minnesota, and moved to Montana in 1918, where he worked as a clerk for the Great Northern Railway...

Georgian Woman Claims She's 130

That would make her the oldest person in the world

(Newser) - A woman in the former Soviet Republic of Georgia claims to have turned 130 today, making her the world's oldest person. Georgian officials back her up and say Antisa Khvichava was born on July 8, 1880. Her birth certificate is long gone, but she has Soviet-era documents that confirm her...

Scientists Find Genes That Predict Longevity

But they worry what insurance companies might do

(Newser) - Researchers say they've found 150 genetic markers that can predict with 77% accuracy whether someone is likely to live a century or so. The scientists at Boston University made the discovery in a detailed study of the genomes of more than a 1,000 centenarians, reports the Guardian . Just don't...

94-Year-Old Condemned Man Dies of Old Age

Viva Leroy Nash was the oldest death row inmate in the country

(Newser) - Viva Leroy Nash, the oldest death row inmate in America, died of natural causes Friday at age 94. Nash was condemned in 1983 for shooting a store clerk after escaping from prison, but he fended off execution with numerous appeals—prosecutors were appealing to the Supreme Court against the latest,...

How Old Fogies Can Save America

 How Old 
 Can Save 
david brooks

How Old Fogies Can Save America

Brooks: They need to unite in the cause of selflessness

(Newser) - Forget Washington—America's salvation lies with its senior citizens, writes David Brooks. He wants them to form a sort of tea party of their own, not to accrue more financial benefits but to return some they already have. Federal spending tilts too heavily toward the old instead of the young,...

New Health Tip: Be Chubby In Your 70s

Those who are a little overweight, but not obese, live longer

(Newser) - A little extra weight may be a good thing for 70-somethings. In a study of people ages 70 to 75, those who were overweight—but not obese—lived longer than their peers. Those in the chubby camp were 13% less likely to die from any cause than those who were...

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