
Stories 61 - 67 | << Prev 

Oops: White House Sends Journos to Phone Sex Line

(Newser) - That was most definitely not Hillary Clinton on the line. Journalists who called in to hear a NATO phone briefing from Clinton and another official instead got an offer for phone sex, Fox News reports. It seems the White House made a mistake in a press release and printed the...

Microsoft U-Turns on Severance Clawback

Company tells laid-off workers they can keep severance overpayments after all

(Newser) - Microsoft is moving to stem a flood of bad publicity by letting laid-off workers who accidentally got too much severance pay keep the extra cash, TechCrunch reports. The workers, who lost their jobs last month in Microsoft's first-ever mass layoffs, contacted news media after receiving letters from the company asking...

Obama Transition Not So Flawless After All
Obama Transition Not So Flawless After All

Obama Transition Not So Flawless After All

Blunders show new administration to be quite ordinary, blogger writes

(Newser) - News coverage has so far given the impression that Barack Obama’s transition is one of the smoothest, best-executed in history. But with a number of recent blunders grabbing headlines, the administration’s image is coming back down to earth, writes Ed Morrissey for Hot Air. “Most transitions feel...

Toronto Man Loses Lotto Winnings Over 'Misprint'

$135,000 win from misprinted tickets

(Newser) - It's been a rough year already for lottery winner—and loser—Thomas Noftall. The Toronto man netted $135,000 in winnings from four scratch-off tickets on New Year's Eve but was rebuffed when he went to collect his prize, UPI reports. "One guy pulled me into his office and...

Nuclear Parts Still Missing: Pentagon Report

Sensitive components remain unaccounted for in mess that cost Air Force brass jobs

(Newser) - The investigation that resulted in the dismissal of top US Air Force brass two weeks ago also found that hundreds of nuclear-missile parts remain missing, the Financial Times reports. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the Pentagon needed "to re-establish positive control of these sensitive, classified components" in announcing the...

Engineer's Goof Turned Out Florida Lights

Worker disabled two levels of protective backup systems

(Newser) - One engineer's blunder shut off the power in Florida Tuesday, the Miami Herald reports. Florida Light & Power says a field engineer diagnosing a faulty switch disabled two levels of safety backups—against company policy—as he worked. In a bit of extremely unfortunate timing, a fault then occurred that...

US Arrests Iranians, Then Admits Error

Military seizes energy ministry delegation at Baghdad checkpoint

(Newser) - US soldiers detained 8 envoys from Iran's energy ministry in Baghdad yesterday and held them overnight before admitting it was a mistake, the BBC reports. The men, who were energy experts on an official visit, were released after Iraqi leaders intervened. The US military said they were stopped at a...

Stories 61 - 67 | << Prev