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CDC Unveils Latest Fat Map
 CDC Unveils Latest Fat Map 

CDC Unveils Latest Fat Map

Obesity tops 20% in every state

(Newser) - More than a fifth of adults in Colorado are fat, but it's still the skinniest state in the nation, according to a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention map that highlights the scale of America's obesity epidemic. The CDC's 2011 map, based on a continuous, wide-ranging...

TB Vaccine Might Reverse Type 1 Diabetes

In early test, it helps people produce insulin on their own

(Newser) - A potentially life-changing development for those who suffer from type 1 diabetes, the more serious form of the disease: A vaccine used for decades to treat tuberculosis might not only reduce the need for daily insulin shots but actually reverse the disease itself, reports Bloomberg . Type 1 diabetics need daily...

Cheese May Guard Against Diabetes
Cheese May Guard
Against Diabetes
in case you missed it

Cheese May Guard Against Diabetes

Type 2 risk appears to go down in those who indulge: study

(Newser) - Finally, a reason to eat cheese that is slightly more sound than, "Because it tastes delicious." Turns out the risk of Type 2 diabetes could actually be reduced by 12% for regular cheese eaters, a new study finds. It's counterintuitive, since Type 2 diabetes is often connected...

The Root of What Ails Us: Inflammation?
 The Root of 
 What Ails Us: 
in case you missed it

The Root of What Ails Us: Inflammation?

Scientists studying link between diet, chronic inflammation, and disease

(Newser) - Diabetes, Alzheimer's, cancer. They may seem like wildly different diseases, but they share a common thread, reports the Wall Street Journal : Each has been tied to chronic inflammation. And that has scientists now studying whether inflammation can be battled with certain foods, rather than drugs. The Journal gives a...

Nail Polish, Hairspray Linked to Diabetes

 Nail Polish, Hairspray 
 Linked to Diabetes 
study says

Nail Polish, Hairspray Linked to Diabetes

Study pinpoints concentration of phthalates in urine

(Newser) - Bad news for the well manicured: If the cosmetics you slather yourself with contain phthalates, you may be more likely to get type 2 diabetes. A new study finds a link between the man-made chemicals—which can mimic human hormones and are found in everything from nail polish to shampoo...

&#39;Bizarre&#39; Finding: Exercise May Be Bad for Some
'Bizarre' Finding: Exercise
May Be Bad for Some
study says

'Bizarre' Finding: Exercise May Be Bad for Some

About 1 in 10 end up with higher heart disease risks

(Newser) - Congratulations, couch potatoes: A new study might give you ammunition to rationalize your lack of exercise. The review of six studies found that 10% of regular exercisers ended up with worse levels of blood pressure or insulin, two indicators of heart disease, reports the New York Times . On the other...

Nearly 25% of Teens Face Diabetes
 Nearly 25% of Teens 
 Have Diabetes 
health study

Nearly 25% of Teens Have Diabetes

Diabetes, prediabetes rates in teens take big jump: study

(Newser) - Turns out the kids aren't alright: Some 23% of American teenagers have diabetes or prediabetes; 10 years ago, that number was 9%, a new study says. Researchers stumbled on the find while analyzing data on nearly 3,400 adolescents, trying to explain their susceptibility to cardiovascular disease. Teen rates...

Type 2 Diabetes Wreaks Havoc in Overweight Teens

Researchers emphasize prevention

(Newser) - Type 2 diabetes poses a particular problem for overweight teens, a study finds: Among hundreds of recently-diagnosed teenagers, almost half lost control of their blood sugar within a few years. Moreover, about one in five experienced serious complications from the illness. With a third of American kids and teens overweight...

For Some Diabetics, Answer May Be Surgery

Diet, exercise, medication less effective for obese patients with Type 2 diabetes

(Newser) - It almost sounds too good to be true: You're obese, and suffering from Type 2 diabetes—how to best control your blood sugar? You can get on a strict regimen of diet, exercise, and medicine ... or just undergo weight-loss surgery. If surgery seems like the slightly easier solution, it...

Stick It, Haters: Paula Deen's Laughing All Way to Bank

Paula Deen feels no shame, and America loves her for it: Josh Ozersky

(Newser) - Reactions to Paula Deen's diabetes diagnosis— including ours! —have been largely derisive , but she's going to have the last laugh … "all the way to the bank," predicts Josh Ozersky in Time . If health nuts think this experience will finally teach Deen a lesson, they'...

