
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Granny Finds 6-Foot Anaconda in Toilet

Polish cops capture stray South American snake looking for way out

(Newser) - A Polish grandmother slammed her toilet lid down very quickly after opening it to find a 6-foot anaconda looking back at her, the Telegraph reports. The Wroclaw woman called police, who managed to capture it with the help of a local zoo worker. Authorities believe the snake, native to South...

Suspected Mossad Spy Arrested in Hamas Slaying

Alleged agent being held in Poland

(Newser) - An alleged Mossad spy from Israel wanted in connection with the elaborate hit-squad slaying of a Hamas agent in Dubai has been arrested in Poland. The man, using the name Uri Brodsky, is suspected of working for Mossad in Germany and helping to issue a fake German passport to a...

Soldiers Stole Credit Cards of Plane Crash Dead

And actually used them, forcing Russians to apologize to Poles

(Newser) - Four not-too-bright Russian soldiers have been charged with stealing credit cards from the dead body of a prominent historian who had been part of Polish President Lech Kaczynski's entourage when his plane crashed in April, killing the president and 95 others. The soldiers, who were supposed to be securing the...

Obama Cancels Poland Trip Over Volcano

President was supposed to attend Kaczysnki's funeral

(Newser) - Not even Air Force One can brave the volcano. President Obama has scrapped plans to fly to Poland for the funeral of President Lech Kaczynski. He was supposed to leave tonight for tomorrow's services, but the ever-growing ash cloud from the volcano in Iceland has made travel impossible.

Poland Holds Memorial for Crash Victims

Thousands mass as 2 days of mourning begin

(Newser) - Church bells pealed and emergency sirens blared across Poland at 8:56am local time today to mark the minute a week earlier that a plane crashed as it attempted to land in Russia, claiming the life of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and 94 others. Thousands of Poles massed...

Polish Pilots Knew They Were Doomed
Polish Pilots Knew
They Were Doomed

Polish Pilots Knew They Were Doomed

Black boxes yield no evidence they were pressured to land

(Newser) - As investigators pore over evidence from the Polish plane crash, it appears the pilots knew they were going down, if only briefly. “One could say that the crew was aware of the inevitability of the coming catastrophe, if only due to the plane shaking after the wings hit the...

Poles Protest President's Burial With Kings

Kacyznski continues to polarize nation

(Newser) - Poland's late president is proving to be as divisive in death as he was in life. The unified sense of national mourning that followed the death of Lech Kaczynski and scores of other dignitaries in a plane crash has been split by an increasingly bitter dispute over plans to bury...

Poland's First Couple Lies in State

Maria Kaczynska's body recovered; funeral set for Sunday

(Newser) - Poles lined up by the thousands today to pay homage to their late president and his wife. Lech Kaczynski and Maria Kaczynska, two of the 96 victims of Saturday's plane crash in Russia, are lying in state at the presidential palace in Warsaw. Their daughter, Marta, and the president's twin...

Pilots Blamed for Russian Plane Crash

Russians: Pilots ignored fog warnings

(Newser) - Error by Polish pilots likely caused the Russian plane crash that killed Poland's president, his wife, and 94 others, according to Russian officials. Investigators have ruled out any technical flaws in the Russian-made plane and blamed pilots for ignoring control tower warnings not to land in heavy fog. "The...

President's Body Returns to Poland

Lech Kaczynski will lie in state at presidential palace in Warsaw

(Newser) - Mourners filled the streets of Warsaw today as the coffin bearing the body of president Lech Kaczynski returned to the presidential palace, where he will lie in state for a week. Earlier, Vladimir Putin attended a memorial service for Kaczynski, his wife, Maria, and the 94 other victims of yesterday's...

Grieving Poland Goes Still
 Grieving Poland Goes Still 

Grieving Poland Goes Still

Nation awaits return of Kaczynski's body

(Newser) - Thousands of people in the streets of Poland's cities are standing rigid and silent, marking two minutes of silent memorial to a devastating plane crash that killed many of the country's elite, including President Lech Kaczynski. The silence was preceded by the thundering pealing of church bells and din of...

Poland Called Soviet-Era Planes 'Flying Coffins'

The jets were old but also fast

(Newser) - As Poland wrestles with the death of President Lech Kaczysnki and 96 others in today's plane crash, attention is turning to the pilots' actions and the Soviet-era plane involved:
  • The pilots ignored orders not to try to land because of heavy fog, reports AP .
  • The plane involved is a 20-year-old

Polish President, Wife Killed in Jet Crash

All aboard die when plane fails to reach Russian runway

(Newser) - Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and some of the country's highest military and civilian leaders died when the presidential plane crashed as it came in for a landing in thick fog in western Russia today, killing all 96 aboard, officials said. The Soviet-era Tupolev was taking the president, his...

Maybe Obama Isn't American Enough
Maybe Obama Isn't
American Enough
Charles Krauthammer

Maybe Obama Isn't American Enough

Upbringing could explain why he disses US allies

(Newser) - The Obama administration has dissed one traditional American ally after another, with Britain the worst example, writes Charles Krauthammer. In trying to figure out why, he quotes a British diplomat who notes that President Obama is someone who "grew up in Hawaii, whose foreign experience was of Indonesia and...

Site Tracks Sex Worldwide

 Site Tracks Sex 


Site Tracks Sex Worldwide

GPS, Google Maps used to track lovemaking

(Newser) - Where's the love? A new website called IJustMadeLove.com will tell you—with precise, digitally-guided detail. The site uses GPS technology and Google Maps to allow anonymous users to chart where, exactly, people are getting it on. Users can also let the world know whether their lovemaking was homo or...

Paper Mistakes 'Pedobear' for Olympic Mascot

Cartoon bear is associated with pedophilia, not sports

(Newser) - From the fact-checking department: When publishing an image of Olympic mascots, check to make sure there's not a cartoon bear with ties to pedophilia mixed in. A Polish paper made just such a mistake, accidentally lifting the meme known as "Pedobear"—widely used to mock pedophiles—from Google...

Polish Cops Find Auschwitz Sign Cut Into 3 Pieces

5 men in custody after nationwide search

(Newser) - The infamous sign stolen last week from the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz has been recovered, and five men are under arrest, Polish police said tonight. The sign, which reads "Arbeit Macht Frei" ("work makes you free"), had been cut into three pieces, one holding each word....

Poland Hunts for Auschwitz Sign, Tightens Border

Officials declare its recovery a national priority

(Newser) - Polish authorities stepped up security checks at airports and border crossings and searched scrap metal yards today as the search intensified for the infamous Nazi sign stolen from the Auschwitz death camp memorial. The brazen overnight theft yeterday of one of the Holocaust's most chilling and notorious symbols sparked outrage...

Infamous Auschwitz Sign Stolen
 Infamous Auschwitz Sign Stolen 

Infamous Auschwitz Sign Stolen

Thieves remove 'Work Makes You Free' inscription from gate

(Newser) - Thieves have made off with the "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign that spans a gate at Auschwitz. The sign—which reads "Work Makes You Free" in German—was unscrewed and carried away overnight, AP reports. Police have no suspects but they are reviewing surveillance video footage and pursuing several...

New Museum Piece Shows Viewers Total Blackness

Miroslaw Balka's How It Is , at the Tate Modern, displays the void

(Newser) - The Tate Modern's latest installation is an enormous steel container—100 feet long, 43 feet high, and 30 feet wide—that envelops visitors in total darkness upon entering. How It Is, by Polish artist Miroslaw Balka, is lined with a suede-like material that is 10 times darker than black paint....

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