
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Activists Hope to Fight Poaching —With Nukes

New test can pinpoint year of elephant's death

(Newser) - As the slaughter of elephants for their ivory continues at its worst rate in decades , conservationists have enlisted an unlikely new weapon in the fight against poaching: Cold War-era nuclear bombs. Scientists have found that radioactive carbon left over from above-ground nuclear tests carried out between 1952 and 1962 makes...

Circus Elephant Injured ... in Drive-by Shooting

'Carol' is OK after getting hit with bullet in Tupelo, Mississippi

(Newser) - Even animal-rights activists who hate the circus couldn't have dreamed up this potential pitfall: An elephant with Ringling Bros. was wounded overnight in a drive-by shooting in Tupelo, Mississippi, reports the Clarion-Ledger . The good news is that "Carol," who was in an outdoor enclosure at the time,...

Freezing Elephants 'Saved' by Vodka

After trailer catches fire in Siberia, Russia's favorite drink keeps them warm

(Newser) - Sometimes you really need a drink. One of those times: When your truck has caught fire and you're standing by the side of a Siberian highway in freezing weather with frostbite setting in. That's the predicament a pair of Indian elephants found themselves in, and their quick-thinking handlers...

Elephant Can 'Speak' Korean

Koshik apparently learned to make human sounds to bond with zookeepers

(Newser) - Who needs Doctor Doolittle when animals are learning to speak human languages? First a Beluga whale learns how to say "out" to a diver, and now an elephant in a South Korean zoo has learned to say five words, reports the BBC . Koshik, a male Asian elephant, can "...

US-Funded African Armies Slaughtering Elephants

Poaching is at its highest level in decades

(Newser) - Elephant poaching in Africa is at its highest level in decades, and American taxpayer dollars are helping to fund the frenzied slaughter, the New York Times finds. Soldiers from US-trained and funded armies in Uganda, South Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo have been implicated in poaching and ivory...

Farmers Fight Elephants With Chili Peppers

Low-tech solution saves crops because elephants' noses very sensitive

(Newser) - With elephant populations finally on the rebound in eastern Africa, farmers are increasingly squaring off against the giant pachyderms, which can eat up to 660 pounds of food a day. Electric fences have been deemed too dangerous and expensive, so many farmers have started employing a much lower-tech solution to...

Deforestation Could Wipe Out Sumatran Elephants

Creatures face extinction in 30 year

(Newser) - If deforestation isn't slowed right away, wild Sumatran elephants could be extinct within three decades, environmentalists say. The creatures have been labeled "critically endangered," with their numbers cut in half since 1985; now, only 2,400 to 2,800 remain. The forests of Sumatra in Indonesia—host...

2011: Deadly Year for Elephants
 2011: Deadly Year for Elephants 

2011: Deadly Year for Elephants

Ivory seizures represent at least 2.5K dead

(Newser) - This year will ring out as one of the deadliest for elephants since ivory sales were banned more than two decades ago. Officials seized tusks from a record 2,500 elephants, and while some of those could be from long-dead animals, the news still isn't good. "As most...

Pygmy Elephant Fatally Gores Borneo Tourist

Aussie veterinarian may have startled animal, rangers say

(Newser) - An Australian veterinarian with a passion for conservation has been killed by a pygmy elephant while trekking in a remote wildlife park in Borneo. Jenna O'Grady Donley, 25, was fatally gored by the animal as she, a friend, and their guide were trekking near a mud volcano, AP reports....

Ringling Pays $270K Animal Welfare Fine

Circus mistreated elephants and tigers, feds say

(Newser) - The Ringling Brothers circus—without admitting wrongdoing—has paid $270,000 to settle federal accusations that it mistreated elephants, tigers, zebras, and other exotic animals. Federal inspectors found that a sick elephant was forced to perform, elephants' faces were cut by sharp edges in transport trailers, big cats were kept...

San Diego Zoo Elephant Dies After Fight

Trainers believe another elephant killed dominant female

(Newser) - A murder mystery at San Diego Zoo: Umoya, one of the zoo herd's dominant females, was found dead yesterday after apparently suffering injuries in a fight with another elephant. The elephant was on the ground when trainers found her and she died soon after—although her wounds did not...

Croc Takes on Elephant
 Croc Takes on Elephant 

Croc Takes on Elephant

Guess who wins

(Newser) - Don't mess with Dumbo—or Dumbo's mom. An adventurous croc found that out the hard way when he leaped up at an African water hole and grabbed a mama elephant's trunk. She hoisted the giant croc into the air, slammed him back in the water and stepped...

Elephant Wounded by Land Mine

Pa Hae Po is being treated in Thailand

(Newser) - Bad: A 22-year-old male elephant stepped on a land mine in Myanmar and mangled its left foot, reports AP . Worse: He joins three other elephants being treated for the same thing at a facility in Thailand. The Friends of the Asian Elephant group has named the new patient Pa Hae...

Feds Make $1M Ivory Bust
 Feds Make $1M Ivory Bust 

Feds Make $1M Ivory Bust

Philadelphia dealer accused of bringing one ton of tusks to US

(Newser) - Tusks from large numbers of elephants killed by poachers in west and central Africa ended up in the hands of a Philadelphia art dealer, federal investigators say. The dealer is accused of paying a co-conspirator to travel to Africa, buy raw ivory for carving, and stain it so the specimens...

Elephant Rampage Kills 1 in India

Elephant gores man to death in Mysore, India

(Newser) - Two wild elephants killed a man and injured others on a rampage in southern India. The New Delhi Television channel today aired footage showing the body of a man at the feet of one of the animals in the city of Mysore. One elephant was trapped inside a farm and...

Circus Elephant Helps Clean Up Joplin

Animal drags ruined vehicles

(Newser) - In tornado-ravaged Joplin, Missouri, a brief moment of whimsy. The Atlantic Wire points to the video below, which shows an elephant helping with clean-up efforts. According to the YouTube user who uploaded the video, the animal is part of the Picadilly Circus, which was scheduled to perform but cancelled after...

In Wake of Knut's Death, Berlin Zoo Loses Young Indian Elephant Shaina Pali
 Knut's Zoo Loses 2nd Animal 

Knut's Zoo Loses 2nd Animal

Six-year-old elephant Shaina Pali dies unexpectedly

(Newser) - Just two weeks after the Berlin Zoo lost star polar bear Knut, a second young animal has died. Indian elephant Shaina Pali died early today at age six—well short of the 80 years elephants can live in captivity, reports the AP. The zoo's vet thinks an infection is to...

GoDaddy CEO's Elephant Hunt Prompts Fury

He cites humanitarian effort behind graphic video of killing

(Newser) - GoDaddy.com's chief executive is facing viewers' wrath after he posted a graphic video of himself hunting an elephant. In the clip—see it here at the Huffington Post—CEO Bob Parsons cast the hunt as a “humanitarian” mission. Many Zimbabweans “die each year from starvation,” thanks...

Royal Wedding: In Lieu of Gifts, Please Donate to...

...help save endangered Asian elephants

(Newser) - Prince William and Kate Middleton are saying no-thank-you to fondue sets and the like: In lieu of wedding gifts, one of the charities the pair would like you to donate to is to save Thai elephants. They're asking that charitable gifts be made to the London Zoological Society, which works...

In Laos, Bringing Books to Children—Via Elephant

The story of one American expatriate's local publishing company

(Newser) - In Laos, many children had never seen a book until “Uncle Sasha” came to town. American Sasha Alyson first visited the impoverished country in 2003, and was struck by the lack of books for children. “Many [kids] don't even know what a book is. Sometimes you have to...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>