Deen Makes Unfortunate Declaration About Life

Her 6-word memoir would read ... 'Might as Well Eat That Cookie'

(Newser) - Paula Deen, that bastion of moderation and recent convert to the church of Novo Nordisk after her not-so-recent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes , has a memoir out. Well, an Oprah-version of a memoir. Winfrey's magazine asks various celebs and non-celebs to succinctly sum up their lives in a "...

Paula Deen Confirms Type 2 Diabetes, Partners With Drugmaker Novartis
Deen Confirms Diabetes, Partners With Drugmaker

Deen Confirms Diabetes, Partners With Drugmaker

Paula wants to show American public 'simple ways' to cope with disease

(Newser) - It's as official as it is unshocking: Butter-slinging celeb chef Paula Deen—she who combined a Krispy Kreme doughnut, hamburger, bacon, and fried egg and called it breakfast —confirms that she has Type 2 diabetes . But she's determined to make something positive out of the diagnosis, like...

Moderate Drinking Can Fend Off Diabetes in Women
Moderate Drinking Can
Fend Off Diabetes in Women
study says

Moderate Drinking Can Fend Off Diabetes in Women

If you eat a lot of refined carbs, a little bit of alcohol helps: study

(Newser) - Good news for you ladies who like a little bit of wine and a lot of carbs: A new study shows that middle-aged women who drink a moderate amount of alcohol but eat a large amount of refined carbohydrates are 30% less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than women...

366M Now Have Diabetes
 366M Now Have Diabetes 

366M Now Have Diabetes

And report says numbers are growing

(Newser) - The diabetes epidemic is getting worse, the International Diabetes Federation said today, estimating that 366 million people across the globe now have the disease. In comments delivered at a European meeting in Lisbon, the group called the numbers "staggering," noting that 4.6 million people die of diabetes...

Wisconsin Clinic: 2K Possibly Exposed to HIV

Nurse spent five years improperly using insulin pens

(Newser) - A Wisconsin health clinic has warned that 2,345 patients may have been exposed to HIV, hepatitis, or other blood-borne diseases by a nurse who improperly used diabetic injection devices. The nurse, whose job involved teaching newly diagnosed diabetics how to use insulin pens, used the same pen every time...

Medical Monitors: New Domain for Hackers?

Diabetic shows how devices can be manipulated

(Newser) - Even the human bloodstream isn't safe from computer hackers—a security researcher who is diabetic has identified flaws that could allow an attacker to remotely control insulin pumps and alter the readouts of blood-sugar monitors. As a result, diabetics could get too much or too little insulin, a hormone...

Diabetes May Explain Big Babies

Mom's gestational diabetes could be a big factor

(Newser) - Granted there isn't a ton of room in the womb for exercise, but what causes some babies—like the 16-pound boy born in Texas —to grow so large? Gestational diabetes in pregnant mothers could be a major cause, reports the Los Angeles Times . It picks up on an...

Extreme Diet Cures Type 2 Diabetes

Volunteers cut food intake to 600 calories a day for 2 months

(Newser) - British researchers say obesity-related type 2 diabetes, previously considered a lifelong illness, is curable—if you stop eating. Eleven people with diabetes participated in the extreme experiment, slashing their calories to just 600 a day and consuming only specially formulated drinks and non-starchy vegetables for two months. The volunteers' blood...

DASH, Weight Watchers Rank at Top of Diet List

 And the Best Diet Is... 
in case you missed it

And the Best Diet Is...

DASH is tops overall; Weight Watchers best for losing pounds: US News

(Newser) - The best overall diet is the DASH diet, US News & World Report says in new rankings—but if weight loss is your specific goal, go with Weight Watchers. So what's DASH? It stands for Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension and it's generally meant for adults looking to...

Diet Soda Doesn&#39;t Boost Diabetes Risk After All
Diet Soda Doesn't Boost Diabetes Risk After All
study says

Diet Soda Doesn't Boost Diabetes Risk After All

But regular soda sure does: Study

(Newser) - A new Harvard study debunks the idea that diet sodas and other artificially sweetened drinks carry an increased risk of diabetes. Researchers followed a big group of men for 20 years, and discovered that while those who drank regular soda and other sugary drinks were significantly more likely to develop...

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