North Korea

Stories 1941 - 1959 | << Prev 

Korea Denies Secret Nuclear Pact with Syria

China cancels talks after Israeli raid raises suspicions

(Newser) - North Korea and Syria each strongly denied a secret nuclear alliance today, after an Israeli raid in Syria, rumored to be aimed at a nuclear installation, raised suspicions. North Korea called the pact a fabrication designed to stall progress in its multi-national nuclear negotiations, while a state-run Syrian newspaper said...

Israeli Raid on Syria Had Iran in Sights

Hush-hush attack may have targeted North Korean nukes

(Newser) - Arab governments aren’t talking too loudly about the reported Israeli bombing of Syrian territory two weeks ago.  They’re waiting to see what the fallout is, Newsweek notes, for the real intended target—Syrian sponsor Iran. The raid appears to have been a signal that Israel will act...

Condi Now: The Cost of Loyalty
Condi Now: The Cost of Loyalty

Condi Now: The Cost of Loyalty

Hard-headed realist drank the Kool Aid

(Newser) - The bond between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President Bush is her chief asset—and a critical weakness—according to an analysis in the Washington Post. Both have been changed by the relationship; he from a foreign policy novice to veteran, and she, perhaps more profoundly, from a hard-headed...

North Korea Off Terror List
North Korea
Off Terror List

North Korea Off Terror List

Rogue state claims US removed from blacklist after bilateral talks, nuke agreements

(Newser) - The US has agreed to remove North Korea from an official list of state sponsors of terror, according to the authoritarian country's foreign ministry. The BBC reports that the move followed bilateral talks last week, and was one of many provisions traded for a dismantling of Kim Jong-Il's nuclear program.

N. Korea Agrees to Ban Nukes
N. Korea Agrees to Ban Nukes

N. Korea Agrees to Ban Nukes

Move could lead to friendlier relations with US

(Newser) - North Korea has promised to disable all of its nuclear facilities by the end of this year, the BBC reports, possibly paving the way for warmer relations between the US and a country it now lists as a supporter of terror. After meeting with representatives from the North, US negotiator...

US May Take North Korea Off Terror List

Status change could come before nukes are dismantled

(Newser) - The US may be willing to remove North Korea from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, qualifying the country for American aid and World Bank loans, before Pyongyang has dismantled its nuclear weapons program. In the run-up to talks with North Korean officials in Geneva this weekend, the lead...

Two Koreas Set Summit
Two Koreas
Set Summit

Two Koreas Set Summit

Leaders of divided peninsula will meet for first time since 2000

(Newser) - The leaders of North and South Korea will meet for a three-day summit at the end of the month for the first time in 7 years, Reuters reports. The summit in Pyongyang is expected to have little impact on the six-party negotiations that succeeded in inducing the North Koreans to...

Ortega Snubs US, Seals Iran Trade Pact

US wary of Iranian toehold in Latin American 'backyard'

(Newser) - Nicaragua has finalized a trade deal with Iran worth hundreds of millions of dollars despite bitter opposition from Washington, the Guardian reports. The deal will exchange Nicaraguan  bananas, coffee and meat for farm equipment and Iranian funds for infrastructure projects, including a hydroelectric dam, milk-processing plants, housing and a health...

Deal Close on Disarming Nukes
Deal Close
on Disarming Nukes

Deal Close on Disarming Nukes

North Korean talks extended, agreement near, says upbeat Hill

(Newser) - Negotiators were optimistic they're close to forging an agreement as early as tomorrow on a deadline for North Korea to permanently close down its nuclear facilities and reveal details of its nuclear weapons program, Reuters reports. The deadline could be as soon as the end of the year. The North...

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor
North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

UN nuclear inspectors to confirm claim; first fuel oil shipment arrives

(Newser) - North Korea claimed to have shut down the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon today, just hours after a ship arrived bearing the first installment of the fuel oil that  was promised in exchange for closing the reactor. UN inspectors are headed to the site to confirm the shutdown, the first major...

North Korea Seeks Military Talks With US

US parries request, stands firm on push to end nuclear programs

(Newser) - On the eve of the arrival of UN observers monitoring the shutdown of its main nuclear plant, North Korea today appealed for direct military talks with the US. But Washington insists that the elimination of Pyongyang's nuclear-weapons program takes precedence, the Voice of America reports, and a South Korean expert...

IAEA Prepares for Return to Pyongyang

Previously banished watchdogs will monitor reactor shutdown

(Newser) - The International Atomic Energy Association has approved its mission to North Korea, and could be inside the pariah nation this week, the BBC reports. Officials will oversee the closure of the Yongbyon nuclear reactor, a major concession the north made in February in exchange for economic and energy aid which...

North Korea Agrees to Fold Nuke Factories

Wins political concessions, economic aid for shutdown

(Newser) - North Korea reached a promising accord with the UN today, pledging to shut its main nuclear reactor in exchange for economic aid and political compromise from the US and its allies. IAEA inspectors returned today from the Yongbyon nuclear complex—the first visit since monitors were expelled in 2002—and...

US Goes One-on-One With N. Korea
US Goes One-on-One With N. Korea

US Goes One-on-One With N. Korea

Top envoy dispatched to Pyongyang as nuke talks get serious

(Newser) - In a sudden reversal of White House strategy, envoy Christopher Hill has been dispatched to North Korea for direct talks on dismantling the nation's nuclear arsenal, the New York Times reports. The move came just hours after the US released $25 million in frozen North Korean funds that had stalled...

N. Korea Said Ready to Close Reactor in July

Pariah set to come in from the nuclear cold

(Newser) - North Korea will close down its main nuclear reactor as early as next month, Reuters reports, citing Russia's Interfax news agency. UN  nuclear inspectors have been invited into the country; now a diplomatic source tell Interfax that inspectors will be present as the Yongbyon reactor, which produces weapons-grade plutonium, begins...

Train Will Reunite Koreas&mdash;Briefly
Train Will Reunite Koreas—Briefly

Train Will Reunite Koreas—Briefly

(Newser) - North and South Korea agreed today to allow the first train crossing of their heavily guarded border in over half a century. Two tracks have been reconnected for the test run on Thursday, the first time rail service has linked the countries since the middle of the Korean War.

Money Trail Leads To North Korean Deal

(Newser) - Freezing accounts in a small bank in Macau 18 months ago was key to the recent U.S. success in negotiating an end to North Korea's nuclear program, the Journal reports. Tracing the "saga of bluff and brinkmanship" that led to the deal, the Journal shows the Bush...

Kim Jong-Il Ate My Giant Bunnies!
Kim Jong-Il
Ate My Giant Bunnies!

Kim Jong-Il Ate My Giant Bunnies!

And German rabbit farmer is hopping mad...

(Newser) - Karl Szmolinsky sent giant rabbits to North Korea to alleviate hunger, and Kim Jong-Il ate them. The German rabbit farmer suspects that the twelve "German Grey Giants" he sent to the country were eaten at a birthday banquet for the dictator instead of being used in a breeding program...

North Korea Cools Talks With Demands for Frozen Funds

(Newser) - Talk on North Korean disarmament stalled yesterday when Pyongyang refused to move forward until it receives $25 million that had been trapped in frozen accounts in Macau since February. Frustrated delegates to the six-party talks postured in return, warned that time is running out, while the U.S. said the...

Stories 1941 - 1959 | << Prev