
Stories 101 - 107 | << Prev 

Illusionist Escapes Imploding Building —Barely

Vows never to try another dangerous stunt

(Newser) - Goth illusionist Criss Angel escaped an imploding hotel in Florida last night, reports Central Florida News. During the stunt, which aired live on A&E's Mindfreak, the daredevil had three and a half minutes to pick handcuffs and four padlocked doors before catching a helicopter on the roof. While Angel...

9 Terrorists Escape From Moroccan Prison

Militants were guilty of 2003 Casablanca bombings

(Newser) - Nine Moroccan terrorists convicted of involvement in the 2003 Casablanca suicide bombings escaped from prison today, AFP reports. The men, Islamist extremists who were serving 20 years to life, tunneled out of Kenitra detention center, near Rabat. They left a note explaining that, having exhausted the appeals process, they resorted...

Holocaust Memoir Mostly Fiction: Author

Best-seller on Jewish girl saved by wolves a fantasy, Belgian admits

(Newser) - A best-selling Holocaust memoir, which follows a 7-year-old Jewish girl who lived with wolves after losing her parents to the Nazis, is mostly fictional, its author confesses—in particular, the parts about the wolves and her being Jewish, Reuters reports. Misha Defonseca says she "always felt Jewish," but,...

Gutsy Cons Bust Out, Leave Thank-You Note for Guard

Pair leap 30 feet over razor wire to escape

(Newser) - One of two prisoners who staged a Hollywood-style escape from a New Jersey jail left behind a thank-you note to a prison guard, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. "Thank you officer for the tools needed. You're a real pal! Happy holidays," it said. The jailbirds chipped away cinder blocks...

Feds to Charge Hsu on Pyramid Scheme, Dem Fundraising

Some of missing money said to be donated

(Newser) - Rogue Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu’s troubles are deepening today, as federal officials are expected to charge the twice-on-the-lam financier with running a $60 million pyramid scheme and breaking campaign-finance laws. Hsu faces accusations that he falsely told investors their money was going into a clothing operation; some of was...

Jailbird Heads to Hooters
Jailbird Heads to Hooters

Jailbird Heads to Hooters

Inmate fled jail while taking out the trash

(Newser) - A convict who managed to extract himself from the county jail in an Indiana town Sunday while taking out the trash was caught yesterday after he was unable to resist bragging about the caper to new-found friends at a nearby Hooters. Charles Smith, the 56-year-old escapee, wasn't even missed until...

Circus Elephant Elopes With Wild Suitor

Escape from Indian pen makes for mammoth romance

(Newser) - In perhaps the heaviest love story ever told, a wild bull elephant broke into a traveling circus in India and snatched away a tame but captivated female. Wildlife experts say the male was probably in must when he broke a gate to free his beloved; three other elephants also escaped,...

Stories 101 - 107 | << Prev