elementary school

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Mom: Bible Says Kids' Shirts Can Be Untucked

Wins daughter's school dress-code battle after citing verse to board

(Newser) - Battling a school for her daughter’s right to attend with an untucked shirt, a Texas woman cited the Bible, which calls for women to “adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation,” the Dallas Morning News reports. “I don’t want her behind showing,”...

In Classroom, Twitter Trumps the Queen

Proposed UK curriculum focuses on learning skills, flexibility

(Newser) - Why learn about World War II or Queen Victoria in elementary school when you can always look them up on Wikipedia? That seems to be the rationale behind a new proposed overhaul of the British school system. Because secondary schools teach plenty of history, the reasoning goes, early schooling should...

Colo. District to Ditch Grade Levels

Students in Adams 50 will progress based on knowledge, not age

(Newser) - Faced with a 58% graduation rate and falling test scores, officials in Colorado’s Adams 50 school district are doing away with traditional grade levels as part of a massive educational transformation, the Christian Science Monitor reports. When the program is fully phased in, students will no longer be separated...

DC Schools Give Kids Money to Improve Grades

Schools pay students for good behavior, grades

(Newser) - Schools in Washington, DC, hope to expand children's minds by filling their wallets. Students who get good grades, attend class, and behave earn points that will net them paychecks of up to $1,500 each year, NPR reports. "Every child has a switch, and it's our job as...

Can't Talk to Girls? 9-Year-Old Has Advice

Soon-to-be-published Greven offers helpful hints on handling the opposite sex

(Newser) - A 9-year-old Colorado boy garnered national attention—and a two-book publishing deal—after penning answers to that age-old mystery: how to talk to girls. Alec Greven offers some helpful hints on the opposite sex via the Christian Science Monitor.
  • Forget the “pretty girl”—one who favors fancy earrings

UK Teachers Blame Parents for Bratty Kids

Pupils poor at behaving, good at manipulating adults

(Newser) - UK teachers complain that classrooms are getting tougher to control because kids throw more tantrums—and parents are to blame, the Daily Telegraph reports. A Cambridge University study says that parents are letting children indulge in video games, junk food, and TV. "Teachers described highly permissive parents who admitted...

Panel: US Math System 'Broken'
 Panel: US Math System 'Broken' 

Panel: US Math System 'Broken'

Group, worried about future competitive disadvantage, advises focus on basics

(Newser) - A presidential panel today called US math education “broken” and demanded greater focus on key skills ranging from preschool to middle school, the Washington Post reports. The National Mathematics Advisory Panel responded to concerns that Americans are growing less competitive in the realm, and pointed the way to better...

Parents Feel Negative About New New Math

Curriculum teaches children to reason through problems

(Newser) - What happens when parents can't help their first-graders with their math homework? They get upset, as parents in Virginia have over the latest "new" math, which emphasizes problem-solving and visualization over memorization and drills. Many are pressing the school district to dump its new math textbook series, the Washington ...

Teachers Need Help as Math Gets Tougher

With algebra now taught as early as grade school, many lack skills

(Newser) - Having long lagged behind other nations, the United States is finally kicking up the level of mathematics instruction in public schools. But as algebra becomes a subject for middle schoolers, and basics are introduced to elementary students, It's turning out to be as much a challenge for the teachers as...

4th Grade Math Scores Add Up
4th Grade Math Scores Add Up

4th Grade Math Scores Add Up

20% more students proficient in math than in 1990

(Newser) - American elementary school students have improved their math skills considerably, with 20% more fourth graders scoring "proficient" on standardized math tests than in 1990, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Reading skills show more modest gains. The number of students scoring proficient in reading has increased only...

School Bans Tag on Playground
School Bans Tag on Playground

School Bans Tag on Playground

Colorado school bans game in effort decrease schoolyard disputes

(Newser) - When the new term starts next week at a Colorado elementary school, kids won't be chasing each other around the playground. Tag has been banned at Discovery Canyon Campus school, where it was deemed to generate too many injuries and complaints. “It causes a lot of conflict on the...

School Bullying Victim Awarded $800K

(Newser) - An 18-year-old Australian is over $800,000 richer today after a court ruled that his life was "all but destroyed" by school bullying. Australia's Supreme Court said the public school system "grossly failed" Ben Cox when it didn't stop an older student from repeatedly physically and verbally abusing...

Kids Get Graded on Obesity
Kids Get Graded on Obesity

Kids Get Graded on Obesity

Though Controversial, BMI Screenings for Children Increasingly Common

(Newser) - School nurses in six states are now sending out "obesity report cards,"  giving parents the results of mandatory Body Mass Index screenings of their children. With the number of overweight kids quadrupling over the last 40 years, advocates aim to detect health issues early. But not all...

Stories 101 - 113 | << Prev