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Diabetes Drug May Cause Infection That Destroys Genitals
Diabetes Drug May Cause
Infection That Destroys Genitals

Diabetes Drug May Cause Infection That Destroys Genitals

Researchers are concerned on link of SGLT2 inhibitors to Fournier gangrene, which can be fatal

(Newser) - A certain type of drug used to treat diabetes may help manage the disease, but a new study advises physicians to look for troubling signs of a dangerous flesh-eating infection in patients taking that drug—one that could even kill. Per USA Today , the study published in the Annals of ...

Popular Diabetes Drug Gets Half-Priced Alternative

Eli Lilly announces 'authorized generic' version of Humalog insulin

(Newser) - Drug-maker Eli Lilly is coming out with a half-priced version of its popular insulin Humalog. In fact, the drug called Insulin Lispro will be identical to Humalog except for its packaging and its price—it will cost $137.50 per vial, or 50% less than Humalog, reports the New York ...

Blood Thick With Fat Clogs Hospital Filter&mdash;Twice
Man's Blood Thick With Fat
Clogs Hospital Filter—Twice
in case you missed it

Man's Blood Thick With Fat Clogs Hospital Filter—Twice

German doctors turned to bloodletting to save patient

(Newser) - Two hours after the blood was drawn, it might've been mistaken for milk. A cloudy white substance filled more than half of each of four test tubes lined up side by side. In one, only a small smudge of red could be seen. The 39-year-old diabetes patient who'd...

Patton Oswalt Got Trolled on Twitter. His Troll Is Now 'Humbled'

Comedian directed fans to donate money to sick man's GoFundMe

(Newser) - A Twitter troll went after Patton Oswalt—and the comedian managed to turn it into one of the most uplifting stories of the week. It started Wednesday, when Oswalt made fun of President Trump on Twitter , which provoked snarky reactions from 64-year-old Michael Beatty, including saying he was happy Oswalt'...

Heavy Consequences for NFL Players Told to 'Bulk Up'

Obesity is a major issue among former players, prompting serious health problems

(Newser) - What some NFL players may have to look forward to in their retirement years: football signings, endorsement deals, and broadcasting contracts. What others may find in the cards: diabetes, cardiac issues, and hypertension. Thanks to years of being told to "bulk up" in the name of the game, former...

Artificial Sweeteners May Not Be Sugar-Free Bliss We Hoped For

Scientists find they lead to biochemical changes in rats signaling diabetes, obesity down the road

(Newser) - Guzzling diet soft drinks may seem like an easy workaround if you can't kick soda but want to fend off health problems spurred by sugar. A new study presented at the Experimental Biology conference over the weekend suggests otherwise—specifically when it comes to diseases like Type 2 diabetes....

We've Been Thinking About Diabetes All Wrong: Study

Researchers say there are 5 clusters, not 2 types, of diabetes

(Newser) - More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, but a study published Thursday in the Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology concludes we've been thinking about the disease all wrong. The BBC reports diabetes is typically separated into type 1—an immune system disease—and type 2—mostly seen as the result...

Moderate Drinking May Lower Diabetes Risk
Moderate Drinking
May Lower
Diabetes Risk
study says

Moderate Drinking May Lower Diabetes Risk

But experts warn not to over-indulge

(Newser) - Good news, wine and beer lovers: A new study finds that "moderate but regular" alcohol consumption appears to be linked to a lower risk of developing diabetes. Researchers surveyed more than 70,000 Danish participants over a five-year period and found that men who reported drinking 14 drinks a...

Insulin: Appetite Suppressant? Researchers Say Maybe

First study of insulin's direct effect on behavior

(Newser) - Even people who don't have diabetes may some day take insulin if the findings from a small new study hold. Researchers report in the journal Nature Communications that, in what may be the first study to look at how insulin impacts behavior, the hormone may suppress one's appetite....

Yearbook Features Student's Furry, Four-Legged Friend

Service dog Alpha lets Andrew Schalk know when his blood sugar levels are off

(Newser) - A Virginia high school student who attends school with a service dog found himself side-by-side with his canine in the school's yearbook photos, the AP reports. Andrew Schalk has Type 1 diabetes and uses his dog, Alpha, to alert him when his blood sugar levels are off. The black...

