North Korea

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Experts: North Korean Spy Satellite Is 'Alive'

Orbital maneuvers show Pyongyang can control the Malligyong-1

(Newser) - The spy satellite that North Korea launched in November is "alive," though it's not clear whether it's spying on anything, experts say. In a blog post Tuesday, satellite expert Marco Langbroek at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands said changes in the Malligyong-1 satellite's...

North Korean Nuclear Attack 'Has Never Looked So Credible'

Nuclear development continues as weapons sales to Russia jolt economy

(Newser) - With the world distracted by wars in Europe and the Middle East, North Korea has grown into an even greater threat to the West, with increased war rhetoric , a growing nuclear arsenal, and a cozy relationship with Russia . Leader Kim Jong Un has "exploited a fractured global order to...

Putin Gives Kim a Car in Honor of Their Special Relationship

The gift underscores the close ties between Russia and North Korea, state media says

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has gifted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a Russian-made car for his personal use in a demonstration of their special relationship, North Korea's state media reported Tuesday. The report didn't say what kind of vehicle it was or how it was shipped. But...

Pyongyang Welcomes 'Test Tour' From Russia

They're believed to be North Korea's first tourists since the pandemic

(Newser) - A group of Russian tourists headed to North Korea from Vladivostok airport in Russia's Far East on Friday, likely the first foreign travelers from any country to enter the isolated state since the pandemic. The tour underscores deepening cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang following a meeting last September between...

Symbol of Hope for Peace Between Koreas Is No More

North Korea's Arch of Reunification comes down, escalating tensions

(Newser) - In a further sign that North Korea is abandoning decades-old policy geared toward reuniting with the South, a symbol of hope for peace and reunification has come down. Standing 100 feet tall, the Arch of Reunification, built in Pyongyang in 2000 following an inter-Korean summit, depicted two women, one from...

It&#39;s Time to Prepare for War With North Korea
It's Time to Prepare for
War With North Korea

It's Time to Prepare for War With North Korea

Nicholas Kristof writes that experts' judgment is that Kim Jong Un is now on the war path

(Newser) - The chilling rhetoric and missile tests from North Korea may sound like more of the same, but two highly regarded experts on the country conclude that "Kim Jong Un has made a strategic decision to go to war." That judgment comes from Robert Carlin, who's spent five...

Kim Drops Any Attempt to Reconcile With South Korea

Ruler wants constitution to label neighbor as North Korea's 'No. 1 hostile country,' state news agency says

(Newser) - North Korea has abolished key government organizations tasked with managing relations with South Korea, state media said Tuesday, as authoritarian leader Kim Jong Un said he would no longer pursue reconciliation with his rival. North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency said the decision to abolish the agencies handling...

North Korea Claims Hypersonic Missile Test Launch

It would be the North's first ballistic test of 2024

(Newser) - North Korea on Monday said it flight-tested a new solid-fuel intermediate-range missile tipped with a hypersonic warhead as it pursues more powerful, harder-to-detect weapons designed to strike remote US targets in the region. The report by North Korea's state media came a day after the South Korean and Japanese...

Kim Jong Un Threatens to 'Annihilate' South Korea

North Korean leader sharpens rhetoric against South Korea in runup to elections

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called South Korea "our principal enemy" and threatened to annihilate it if provoked, as he escalates his inflammatory, belligerent rhetoric against Seoul and the United States before their elections this year, the AP reports. Kim's threat comes as the White House...

South Korea Names Kim's 'Most Likely' Successor

Respect shown for daughter Kim Ju Ae suggests she'll lead, says spy agency

(Newser) - North Korea's next leader is likely to be a woman. That's according to South Korea's spy agency, which said Thursday that Kim Jung Un's daughter, Kim Ju Ae, thought to be 10 years old, is his "most likely" successor based on numerous public appearances in...

US: Russia Using North Korean Missiles in Ukraine

Pentagon says Moscow also is turning to Iran to replenish stockpile

(Newser) - The White House on Thursday said intelligence officials have determined that Russia has acquired ballistic missiles from North Korea and is seeking close-range ballistic missiles from Iran as Moscow struggles to replenish arms for its war with Ukraine. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said recently declassified intelligence...

Kim's New Year's Message: Threat to 'Totally Annihilate' US

And South Korea, if provoked, the North Korean leader warned Monday

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered his military to "thoroughly annihilate" the United States and South Korea if provoked, state media reported Monday, after he vowed to boost national defense to cope with what he called an unprecedented US-led confrontation. Kim is expected to ramp up weapons tests...

Blaming US, Kim Tells Military to Be Ready for War

Call to North Korea's ruling party includes nuclear weapons preparations

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has escalated his threatening rhetoric toward the US, telling his military and industrial planners to "further accelerate the completion of preparations for this war." In remarks reported Thursday by the state-run news agency, Kim blamed confrontational activities of the US and its...

North Korea's Missile Program Suddenly Very Busy

Back-to-back launches, the last of which was country's first ICBM launch in months

(Newser) - North Korea on Monday conducted its first intercontinental ballistic missile test in five months, likely launching a developmental, more agile weapon, as it vows strong responses against US and South Korean moves to boost their nuclear deterrence plans. The South Korean government described the missile tested as a solid-fueled weapon,...

He Became Obsessed as a Boy at Fleeing North Korea

BBC shares gripping story of man who dreamed for years of escaping to the South, then finally did it

(Newser) - When a defector fled from North Korea earlier this year with his family, it was the fulfillment of a scheme he'd been planning for seven months. Now, the BBC has the story of what it describes as a "seemingly impossible escape," with as many dangerous obstacles as...

Kim Jong Un Would Like Women to Have More Babies, Please

North Korean leader wants women to step up to stop nation's declining birth rate

(Newser) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has said it's the duty of women to halt a fall in the country's births in order to strengthen national power, state media said Monday, as his government steps up the call for its people to have more children. While getting a...

Kim Jong Un Celebrates Satellite Launch With Daughter

Kim Ju Ae is pictured by her father's side

(Newser) - All those who attended a Thursday banquet to celebrate North Korea's first spy satellite reaching orbit "enthusiastically cheered, expressing thanks to the great father who finally ensured the successful launch," state media reported, per the Guardian . The group included Kim Jong Un's young daughter. Photos show...

South: We'll Know Within Days if North's Spy Satellite Works

Spy agency says intelligence shows North Korea had help from Russia

(Newser) - South Korea has concluded that Russian support likely enabled North Korea to put a spy satellite into orbit for the first time this week, and it should be clear in several days whether it is functioning properly, officials said Thursday. In a closed-door briefing, South Korea's spy agency cited...

North Korea: We Launched Our First Spy Satellite

Kim Jong Un achieves a long-sought goal after two previous attempts failed

(Newser) - North Korea claimed to have successfully placed a spy satellite into orbit with its third launch attempt this year, demonstrating the nation's determination to build a space-based surveillance system during protracted tensions with the United States. The North's claim could not immediately be independently confirmed, per the AP...

North Korea Gets Some Russian Help in Latest Rocket Launch

Another rocket launch after 2 failures, ostensibly to deploy a spy satellite

(Newser) - North Korea has launched a rocket in what may be its third attempt to put a spy satellite into orbit, according to South Korea's military. A rocket was launched late Tuesday, the military in Seoul said, but no further details were immediately available, reports the AP . In North Korea'...

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