Michael Mukasey

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Dems to Grill AG Nominee on Bush's Meddling

Influence on Justice looms as top Mukasey confirmation issue

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey's confirmation hearings kick off tomorrow, and the focus of senators' questions for the AG nominee is already clear, the Christian Science Monitor reports: Democrats want assurances he’ll be more independent than Alberto Gonzales. Pat Leahy, for one, is looking for agreement that “federal law enforcement should...

Judges Condemn Sentencing Guidelines

High court, Mukasey may give them leeway

(Newser) - Judges across the country are condemning federal sentencing guidelines, 1980s-era anti-drug laws that force them to impose “irrational” sentences, the LA Times reports. “When I have to sentence a midlevel drug dealer to more time than a murderer, something is wrong,” said a judge forced to sentence...

Mukasey Is No Gonzales
Mukasey Is
No Gonzales

Mukasey Is No Gonzales

Independent AG nominee, a 'serious judge,' could prove a thorn for Bush

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey, President Bush's candidate to succeed embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, has an independent streak that could end up changing the way the Justice Department is run. This could make things sticky for Bush in dealing with the congressional probes into activities under the previous AG's reign, suggests the...

Bush's AG Pick Has History With Terror Trials

Blind sheik case gave preview of security issues facing Mukasey

(Newser) - Before America was paying attention, Judge Michael Mukasey tried a landmark terrorism case. The 1995-96 trial of blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, convicted with nine others of plotting a massive "day of terror" at three New York sites, forced Mukasey, now President Bush's nominee for US attorney general, to...

The Right’s Beef With Mukasey? The Left Doesn’t Hate Him

Slate says GOP is perversely partisan

(Newser) - The GOP is uneasy with Bush’s choice for attorney general, but only because liberals don't despise him, says Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick. Unlike Roberts and Alito, Michael Mukasey doesn’t know “all 17 twists in the Federalist Society's secret handshake”—leaving open the chance that he might...

Mukasey Courts the Hill
Mukasey Courts the Hill

Mukasey Courts the Hill

Attorney general nominee meets with lawmakers to prep for hearings

(Newser) - Mukasey mingled today with the Dems who will make or break his chance at becoming the next attorney general. If they're worried about him taking on the job, none showed it, Bloomberg reports. Even Senator Leahy, who wants the White House to fork over documents on its surveillance program before...

Mukasey Faces Senate Hurdle
Mukasey Faces Senate Hurdle

Mukasey Faces Senate Hurdle

Judiciary Committee is demanding White House documents

(Newser) - The confirmation of former federal judge Michael Mukasey as attorney general may not be the slam dunk the White House expects it to be. Senate Democrats have warned that the Judiciary Committee will delay confirmation unless the administration turns over documents the panel is seeking in several investigations, reports the...

Bush Names Mukasey for AG
Bush Names Mukasey for AG

Bush Names Mukasey for AG

Choice of retired federal judge seen as effort to avoid confirmation fight

(Newser) - President Bush nominated retired federal judge Michael B. Mukasey today as attorney general. Seen as a compromise that would avoid abrasive confirmation struggles but still maintain DoJ’s law-and-order mindset, the choice comes after Democrats vowed to block the more controversial Ted Olson, reports the New York Times.

Federal Judge to Replace Gonzales
Federal Judge to Replace Gonzales

Federal Judge to Replace Gonzales

Compromise candidate will be named attorney general

(Newser) - President Bush  is expected to announce the appointment of retired New York federal judge Michael B. Mukasey  as attorney general, reports the Washington Post. Mukasey, 66, is considered an authority on national security issues and is a law-and-order conservative. He is also seen as someone who could be confirmed without...

Bush Might Nominate Mukasey
Bush Might Nominate Mukasey

Bush Might Nominate Mukasey

Bipartisan favorite on short list of attorney general candidates

(Newser) - A judge nominated by Reagan but endorsed by liberals may be Bush’s pick to replace Alberto Gonzalez, CNN reports. Michael B. Mukasey, 66, a high-profile judge for more than 15 years, is now on the short list of rumored attorney general candidates. Analysts say that Mukasey is ideal for...

Bush Zeros In on Next AG
Bush Zeros In
on Next AG

Bush Zeros In on Next AG

Candidate list down to five; decision expected this week

(Newser) - President Bush is down to five candidates to replace Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. Of his current choices, Michael Mukasey, a former chief judge for the US Southern District of New York, has the most bi-partisan appeal, while Ted Olson, winning lawyer in the Supreme Court Bush v. Gore election case,...

Stories 61 - 71 | << Prev