Apple Racing to Develop Blood-Sugar Monitor: Sources

It would be a breakthrough for people with diabetes

(Newser) - Here's another thing you may soon be able to do on your Apple Watch: Check your blood sugar. Sources tell CNBC that Apple has a secret team working to develop sensors that could continuously track blood sugar levels. If successful, it would be a breakthrough for people with diabetes,...

Researchers Developing Contact Lens to Help People With Diabetes

Researchers hope the same tech could someday be used to detect other health issues

(Newser) - People with diabetes can monitor their blood glucose levels continuously via electrodes implanted under their skin, but that method can hurt and can even lead to infections. Researchers think they have a more elegant solution: a biosensing contact lens that detects blood sugar levels. The team, led by Oregon State...

To Lose and Keep Off Weight: Poop Transplant?
To Lose and Keep Off Weight:
Poop Transplant?

To Lose and Keep Off Weight: Poop Transplant?

Research is young but promising

(Newser) - Stool transplants already appear to be helping fight the hospital-acquired superbug C. difficile, and they're also being tested against ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. But could the radical treatment go so far as to help obese people shed weight and not gain it back again? Researchers at the...

How Two $1.69 Bottles of OJ Cost Dollar General $277K

Diabetic employee drank a juice, paid for it, told her bosses, was fired for 'grazing'

(Newser) - Two bottles of OJ that retailed for $1.69 at Dollar General will end up costing the chain more than a quarter of a million dollars. That after a diabetic former employee won a lawsuit connected to the juice. Linda Atkins was working at a Maryville, Tenn., location in the...

If You're Really Desperate to Lose Weight, Here's What You Need to Do

Doctors should be recommending low-carb diets, not bariatric surgery: columnists

(Newser) - When low-carb diets first came into vogue, they were seen as fad diets. But more than 40 clinical trials involving thousands of subjects have deemed the diets not just safe, but successful. And, with one in three Americans projected to be diagnosed with diabetes by 2050 and 45 international medical...

Lawmaker to Diabetic Girl's Mom: Pay for Your Own Meds

Miss. woman 'flabbergasted' by response

(Newser) - A mother of a diabetic girl in Mississippi asked a state lawmaker for help getting through Medicaid red tape and was stunned by his insulting response. "I am sorry for your problem. Have you thought about buying the supplies with money that you earn?" wrote Rep. Jeffrey Guice. Nicole...

Woman Dies in Parking Lot After Dentist Pulls 16 Teeth

April Walters had several health problems but had been cleared for procedure

(Newser) - She was sick with several chronic conditions, but 46-year-old April Walters of Michigan had been cleared to have 18 teeth pulled last week. Now her family is looking for answers after she died in the parking lot of the dentist's office following the procedure. Walters suffered from sarcoidosis, asthma,...

Diabetes, Obesity Dramatically Increase Risk of Big Babies

Fetuses can be abnormally large by the sixth month of pregnancy

(Newser) - Diabetic or obese pregnant women may already be carrying abnormally large fetuses by the sixth month of pregnancy, US News & World Report reports. And that matters because, according to the BBC , abnormally large babies are at risk of injury during delivery and can have a higher chance of obesity...

Woman Gets First Transplant Necessitated by Needle Phobia

Diabetic patient couldn't handle her daily insulin shots

(Newser) - It's not too strange to hear about a diabetic undergoing a pancreas transplant. What's unusual here is that the transplant was necessitated by the UK patient's extreme fear of needles—the first time that's happened anywhere in the world, the BBC reports. Sue York, 55, has...

You May Not Want to Eat Potatoes Before Getting Pregnant

Study finds it may up risk for gestational diabetes

(Newser) - If your short-term plan involves getting pregnant, your immediate plan should potentially be to lay off the potatoes. So suggests a National Institutes of Health study published Tuesday in the BMJ that found women who eat more potatoes before becoming pregnant may be more likely to develop gestational diabetes as...

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